What angers me the most in that Merkel and the SPD are so silent. Its all Schäuble talking. Only a few hours ago when he came forth with his timed grexit idea the base of the SPD got angry.
SPD is supposed to be the left counterpart to the CDU/CSU in germany, and they are part of the government right now and they've been acting like whimps for months now.
German media(I'm usually a big fan of german media, I think we have some of the best outlets in the world) is also doing a crappy job. Not only the BILD. I expect BILD to write stupid and borderline racist shit, but unfortunately its not only BILD.
Watch this:
Activate subtitles.
Germany was met with so much solidarity after WW2, if we fuck this up now I don't see an idea like the EU ever working out as intended.