Psn is the same as here
I want new cars!
Got an empty 10 car garage ready, not really got much I want to buy right now.
My connection seems stable so I'm game.Dire is game. Messaged him on PSN
I can help, experienced as Prison Officer and Pilot.
Could even do it around 3 or 4pm EST depending on how long I'll be out. Definitely will be back by 6pm EST. All sounds good.
You guys still up for it? It's getting close to 6. If so, add me: OWN1N45
If we can't get a third GAFfer I guess we could try our luck in getting a random 4th guy?...
Sent a friend request.
As a heads up I've had a few to drink, so apologies in advance if I end up crashing a thing into a thing etc.
You guys still up for it? It's getting close to 6. If so, add me: OWN1N45
If we can't get a third GAFfer I guess we could try our luck in getting a random 4th guy?...
So sorry I left you hanging, I'm GMT and hadn't seen your message so I wasn't expecting it that late. I'm on now if you still are.
Calling the team again for a heist tonight:
Ward, PHOENIXZERO, Super MisterHero and me
Tonight, this wednesday night
Starting around 10 pm
Can we make it?
Any idea when?Man, it makes me so mad that this game is so fun, yet getting to the fun is such a hassle.
After a couple hours of connection / server / etc problems we went through some of the Humane Labs stuff and such. Good times with torontoml, RaymaN, and BigBoss!
We'll be continuing our quest to complete this heist together later tonight.
Always wear your helmet, gaf:
Any idea when?
The final heist is so much easier when you realize you don't actually have to make it to the yellow checkpoint markers.
Got stuck with a crew that had mic'd but barely talked, and we were on pacific standard for like 2 fuckin hours because they couldn't stop wrecking on bikes.
God I wish I had a good reliable crew. Would fix all my GTA troubles
I hate the Insurgent.
Now not to make this page too gif heavy, this chase was fun...
I hate the Insurgent.
You can insure and own one as a personal vehicle.The hearse?
You can insure and own one as a personal vehicle.
Psn id king_coopr
Add me on ps4. I need to do the heists, trying to host them so I can make sure I do them in order. Also win for win races to unlocks mods. I have the hearse if anyone needs that to spawn too.
I heard to get it now that you have to know some one with a hearse to get it to spawn...
Anyone with a hearse want to help me get one? I prefer one with a coffin in the hearse (I hear there's two variants). Please?
Oh, I missed this... pretty pretty please?
what's the consensus of gta online now with the heists and everything
You can get one to spawn whilst solo by exploiting a few things. All you had to do was use the backing out from the store not right nearby the church to refresh the cars. But that can be time consuming.I heard to get it now that you have to know some one with a hearse to get it to spawn...
You can get one to spawn whilst solo by exploiting a few things. All you had to do was use the backing out from the store not right nearby the church to refresh the cars. But that can be time consuming.
Yeah no problem just message me on psn or in game
Armored Kuruma is the big offender.
At least you can shoot people out of the Insurgent. Kuruma is bulletproof. Just roll it into enemy placements on some heists/missions and its easy mode
Next time I do Pacific Standard, as long as I don't get hit on the way to the bikes im positive I can just go to my garage, grab the Kuruma, and come out with the full haul.
Garages are usually locked during missions.
I did it in like July so your mileage may very and it may no longer work, but we both know how ineffective the patches are with regards to the exploits.I was told that the way to get it without some one else didn't work anymore?
While I can appreciate that heists are doable and easy for the most part, I do wish there were some more challenging ones.... Same level of teamwork and coordination required as destiny raids
I thought so too. But we did pacific standard a while back were i got the bike an went for. My garage . Sure enough I walked right in and grabbed my kuruma. The catch is that no one else can enter as a passenger.
What was todays patch for?
As the heists are set before the events in GTA V, I highly doubt we'll see Michael and Franklin pop up, at least not as an NPC setting you a mission. Remember, before the story in GTA V, Michael was laying low under witness protection, and Franklin was nothing more than a street-tier criminal. They wouldn't have heists to set the players.I hope Michael and Franklin show up in GTA Online
so far only Trevor has shown up of the 3 protagonists