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GTA Online PS4/XB1 |OT| Just ignore the bodies (and look forward to heists)

I got a firm reminder about the "fun" of public sessions last night. Was trying to find a full-ish session, or one I kinda liked. I just wanted to roll around with rando's. Settled on a 5 person room, where I saw three people riding in the same car, and a lot of chatter. Cool, I'll see how these fellas are. Right when I get to the three people in a car, it blows up, at the fault of one of the passengers. Once they all respawn, I walk in, saluting them, get saluted back, and then got blasted. Ok...I respawn, walk up to them again, they don't shoot, and one gets in my car with me as I let him drive it around. He runs someone down, and then they all turn on me. Heard several times on the mics that they were blaming me for starting it, and I was also getting voted to be removed from the session. All while the main talked is relentless hunting me down and killing me. I didn't want to go into passive mode, and give them the "satisfaction", but each time I respawned I went away from the hethens. I sent the "leader" a message, asking why he was killing me. He told his the others I sent him hate mail -_- He kept at it. Sounded like a real winner too. He blew something up, and was going on, and on, and ON about it. Seriously. Like 5 minutes later he just bust out laughing about it. Then 5 min after that, he'd bring it up again. I reported him, (as he was still trying to hunt me down) and was on my way.

Looking back, I should have Passive'd, they seemed like the kind of people that would still try to kill me even then. But now....Invite only, Crew only for now, unless I have a small Gaf army with me if I am not in the fighting mood -_-


I really can't stand open lobbies anymore. I enjoy doing missions and such but playing with randoms is quite a chore. If any of you on PS4 are looking for someone to do missions with, feel free to add me/send me a message: Akuma_818

I'm mostly just grinding for money right now in preparation for the release of heists which should hopefully have new worthwhile items to buy.
I really can't stand open lobbies anymore. I enjoy doing missions and such but playing with randoms is quite a chore. If any of you on PS4 are looking for someone to do missions with, feel free to add me/send me a message: Akuma_818

I'm mostly just grinding for money right now in preparation for the release of heists which should hopefully have new worthwhile items to buy.

Agreed 100%, basically just playing closed friend/crew lobbies these days and joining missions from there.


Looking back, I should have Passive'd, they seemed like the kind of people that would still try to kill me even then. But now....Invite only, Crew only for now, unless I have a small Gaf army with me if I am not in the fighting mood -_-

Hey, I was only in random servers last night cause no one from the crew is on anymore *mutter* and I was bored and decided to actually go in a public server without passive mode....

And I learned that the reason I like passive mode is I suck at PvP and I don't take losing well (I usually don't act like a brat about it but inside I'm not having fun cause I'm frustrated).

Had some one who started a fight with me who was totally owning me and then distracted me so his friend could run me down (refused to get out of the car though, just wanted to run me over. When I found a car and ran away he didn't chase. But did manage to shoot me down with a homing missile when I found a buzzard and tried to get him with that and discovered people are right and the buzzard will not home in on players with the homing missiles). I think I was fine with it until he had his friend blindside me and they ran off. That actually pissed me off for whatever reason (two against one, really? especially when it's already obvious you are way better than me and don't even need your friend to kill me?! Ugh!). I didn't chase them though cause I was just asking for a bruising then ;). But was fuming silently honestly. God I wish I didn't suck at this game some times).


I wish there was a way to disable player blips on the map and mini-map. It could make for some very awesome sniper battles in the city, but the blips give you away.


I wish there was a way to disable player blips on the map and mini-map. It could make for some very awesome sniper battles in the city, but the blips give you away.

You can turn off the minimap. Only works if you want to play with others who are honorable and turn it off too. You can also turn off the labelling of people's avatars when they are nearby you. But you cannot turn off the message telling you that you can race nearby players. So you will eventually get warned some one is nearby.

If you got a large enough group who you trusted to playt his way, there's all sorts of minigames besides just sniping each other that could be fun.

Personally, I really think that they could have made stealth useful. Instead of calling lester to turn off your dot on the map, it should be your dot only shows up if you are either not walking stealthily, or your failing your stealth. Basically your stealth stat should determine how far away some one can detect you on the minimap. And how fast you walk should make that circle of detection bigger or smaller. Stealth could actually be useful in online if they had implemented it that way. And a lot more fun than just making a call and turning off the dot for a minute. Such a waste :(.


You can turn off the minimap. Only works if you want to play with others who are honorable and turn it off too. You can also turn off the labelling of people's avatars when they are nearby you. But you cannot turn off the message telling you that you can race nearby players. So you will eventually get warned some one is nearby.

If you got a large enough group who you trusted to playt his way, there's all sorts of minigames besides just sniping each other that could be fun.

Personally, I really think that they could have made stealth useful. Instead of calling lester to turn off your dot on the map, it should be your dot only shows up if you are either not walking stealthily, or your failing your stealth. Basically your stealth stat should determine how far away some one can detect you on the minimap. And how fast you walk should make that circle of detection bigger or smaller. Stealth could actually be useful in online if they had implemented it that way. And a lot more fun than just making a call and turning off the dot for a minute. Such a waste :(.
The chances of everyone in a lobby adhering to turninf off their map is slim to none. There will always be someone who cheats, which ruins it for everyone. But maybe we could get a few NGAF games going where I have more faith that everyone will follow the rules, and turn off the mini-map. I know Lester can remove it for you but I don't fancy paying everytime, aha.


The chances of everyone in a lobby adhering to turninf off their map is slim to none. There will always be someone who cheats, which ruins it for everyone. But maybe we could get a few NGAF games going where I have more faith that everyone will follow the rules, and turn off the mini-map. I know Lester can remove it for you but I don't fancy paying everytime, aha.

Well, I wasn't suggesting this for randoms (note I did say if you get a large enough group that you trusted to play this way ;) ).

Anyways... I really wish they would have made stealth useful in online. Of course then they couldn't make you pay to be stealthy and hopefully get you to pay for more MT's...


Well, I wasn't suggesting this for randoms (note I did say if you get a large enough group that you trusted to play this way ;) ).

Anyways... I really wish they would have made stealth useful in online. Of course then they couldn't make you pay to be stealthy and hopefully get you to pay for more MT's...
I completely missed that part, whoops. But, yeah, it sucks that Rockstar didn't make stealth more of an option in both the main game and online. It could make missions (and freeroam) more interesting with stealth as it would open up new paths in regards to how a player approaches targets and goals. Hopefully they'll add stealth to the next game.
For it's flaws, there are still some awesome unstaged moments in GTAOnline. What other game can you have a military jet vs. a dirt bike, and have this happen to you:


Also, kudos to the new Xbox One upload studio. Just wish there was a slow-mo feature for when.... the jet crashes right in front of me.
Man GTA Online... A friend of mine and I are finally going to play and for the life of me I can't figure out how to create a Job that's just my friend and I. It keeps putting me in random jobs with lots of people already in and he can't join in time

And now seemingly I'm stuck in a clouds loop.
Man GTA Online... A friend of mine and I are finally going to play and for the life of me I can't figure out how to create a Job that's just my friend and I. It keeps putting me in random jobs with lots of people already in and he can't join in time

And now seemingly I'm stuck in a clouds loop.
Start in single player and create an invite only lobby.
Then you can invite your friend and create a job Playlist.


Man GTA Online... A friend of mine and I are finally going to play and for the life of me I can't figure out how to create a Job that's just my friend and I. It keeps putting me in random jobs with lots of people already in and he can't join in time

And now seemingly I'm stuck in a clouds loop.

Turn off ... crap, can't remember what the word for it is. Auto invite I think? I never have that on so I have to ask for it to look for randoms if that is what I want or even if I want it to invite friends or crew.


What is the best way to have fun/progress playing solo?

I can't answer for you but for me it depends on my mood. And not all of it will progress you ;).

1. trying to steal a lazer from the military base. Just the challenge in itself is just fun.

2. Do some missions. Fun and progress. Try a different one every now and then.

3. Simeon missions, find that car!

4. Walk around, enjoy scenary. Once again, doesn't really progress you. But if you are in the mood to relax and chill, this is actually pretty nice. It's a pretty immersive world and even in MP with less detail/no animals it is just amazing when you slow down, walk through town, or even drive and obey the rules so that you really can take it all in. Though.. you're better off doing this in SP because more detail, animals, and you can randomly find collectables and they're more fun finding them yourself than just looking up on a map to see where they are.

5. Rampaging against cops. Shake it up some. Make rules for yourself. Use a tank sometimes. try to only go after them with a sniper. Make it so you have to down all helicopters (or make them worth more).

6. Try offroading in different vehicles. See how far up a mountain you can take it. Extra challenge, try a bus or something similar ;). Or a tractor trailer and make it so if you lose the trailer you lose.

7. Stunt around the city in different planes. Try landing in small areas. Or going under bridges, or upside down only. Try landing on top of the highest skyscraper (I suck, I still can't do it. A few people on here have just to taunt me). I find this more fun in public servers cause I like buzzing people and like thinking maybe some one managed to catch me doing something cool (or alternatively laughing at my stupid crash. Dieing in GTA can be just as fun if you manage to find a new stupid way to do so ;) ).

8. Rampage against everyone in a tank. Blowing stuff up is fun. Oh, or go into a mission like Trash Talk and bring out your tank. The cops will not get called at all in Trash talk and you can blow stuff up to your hearts desire and you'll not have to worry about them blowing you up. Sometimes it's just fun to rampage without the cops.

In general playing GTAO solo is pretty good for timekilling anyways.

Oh, good missions that pay off decently and can be done solo:
1. Trash Talk (if you have a buzzard. Probably even without though it will take you longer and probably cost more with all the rockets/sticky bombs you'll go through).
2. A Titan of a Job
3. Denial of Service if you have a buzzard. This one has a time limit so much better done if you have a buzzard (I found it too frustrating solo without one but I'm not the best player so you might find it differently)
4. Something with Cathouse in the name. Having a helicopter will make this mission super easy for you too (don't even need a buzzard. Just need to land near the person you are saving and let her get in and fly off).
5. Satellite Communications (when you get the truck don't worry about shooting the bikers after you. They won't harm the trailer shooting it and as long as you swerve a little to keep them from riding up next to you and shooting *you*, you just need to worry about keeping the truck and trailer connected and on the road. Just keep an eye on their red circles on the map and if they get next to your icon swerve a little to force them to back off. Not enough to go out of control though. The hardest part once you realize that little fact is shooting everyone before stealing the trailer. The two worst things you can do once you get the trailer is either go out of control and lose connection to the trailer or shoot the trailer yourself trying to hit the bikers cause you can easily destroy the trailer with your guns).
A lot of the missions online are pretty damn hard.

Last night had a mission, 4 player mission, where we had to pick up drugs/package from a handful of locations around the map and use a helicoptor. First one was at the Cement Factory, then the altruist camp, then a gas station, then one in Los Santos on a roof of a building. We must have tried it like 10 times and damn we couldn't do it.

Anybody know this one. What's an easier way to do this? Maybe if we had a buzzard or attack chopper it would be easier. If you have an attack chopper can you call it in in any mission?

I also wish you could just choose the missions (jobs delivered by NPCs) you want to play. I really fucking hate the arbitrary phone conversation system where you just have to randomly hope you get a mission that supports ~2 or 4 people depending on how many you're playing with.


A lot of the missions online are pretty damn hard.

Last night had a mission, 4 player mission, where we had to pick up drugs/package from a handful of locations around the map and use a helicoptor. First one was at the Cement Factory, then the altruist camp, then a gas station, then one in Los Santos on a roof of a building. We must have tried it like 10 times and damn we couldn't do it.

Anybody know this one. What's an easier way to do this? Maybe if we had a buzzard or attack chopper it would be easier. If you have an attack chopper can you call it in in any mission?
That's pickup sticks it one of the lower ranked missions about level 20 ish. If you've got a buzzard you should be able to use it or you could just go after separate packages.
A lot of the missions online are pretty damn hard.

Last night had a mission, 4 player mission, where we had to pick up drugs/package from a handful of locations around the map and use a helicoptor. First one was at the Cement Factory, then the altruist camp, then a gas station, then one in Los Santos on a roof of a building. We must have tried it like 10 times and damn we couldn't do it.

Anybody know this one. What's an easier way to do this? Maybe if we had a buzzard or attack chopper it would be easier. If you have an attack chopper can you call it in in any mission?

I also wish you could just choose the missions (jobs delivered by NPCs) you want to play. I really fucking hate the arbitrary phone conversation system where you just have to randomly hope you get a mission that supports ~2 or 4 people depending on how many you're playing with.

The last package is located street level, in a garage next to a car. Across the street on the westside of that building is a Vagos hideout. I usually land there and snipe then work my way to the gate. I landed on the roof too the first time I played that mission.

Just need sniper rifles for the other locations. There's a gas station across from the Industrial Plant, a northern mountain overlooking the entire Altruist Camp, and that Home Depot roof for trailer park. The last package is a real shootout tho.
New Rockstar newswire post about more updates dropping on March 10 along with Heists:


Adding like 4 or 5 new modes, plus new freeroam activities, and more. Sounds good!

"Daily Objectives will give you a rotating series of challenges to take on for GTA$ rewards. With three new objectives per day, players can stack up challenges over consecutive days to earn bonuses of up to $500,000"

:O 500k


500K for daily objectives will come in very handy.

I don't think that's right. It sounds like if you get the right combo of daily challenges, you can earn an extra bonus of up to 500k (but it's a stack up of managing to get the right daily challenges).

I also predict there is going to be some really expensive stuff added if they're willing to give out 500k bonuses (even if it is for a stack up of challenges you do and they're not easy challenges).


I don't think that's right. It sounds like if you get the right combo of daily challenges, you can earn an extra bonus of up to 500k (but it's a stack up of managing to get the right daily challenges).

I also predict there is going to be some really expensive stuff added if they're willing to give out 500k bonuses (even if it is for a stack up of challenges you do and they're not easy challenges).
Well obviously it's not going to be for one simple chore. I imagine you'll have to work for it. But either way, 500K sounds great.


we all knew her
I really can't stand open lobbies anymore. I enjoy doing missions and such but playing with randoms is quite a chore. If any of you on PS4 are looking for someone to do missions with, feel free to add me/send me a message: Akuma_818

I'm mostly just grinding for money right now in preparation for the release of heists which should hopefully have new worthwhile items to buy.

I'll send you an invite later. If you or anyone else wants to add me for the same thing, add me: snacknuts. I pretty much exclusively do missions, with the occasional break to sell a Dubsta.


Yeah, I'm up for some missions. My PSN is vntonywhite. Add me if you want and we'll get some missions and playlists on the go. Could also do some heists when they arrive.
Man this Heist update is going to be brutal. There seems to be plenty of goodness coming our way. Almost too much. I have a good feeling I will be burning through my 7 mil in no time...but...speaking of Heists...

It's that time for another GTA GAF Recruitment! If anyone here applied for the PSN crew and hasn't gotten in, or knows anyone that wants in, send me a PM and I'll let you know what to do. I'm going to extend this offer out to friends of Gaffers now, as well, to help promote not only a stronger crew with more numbers, but to also help friends play with friends play with gaffers. If you want to get a non gaffer in, send me a PM with their info also, I'll add them to a slowly growing doc I am creating that will be done in a few years -_- I'll post a recruitment in the GTAV OT this weekend also.
Yeah, I'm up for some missions. My PSN is vntonywhite. Add me if you want and we'll get some missions and playlists on the go. Could also do some heists when they arrive.
I searched and searched on the R* Social Club, but I could not find you. I'll PM you for more info.


we all knew her
Man this Heist update is going to be brutal. There seems to be plenty of goodness coming our way. Almost too much. I have a good feeling I will be burning through my 7 mil in no time...but...speaking of Heists...

It's that time for another GTA GAF Recruitment! If anyone here applied for the PSN crew and hasn't gotten in, or knows anyone that wants in, send me a PM and I'll let you know what to do. I'm going to extend this offer out to friends of Gaffers now, as well, to help promote not only a stronger crew with more numbers, but to also help friends play with friends play with gaffers. If you want to get a non gaffer in, send me a PM with their info also, I'll add them to a slowly growing doc I am creating that will be done in a few years -_- I'll post a recruitment in the GTAV OT this weekend also.

I searched and searched on the R* Social Club, but I could not find you. I'll PM you for more info.

Thanks for doing this. I just accepted your request on the Social Club.


I searched and searched on the R* Social Club, but I could not find you. I'll PM you for more info.
Which crew is this? I'm already part of the NGAF crew, but I don't really play with them or have any of them on my Friends list. I'd be happy to be in an active crew for missions, heists, etc.
Let's hope they can handle it.




IGN: How does a heist work exactly?

IMRAN: Each heist requires 4 players all at rank 12 or above, with one player as the designated heist leader. Leading a heist requires owning a high-end apartment so that you have a room available to set up the planning board. From there you’ll be able to launch missions as the leader, starting with the prep work and building up to the score itself.

Are the GTA online servers online empty for the most part? I haven't played in awhile and I'm trying to do jobs for fun and barely anyone join


Are the GTA online servers online empty for the most part? I haven't played in awhile and I'm trying to do jobs for fun and barely anyone join
You Xbone or PS4? I'll do some jobs with you if PS4, as I need the money. Honestly cannot wait for heists, although £250,000 split between four isn't going to be much.
Haven't read those impressions on Heists yet...I'm trying to stay away...but I am weak, and will likely cave in here very soon.
Which crew is this? I'm already part of the NGAF crew, but I don't really play with them or have any of them on my Friends list. I'd be happy to be in an active crew for missions, heists, etc.
Yea I was using your PSN name, and the Social Club couldn't find ya. You're /we're good!
You Xbone or PS4? I'll do some jobs with you if PS4, as I need the money. Honestly cannot wait for heists, although £250,000 split between four isn't going to be much.

I'm on the PS4, what's your name on PSN. I'm off right now and yea I hope R* gives me a reason to spend my 8 million--I know I only want 1 apartment so I'm going to sell my old one if new ones are being released.

Also what aim setting is the most popular one so I can always have a full lobby or job party? Is it free aim?


Yea I was using your PSN name, and the Social Club couldn't find ya. You're /we're good!
That's really odd. Still, I'm part of the NGAF crew already, and you have me on PSN. Come next week, we'll be planning our first heist.

I'm on the PS4, what's your name on PSN. I'm off right now and yea I hope R* gives me a reason to spend my 8 million--I know I only want 1 apartment so I'm going to sell my old one if new ones are being released.
My PSN is vntonywhite.
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