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Greta Thunberg is an annoying idiot that will turn millions off to environmental preservation


The acting is so obvious its pathetic.



Adults listen to children as they are clearly innocent and know the Earth is dying.

Students listen to her as she is the "Get out of school for free" card, all they need to do is preach.

Believe me, once she turns 21 she will be ignored like most Activists at that age.

She makes some points but she ignores the biggest polluter on earth...China. If she can get the Chinese Government to listen then she has a chance but at the cost of being spied on for the rest of her life.

Anyway, a straight white male did it first who lives in a castle and makes music that even his own country hates: his name is Bono. (Any takers that he will make a song about her and have her on tour?)
We dont hate Bono's music we just hate Bono ha
Is this what modern society has become?

On one side, people having a go at a 16 year old with autism, and they justify this indecent behaviour because she isn't on 'their side'

On the other, a bunch of people using a 16 year old with autism as a propaganda tool to push an agenda which is over-exaggerated?

What has happened to human decency? How can so many people, from so many backgrounds, with varying life-experience, all think that this is acceptable behaviour?

Society is devolving to levels that we haven't seen since the dark ages.
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Is this what modern society has become?

On one side, people having a go at a 16 year old with autism, and it's they justify this indecent behaviour because she isn't on 'their side'

On the other, a bunch of people using a 16 year old with autism as a propaganda tool to push an agenda which is over-exaggerated?

What has happened to human decency? How can so many people, from so many backgrounds, with varying life-experience, all think that this is acceptable behaviour?

Society is devolving to levels that we haven't seen since the dark ages.
I know what you mean. But I have a healthy life outside the internet as well. If people step away from social media and the internet from time to time. And go out into the real world for a change then people will realise that the world isn't like this. There are good people trying to just live their lives out there. Actually majority of people out there are good people who love their friends, family etc. The internet and especially social media creates echo chambers and it gives the illusion of this is how the real world is. When it's actually far from the truth.

People are best served when they step away from the internet from time to time. And most importantly turn your cellphone off from time to time. It does wonders for you. I do it on weekends. But I don't use my phone much. There's a wonderful world out there. But social media and the internet has made it very small. But it's an illusion actually. Real life is hard but equally beautiful. But I fear many people can't tell the difference anymore.
I know what you mean. But I have a healthy life outside the internet as well. If people step away from social media and the internet from time to time. And go out into the real world for a change then people will realise that the world isn't like this. There are good people trying to just live their lives out there. Actually majority of people out there are good people who love their friends, family etc. The internet and especially social media creates echo chambers and it gives the illusion of this is how the real world is. When it's actually far from the truth.

People are best served when they step away from the internet from time to time. And most importantly turn your cellphone off from time to time. It does wonders for you. I do it on weekends. But I don't use my phone much. There's a wonderful world out there. But social media and the internet has made it very small. But it's an illusion actually. Real life is hard but equally beautiful. But I fear many people can't tell the difference anymore.

All good advice. I rarely use my phone and only post on GAF when i'm on my PC at home (usually relaxing before or after work).

Unfortunately, I see the attitudes of social media creeping in to the lives of anyone who uses social media. Even old dudes in their 50's act more like spoiled kids nowadays, or at least the ones who use their phones more.

As we have seen many, many times in history; once a precedent is set, it can never be removed. Once a foot is in the door, the door is open.


All good advice. I rarely use my phone and only post on GAF when i'm on my PC at home (usually relaxing before or after work).

Unfortunately, I see the attitudes of social media creeping in to the lives of anyone who uses social media. Even old dudes in their 50's act more like spoiled kids nowadays, or at least the ones who use their phones more.

As we have seen many, many times in history; once a precedent is set, it can never be removed. Once a foot is in the door, the door is open.
Yeah social media is making people into contant "fighters" where they just want to argue with everything and everyone. Social media has made people very mean in general. Speaking with someone online and an actual person in real life is very different. There seems to be a huge disconnect in people generally to be honest. The internet has brought people so close together yet we are further apart than ever. We are made for real human interaction, physical contact etc. And I fear that is all disappearing.

Reminds me of Asimov's Novel "Naked Sun". Where people on a planet called Solaria never make real contact with each other. They are mere projections when they meet each other and they have grown up in such a way and so disconnected where have to make contact with someone "real" can actually cause death, panic etc.


Yeah social media is making people into contant "fighters" where they just want to argue with everything and everyone. Social media has made people very mean in general. Speaking with someone online and an actual person in real life is very different. There seems to be a huge disconnect in people generally to be honest. The internet has brought people so close together yet we are further apart than ever. We are made for real human interaction, physical contact etc. And I fear that is all disappearing.

Reminds me of Asimov's Novel "Naked Sun". Where people on a planet called Solaria never make real contact with each other. They are mere projections when they meet each other and they have grown up in such a way and so disconnected where have to make contact with someone "real" can actually cause death, panic etc.

great post and referencing naked sun is aces, that's exactly where we're headed


What people forget about Thunberg is that she has Asperger. One of the main and most prominent symptoms are:

- Obsession (on a specific topic)
- Exceptional verbals skills, especially in areas of interest
- Exaggerated emotional responses
- First-person focus, e.g. struggle to see the world from another person's perspective

It should be clear that it was not Thunberg herself who started this all. In that regard i think it is despicable by the people who did this.
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Greta is creepy, resentful and bitter, all things that will turn a majority of people away from her message. The globalist left really are shit at picking their spokesman and famous people. Whether its in their movies or politics they're preferences really manifest in those that they put up at the forefront.


Unconfirmed Member
What people forget about Thunberg is that she has Asperger. One of the main and most prominent symptoms are:

- Obsession (on a specific topic)
- Exceptional verbals skills, especially in areas of interest
- Exaggerated emotional responses
- First-person focus, e.g. struggle to see the world from another person's perspective

It should be clear that it was not Thunberg herself who started this all. In that regard i think it is despicable by the people who did this.

These are all true, and that someone can then proceed to suggest she has FAS, which is pretty much the polar opposite of having exceptional verbal skills, just shows how vile and twisted this climate have become.

Disagreeing with someone or something happening doesn't justify and kind of attack you can cook up.

I do not for a second believe there is any acting involved. She is dead serious, and she most likely writes everything herself. As you said, people with asperger can be obsessive, and may have an ability to research something they're interested in to a degree that's almost impossible for ordinary people.

Taking a step back to gain perspective however, can be difficult. But everyone's different. I've dealt with kids with asperger who were for sure obsessed, but had no ability to fully absorb what they were obsessive about.
Is this what modern society has become?

On one side, people having a go at a 16 year old with autism, and they justify this indecent behaviour because she isn't on 'their side'

On the other, a bunch of people using a 16 year old with autism as a propaganda tool to push an agenda which is over-exaggerated?

What has happened to human decency? How can so many people, from so many backgrounds, with varying life-experience, all think that this is acceptable behaviour?

Society is devolving to levels that we haven't seen since the dark ages.

This, so much!

lil puff

These are all true, and that someone can then proceed to suggest she has FAS, which is pretty much the polar opposite of having exceptional verbal skills, just shows how vile and twisted this climate have become.

Disagreeing with someone or something happening doesn't justify and kind of attack you can cook up.

I do not for a second believe there is any acting involved. She is dead serious, and she most likely writes everything herself. As you said, people with asperger can be obsessive, and may have an ability to research something they're interested in to a degree that's almost impossible for ordinary people.

Taking a step back to gain perspective however, can be difficult. But everyone's different. I've dealt with kids with asperger who were for sure obsessed, but had no ability to fully absorb what they were obsessive about.
Thanks for this.


"I'm afraid to go out into the sun now"

Oh laudy


I'm laughing so hard. This whole ideology needs to be fieldgoal-kicked into the Clown World thread and we never speak of it again. Pinky promise?

Alright can someone explain climate change risks for real in like one sentance, and like im 12. thanks.

Seems like the same shit said 27 years ago, 1 year after I was born. World seems k to me, if anything it needs to get hotter im fucking freezing in scotland
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Gold Member
Alright can someone explain climate change risks for real in like one sentance, and like im 12. thanks.

Seems like the same shit said 27 years ago, 1 year after I was born. World seems k to me, if anything it needs to get hotter im fucking freezing in scotland
Have fun getting an answer.

In the 70s, oil was supposed to run out soon leaving every modern city in dire need of non-petroleum based energy sources.

It's now 2019.

Have you ever experienced any product based on petroleum running out of stock forever?


A mentally ill child like this paraded around the world by her parents. Tsk tsk tsk.

She is losing her childhood, because her insane parents have stolen it from her, indulging in the world saviour fantasy.

She’s gonna have a rough 20’s. Gonna go overboard partying to make up for her lost youth
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It's always nice to see a bunch of grown men on an online forum complain and whine about an adolescent girl who cares about the saving environment. In case you haven't noticed, being extreme is the only strategy that gets attention these days but it looks like only some are allowed to get away with it. Instead y'all are too busy posting memes, insulting her, making sexist remarks, and shitting all over a young girl because apparently it's fun to dog pile and she doesn't align with your political values. But who cares about her, climate activists, and the environment when you have your memes? This place has really fallen apart.
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It's always nice to see a bunch of grown men on an online forum complain and whine about an adolescent girl who cares about the saving environment. In case you haven't noticed, being extreme is the only strategy that gets attention these days but it looks like only some are allowed to get away with it. Instead y'all are too busy posting memes, insulting her, making sexist remarks, and shitting all over a young girl because apparently it's fun to dog pile and she doesn't align with your political values. But who cares about her, climate activists, and the environment when you have your memes? This place has really fallen apart.

Ya gonna cry about it?

The funny thing is we're all doing just as much as she is regarding climate change.

jack shit
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Gold Member
It's always nice to see a bunch of grown men on an online forum complain and whine about an adolescent girl who cares about the saving environment. In case you haven't noticed, being extreme is the only strategy that gets attention these days but it looks like only some are allowed to get away with it. Instead y'all are too busy posting memes, insulting her, making sexist remarks, and shitting all over a young girl because apparently it's fun to dog pile and she doesn't align with your political values. But who cares about her, climate activists, and the environment when you have your memes? This place has really fallen apart.

Hey, I’m all for treating the environment with respect. I really just find her delivery to be utterly appalling. She’s shrill, condescending, and I don’t buy the “wise beyond her years” schtick she’s putting down.


It's always nice to see a bunch of grown men on an online forum complain and whine about an adolescent girl who cares about the saving environment. In case you haven't noticed, being extreme is the only strategy that gets attention these days but it looks like only some are allowed to get away with it. Instead y'all are too busy posting memes, insulting her, making sexist remarks, and shitting all over a young girl because apparently it's fun to dog pile and she doesn't align with your political values. But who cares about her, climate activists, and the environment when you have your memes? This place has really fallen apart.
So original! another reeetard logging into a dormant account to chat shit before running away. Goodbye soy boy.


The Tribe Has Spoken
It's always nice to see a bunch of grown men on an online forum complain and whine about an adolescent girl who cares about the saving environment. In case you haven't noticed, being extreme is the only strategy that gets attention these days but it looks like only some are allowed to get away with it. Instead y'all are too busy posting memes, insulting her, making sexist remarks, and shitting all over a young girl because apparently it's fun to dog pile and she doesn't align with your political values. But who cares about her, climate activists, and the environment when you have your memes? This place has really fallen apart.
I’d love to read one post like this that doesn’t include “y’all”. Just once.

But, that would be thinking too far outside the box, hey? Too much effort and thought to not use the NPC vocabulary dropdown list.

Go play with your toys now you brainwashed idiot.
Why do you get triggered by her so much if you claim you accept climate change? If you don't like the way she is being coached, watch earlier videos she did on TED talk.

I'm coaching girls around her age for a speech contest and to see her gradual "upgrading" is a good teaching tool. Her first speeches, she had a strong accent. Next, she has trouble with using emotional impact and reacting to the crowd. I didn't see her UN speeches but I guess she can now use emotional delivery. She is autistic so effective speaking techniques are not obvious to her at all. This shows that anyone can do it with enough practice.


Why do you get triggered by her so much if you claim you accept climate change? If you don't like the way she is being coached, watch earlier videos she did on TED talk.

I'm coaching girls around her age for a speech contest and to see her gradual "upgrading" is a good teaching tool. Her first speeches, she had a strong accent. Next, she has trouble with using emotional impact and reacting to the crowd. I didn't see her UN speeches but I guess she can now use emotional delivery. She is autistic so effective speaking techniques are not obvious to her at all. This shows that anyone can do it with enough practice.

Accept which aspects of climate change?
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