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GTA Online PS4/XB1 |OT| Just ignore the bodies (and look forward to heists)


Is there a way to sell stolen cars in your garage quicker? Rather than every 50 mins
Brokenbeans provided me with this glitch. Costs $3000 everytime and the car price is reduced when you go to sell it. So make sure it's the car is worth a lot or it probably won't be worth it. I've been doing it with the chromed dubstas.


The horn glitch doesn't work with the dubsta I don't think. But I think I might give it a try with the rusty rebel it's only 3k.
Is there a way to sell stolen cars in your garage quicker? Rather than every 50 mins
Nope :( It's 48 minutes too, those extra two minutes can matter! :D Before, you used to be able to switch to an alt character to sell another car, but they removed that a whiiile back. Since you share bank accounts, it worked decent enough. You can still sell Simeon Cars and stuff on an alt character, but you might as well do that on your main since there isn't really a time restriction on those. Been almost a week since I've been on for a good time, but I know if you did a Crew Only room with a few other people, there could be a non stop barrage of Kill Targets, Simeon Cars, and Armored Trucks every couple of minutes. I think that may have been fixed too :( Robbing stores might not seem that lucrative, but if you take a heli, you can make up to 20k in very short order. In free roam, too. It's not glamorous, but it works. Give it a shot, see how much you can get in 10 minutes.

Edit - Ok aside from that glitch method, my answer still kinda applies :D
How can you save up for a buzzard!?

Mission payout isnt that decent and the amount I spend on refilling ammo makes it even harder
Missions, selling cars, and the above store robberies and side missions...just try not to spend money :( I recommend a motorcycle or a muscle car for a cheaply replaceable vehicle. There's always them Shark Cards...there's no shame in it...I've bought one before, and not the cheapest one -_- But not the expensive one either!


There's always them Shark Cards...there's no shame in it...I've bought one before, and not the cheapest one -_- But not the expensive one either!

There is when you absolutely refuse to endorse microtransactions. In fact, GTA is my biggest hypocrite game... I should be outright boycotting it because it has MTs. I justified it by saying I bought it for the single player version (they just managed to suck me into online). If I bought MTs I'd totally be going against my principles (especially as I do think you can see where they made gameplay less fun in order to encourage people to pay for MTs. They just did a good job of making the game still fun. But still, I object to MTs cause they encourage developers to make the game less fun than they could... on purpose. And I really do feel there are design elements in GTA that definitely point out to purposely made decisions to encourage MTs. Worse, some of those affect SP in order to encourage you to try MP <- which worked on me *cough* SP's really almost useless version of keeping cars *cough*).
My wife bought me the $20 shark card for xmas ($1.2 million I think?) and I have to say it was a big mistake.

PSA: Remember that you're playing for fun. Don't get caught chasing down some future event, some mythical "ok, NOW I can play the game!" moment. It doesn't exist. The gameplay at level 10 or 20 is just as good as the gameplay at level 100 or 200, and having no money and having to grind for cash kinda is the game, if that makes sense.

I think I've played twice since I got that money. It's just not the same anymore.

Here is catdafelix and LonestarGA I believe. Been editing a handful of new videos for Infinite Medium, including a GTA one that is set to my friends metal tracks. Features zomaha and other GAF members here and there :)


My wife bought me the $20 shark card for xmas ($1.2 million I think?) and I have to say it was a big mistake.

PSA: Remember that you're playing for fun. Don't get caught chasing down some future event, some mythical "ok, NOW I can play the game!" moment. It doesn't exist. The gameplay at level 10 or 20 is just as good as the gameplay at level 100 or 200, and having no money and having to grind for cash kinda is the game, if that makes sense.

I think I've played twice since I got that money. It's just not the same anymore.

You could buy the Buzzard and be broke again. Problem solved.


PSA: Remember that you're playing for fun. Don't get caught chasing down some future event, some mythical "ok, NOW I can play the game!" moment. It doesn't exist. The gameplay at level 10 or 20 is just as good as the gameplay at level 100 or 200, and having no money and having to grind for cash kinda is the game, if that makes sense.

I kinda have to agree with this. Yes, I've used some loopholes to make me some money. But at this point I've set most of that aside for if some DLC comes out with something expensive I must have. I'm still making myself earn the money for anything that i can get at anytime (though I don't mind a few tricks to make the money come in a little faster as I do think the game is a little too stingy about payoffs or too expensive for stuff).

I find I start to lose interest when I have no goals in the game (reached that a few times then they added stuff). I mean I can have fun messing around too. But I still gotta have some sort of goal (though I find I'm happier when I only have a few goals vs. feeling overloaded with a ton of stuff to get. Even better if I just have one big goal that's hard to reach but it's one goal).

In the end I wouldn't play it if I just felt like I was grinding. Yes, I'm grinding but I'm having fun doing so. And also having fun messing around in the middle when I get a little sick of grinding ;) (hell usually I'll do a mission to make money, mess around in free roam stuff cause free roam is what i like best, and then go do another mission). The allure of the game and why it's kept my interest is that it is varied in what you can do :) (I still would love to try some organized events like some of the examples I posted a page or two ago in this thread).

(and I'm kinda glad for it keeping my interest cause the next console game to come out that I'm looking forward to is May, Witcher 3. And whenever No Man's Sky comes out. GTA is going to give me something to do with my console in the meantime. Well it and my Vita and the games on it).
I don't really like the MT's either. The one time I did buy it, it was a portion of a small stupid bonus I got from work, so in essence, my work bought it for me. The proceeds were put towards a Buzzard, but it was on sale (only time I saw it on sale), and I saved a ton of money. Didn't know about it (bonus) ahead of time, plus the sale made it pretty ok. I don't regret it in the slightest. With how money making is now, they are silly to buy, for sure, especially with how fast that money can be spent, but I do not disagree with the Cards. I don't really see them being forced on people, or required at all in any way. If people want to skip all the fun there is to be had by earning the money, more power to them. But some people don't care, and that is what they are for, who are we to judge what they do with their own money? That said, I will never buy one again :D

Don't want to derail the thread though with more MT talk :( Mission payouts now are stupid, especially on hard. Felix and I have been clearing out a lot of 2 player missions I haven't done on my list, some opening at rank 5-10, and we are clearing 15-22k a mission. Doing them on hard, in free aim, and the money is rolling in. Do these, with other side missions, and some SERIOUS money can be made in a night if you go at it hard.


Don't want to derail the thread though with more MT talk :( Mission payouts now are stupid, especially on hard. Felix and I have been clearing out a lot of 2 player missions I haven't done on my list, some opening at rank 5-10, and we are clearing 15-22k a mission. Doing them on hard, in free aim, and the money is rolling in. Do these, with other side missions, and some SERIOUS money can be made in a night if you go at it hard.

Uh huh, tempt me with stuff I want to argue against and then point out derailing thread (you know how hard it is for some one as argumentative as me to not argue?!). :p

Anyways, I'm happy that I have a few missions i can do solo that will get me close to 20k (rather than the survivals that can be fun but just take too damned long). And this week everytime I get on no one from the crew is on :(. Just when I was starting to warm up to the idea of doing a bunch of missions with people (I was actually starting to enjoy it and then I go on vacation and come back and GTA Online is empty of hte people I was enjoying playing with :( ). Ok, last night there was one or two names that I didn't recognize on. Almost joined a survival with one but it was too close to bedtime and I didn't want to commit that long of a time period just in case we actually were succesful).


Man, non-contact should really be the default option for races on here. I absolutely love races on GTA Online, but I cannot stand the cunts that just wreck you without even trying to pass. Oh hey, you got a slip stream on me, why not just shoot by me? No, you're going to tap my rear quarter panel and spin me out to be a cunt.

And there really needs to be a variety. All I ever get placed into are super races, motorcycle races or troll races. Quite frustrating when I'd love to race some sports cars or even coupes.
Uh huh, tempt me with stuff I want to argue against and then point out derailing thread (you know how hard it is for some one as argumentative as me to not argue?!). :p

Anyways, I'm happy that I have a few missions i can do solo that will get me close to 20k (rather than the survivals that can be fun but just take too damned long). And this week everytime I get on no one from the crew is on :(. Just when I was starting to warm up to the idea of doing a bunch of missions with people (I was actually starting to enjoy it and then I go on vacation and come back and GTA Online is empty of hte people I was enjoying playing with :( ). Ok, last night there was one or two names that I didn't recognize on. Almost joined a survival with one but it was too close to bedtime and I didn't want to commit that long of a time period just in case we actually were succesful).
Haha sorry! Everyone feels vastly different about the MT's, here and in other games. Some love it, some hate it, I figured we would all just be pulling a "Criminal Records" with it (read: going around in circles :D).

Edit: And I guess it really wouldn't be OT, since they are in the game, I just don't want it spiraling out of control..

These missions are when having a Buzzard REALLY pay off. Some can be done in minutes with one, or even any owned helicopter, but if you don't have one...I feel bad for the amount of time some of these look like they will take :( On the flip side, several we have done (that I can't remember the names of, go figure) are multi-tiered, or the things in the missions have been a little more diverse than "Go to the marker, kill guy/gal, go to next marker, win".

Next time I see you on Tigress I'll send an invite, I only have 2 survivals actually complete somehow...I thought I had way more done. But I need to finish those, and some other things. No pressure, but you have played a lot more of those than I have!
Man, non-contact should really be the default option for races on here. I absolutely love races on GTA Online, but I cannot stand the cunts that just wreck you without even trying to pass. Oh hey, you got a slip stream on me, why not just shoot by me? No, you're going to tap my rear quarter panel and spin me out to be a cunt.

And there really needs to be a variety. All I ever get placed into are super races, motorcycle races or troll races. Quite frustrating when I'd love to race some sports cars or even coupes.
I agree 100%...non contact races are the best. The only thing I have yet to try is to do it with traffic on, and see if you can knock traffic into other players. But it really is the best way, it all comes down to skill at that point. Especially with some of the chokepoints these races can have...it really evens the play field. Rando races usually are Supers or Bikes...rarely do I get to sport my Muscles, Sports, Compacts, Coupes, or off road vehicles...I guess that's why we have the crew, so we can set them all up how we like it. Providing there is a group playing, and racing, that is..
Man, non-contact should really be the default option for races on here. I absolutely love races on GTA Online, but I cannot stand the cunts that just wreck you without even trying to pass. Oh hey, you got a slip stream on me, why not just shoot by me? No, you're going to tap my rear quarter panel and spin me out to be a cunt.

And there really needs to be a variety. All I ever get placed into are super races, motorcycle races or troll races. Quite frustrating when I'd love to race some sports cars or even coupes.
Add me on PSN, as well as waypoetic (I think thats his name on here too) who hosts a lot of racing sessions that include various vehicles and such. Needless to say, clean racing (with only occasional crashes on crazy corners) is a lot of fun and very intense.

Next time I see you on Tigress I'll send an invite, I only have 2 survivals actually complete somehow...I thought I had way more done. But I need to finish those, and some other things. No pressure, but you have played a lot more of those than I have!.

HEY! Sorry I took so long the other day. Was making myself a Knight Rider KITT car after I invited you to our server. Hope we get to play soon, be it races or other missions. Want to put you in one of our upcoming videos since you help orchestrate GAF clan :D
Protip: mission payouts are based on time (tops out at 16 mins, I believe), so if you finish a mission objective quickly you can idle by the final marker for a few more minutes for maximum payout every time. For example, Martin's Out Of Court Settlement is incredibly easy and fast - kill a moving target and then go back to him. Idle for a few more minutes by his house and you'll get $20k each time. It's boring but hey, gives you an excuse to GAF more in the meantime. :p
You can also play on Hard + Free-Aim for a bit more.


The reason I am grinding the shit out of these glitches is that I don't get to play at all while I work. And when I'm off I usually just like to fuck around or do what other crew members are doing. I just don't really make much money that way. So I've got like 2 weeks vacation now, so for a few days here I will grind out a bunch of money due to glitches so that it won't take me 6 months to save up for a buzzard or whatever.


Protip: mission payouts are based on time (tops out at 16 mins, I believe), so if you finish a mission objective quickly you can idle by the final marker for a few more minutes for maximum payout every time. For example, Martin's Out Of Court Settlement is incredibly easy and fast - kill a moving target and then go back to him. Idle for a few more minutes by his house and you'll get $20k each time. It's boring but hey, gives you an excuse to GAF more in the meantime. :p
You can also play on Hard + Free-Aim for a bit more.

Hey, if it is like Trash Collection, if you have a tank you can go around blowing stuff up while you wait and no cops come after you (this depends on if the mission allows the cops to get pissed at you).
HEY! Sorry I took so long the other day. Was making myself a Knight Rider KITT car after I invited you to our server. Hope we get to play soon, be it races or other missions. Want to put you in one of our upcoming videos since you help orchestrate GAF clan :D
I'd love to be a part of it! I'm a prett ysolid flyer, so if you need additional help with the flying stuff (outside of other volunteers) or whatever, I am down like a clown! Also no worries, we will meet up soon enough!
The reason I am grinding the shit out of these glitches is that I don't get to play at all while I work. And when I'm off I usually just like to fuck around or do what other crew members are doing. I just don't really make much money that way. So I've got like 2 weeks vacation now, so for a few days here I will grind out a bunch of money due to glitches so that it won't take me 6 months to save up for a buzzard or whatever.
Do it up! I understand the plight of little play time, and you need to maximize your time when you can! Free roam is where the fun is, but it's the last place to go for making money (outside of those new car sales, and the store robberies, but there's better & faster ways of earning money)
Looks like you can't attach trailers anymore :/
Oh man this sucks...was this one you found in the wild? I know like 95% of trailers you see parked by themselves can't be attached because they have a red "lock" on the hitch part...but I thought you could at least attach & reattach ones from trucks already out on the road already hauling some kind of load. Big fail if you can't do it at all :(


Stole two different trucks and tried to attach trailers to them but no success. All trailers i've investigated have "hitch locks" on them. What the fuck Rockstar... :(

The Llama

Man, non-contact should really be the default option for races on here. I absolutely love races on GTA Online, but I cannot stand the cunts that just wreck you without even trying to pass. Oh hey, you got a slip stream on me, why not just shoot by me? No, you're going to tap my rear quarter panel and spin me out to be a cunt.

And there really needs to be a variety. All I ever get placed into are super races, motorcycle races or troll races. Quite frustrating when I'd love to race some sports cars or even coupes.

Ugh, I hate non-contract races. Sure, if you're trying to turn GTA into GT/Forza/DriveClub and try to win a race based solely on racing skill, then they're fun. But if I wanted to play GT or Forza, I'd play one of those.


I mostly set races to non-contact when i'm racing a lot of people or randoms. Thing is, for those of us that enjoy and have played a lot of racing games; we know how to take a corner - and these schmucks that press R2 to win just fly pass the corners and/ or hit us and spin us out.

... And i'd love to play a real racing game but Project Cars isn't out yet and i got fed up with Gran Turismo's bullshit at the fifth installment.
If you buy the Buzzard, where does it spawn? Please don't say the Airfield in the desert.
It spawns at the nearest helipad. In the city, there are three or four locations. Going north...there are the two main airports, and a few other scattered locations farrrr north, and on the west hand side of the map. You will almost always have a drive ahead of you though. If you are near a helipad and want your heli now, drive a few blocks away and call it. If you are right next to it when you call, chances are the heli will spawn at a pad much farther away.
I mostly set races to non-contact when i'm racing a lot of people or randoms. Thing is, for those of us that enjoy and have played a lot of racing games; we know how to take a corner - and these schmucks that press R2 to win just fly pass the corners and/ or hit us and spin us out.

... And i'd love to play a real racing game but Project Cars isn't out yet and i got fed up with Gran Turismo's bullshit at the fifth installment.
It's like you took the words right outta ma noggin.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion

Here is catdafelix and LonestarGA I believe. Been editing a handful of new videos for Infinite Medium, including a GTA one that is set to my friends metal tracks. Features zomaha and other GAF members here and there :)

Yeah, that's me in the co-pilot. Still need to work on putting something together from that chaos :lol


I mostly set races to non-contact when i'm racing a lot of people or randoms. Thing is, for those of us that enjoy and have played a lot of racing games; we know how to take a corner - and these schmucks that press R2 to win just fly pass the corners and/ or hit us and spin us out.
I enjoy racing with randoms with contact on, as I usually do take the start and first two corners carefully and then fly past opposition with my almost good driving skills. Especially if the race doesn't have any jumps or 'troll'like checkpoints.

Of course, rammers are annoying, but depending where I get rammed, I usually can get back on the race and get some payback.

One thing that annoys me about non-contact is that others can ram traffic at you, or hit traffic lights or other poles in front of you which can cause you to spin out.


Pointless buying a buzzard then, I've already got a plane that I barely fucking use because of that shite

Nah, there are more places for a heli to spawn than the planes. It usually can spawn pretty close to you if you are in the city (or at least a minute away). And you only need to drive a short distance away if you are already next to helipad (or airfield for plane). I'd say a block is usually good (basically out of sight of the area it will spawn).


Why does he wear the mask!?
Nah, there are more places for a heli to spawn than the planes. It usually can spawn pretty close to you if you are in the city (or at least a minute away). And you only need to drive a short distance away if you are already next to helipad (or airfield for plane). I'd say a block is usually good (basically out of sight of the area it will spawn).

Are the majority of helipads high up?
Are the majority of helipads high up?
sometimes, this has a list of the locations


Pegasus Delivery Locations
At the large Vespucci Police Station parking lot at San Andreas Avenue and South Rockford Drive in Vespucci.
Multiple locations in Los Santos International Airport.
On top of the roof of the Central Los Santos Medical Center at Innocence Boulevard in Strawberry.
Sandy Shores Airfield
On top of the helipad of the NOOSE Headquarters in Palomino Highlands.
Vespucci Helipad
In the middle of the Vinewood Racetrack.
Hangars in Los Santos International Airport.
Hangars in Sandy Shores Airfield.
Vinewood Racetrack
In front of the Vinewood Theater.
Vespucci Police Station
By the pier in Vespucci Beach.
Galilee Docks
Puerto Del Sol Yacht Club
Sonar Collections Dock


Are the majority of helipads high up?

The one I usually get is the one at the hospital which is high up but not bad. There's also the one near the airport (my favorite) and one on a pier. There's trevor's airport of course. And then there is one that was ridiculous but I've only ever encountered it once but that could be just cause where I usually am (you have to climb up one building and walk across it and go across a bridge to the next building and climb up to the helicopter). I think it was outside the city but I don't remember where it was or why I was there (it was an FIB building though).

There's also one on the north end behind a small police building.

So... honestly, at least the ones I've encountered I'd say about 1/4 are?

I find it's not super bad anyways. They're usually a short drive away and only one is ridiculous to try to get to.

It makes Denial of Service, Trash Collection, the one where you rescue a prostitute for Martin, the one where you kill a list of people for Martin all pretty easy (and Denial of Service and the kill list doable if you are alone cause they are timed so not really easy to do by yourself). I think of those Trash Collection will get you the most money (also, trash collection doesn't spawn cops ever so if you just want to have fun with a tank it's a great mission to start and just go crazy until you are ready to finish it. Bonus that you get lots of money and rp once you're done having fun destroying anything and everything with your tank).


Grinding out that Ratloader glitch for now. Seems like the heist payouts might make me see it as a waste of time though.

I will sell a garage or a garage and a half full then go do some races (I like racing!) So as to break up the monotony.


I've not played for most of January due to internet issues at home. I hope you are all well and had a wonderful holiday break.

Is there anything noteworthy that needs adding to the OP? No time to scan the thread as I'm at work!
It's not pointless, trust me. They can be really useful for some missions.
I'd say at least 75% of the missions are trivial with a Buzzard. Just have to be careful with those homing rockets on missions where you're picking up drugs, evidence or a vehicle.
And remember to wait by the final objective until the 16 minute mark for maximum payout.
I'd say at least 75% of the missions are trivial with a Buzzard. Just have to be careful with those homing rockets on missions where you're picking up drugs, evidence or a vehicle.
And remember to wait by the final objective until the 16 minute mark for maximum payout.

Ain't nobody got time for that. I'd rather just finish the mission and move onto the next. You could probably complete another mission in the time it takes to wait anyway.


Pointless buying a buzzard then, I've already got a plane that I barely fucking use because of that shite

Yeah I felt a little annoyed when I dropped $500K on the monster truck only to find out I had to call for it every time I wanted it. And when you're driving around, everyone can lock on and kill you in 2 seconds, making it an even bigger pain in the ass when you're playing free roam.


I've never heard of that 16 minute rule. You get more money if you take longer to complete a mission?

*edit - bah didn't realize I was double posting.
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