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Delaying Stalker 2 again not an option, studio says, team worked until it was "broken" by marathon development
When Stalker 2, from Ukrainian developer GSC Game World, was released last month after multiple delays, it sold excepti…

When Stalker 2, from Ukrainian developer GSC Game World, was released last month after multiple delays, it sold exceptionally well but received a mixed reaction from critics due mainly to issues with its performance and bugs.
However, another delay simply wasn't an option for the team, which found itself exhausted at the end of a long development during a time of war.
Speaking to Eurogamer this week, GSC Game World studio CEO Ievgen Grygorovych compared the game's development and delays to running multiple marathons. "It's very hard to explain your state when you're in a very intensive work process for many months until release, and you're working over, over, over what you usually can do and in the highest possible stress and overwhelming period," he said.
"You have no energy at all and you decide - should we take one more marathon? And you just can't say yes, let's make one more marathon, because you're already broken."
Even with more time to polish the game, there was never a time where everything was fixed, added Grygorovych. And with the end of the year and its key sales period looming, the decision was made to continue on and release Stalker 2 in the best state possible.
"You're so tired that you would just die if you say let's run an additional marathon," said Grygorovych. "We didn't have a chance to say let's do it more. We just had a chance of 'let's do until this moment - the release date - as much as we can'." After that, further patches and story expansions can then always be added, he continued.