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GTA: SA to have 2 player mode?


Awesome if true

Unconfirmed rumours currently doing the interweb rounds strongly suggest that GTA: San Andreas will feature a two-player mode - the first time a game in the GTA series has offered multiplayer support.

Whether such a mode would be based around vs or (as seems more likely) cooperative gameplay remains to be seen, as does whether it would be split-screen, feature two playable characters on a single screen or even require two PS2s to be linked up.

Rockstar were unavailable for comment at the time of writing and members of the games press who have actually played San Andreas have been signed up to watertight NDAs, so we may not actually find out whether the game includes a two-player mode or not until it's released. As soon as we have more on this story though, we'll let you know.



That would be ace if you could do co-op. Even better if you could be individual thugs opposite each other in the same game world.
Dekajelly said:
Awesome if true

Unconfirmed rumours currently doing the interweb rounds strongly suggest that GTA: San Andreas will feature a two-player mode - the first time a game in the GTA series has offered multiplayer support.

You might want to revisit the pre-GTA 3 games in the series.


Unconfirmed rumours currently doing the interweb rounds strongly suggest that GTA: San Andreas will feature a two-player mode - the first time a game in the GTA series has offered multiplayer support.

The old GTA games had mutiplayer
Keyser Soze said:
What? There was other GTA games before number 3?

I dont believe this news!

Take it with a grain of salt, these are unconfirmed rumors. But if true, the frothing demand for the game is bound to increase. To answer your next question: no I don't think I could have crammed anymore writing cliches into this reply.


Tag of Excellence
I don't beleive this news.

Surely having some form of multiplayer would have been a big feature to announce months ago. Having a "rumor" leak out about it so close to release is impossible to swallow.
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