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GTA:San Andreas takes 150 hours to finish

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
According to an interview with Dan Hauser in Italian OPM2.


If(big IF) its true,i wonder how many people will get bored half way into the game,this was the reason i didnt finish Vice City
Considering that would give you 75 hours of playtime, it wouldn't exactly be a bad thing.

I've not completed GTA3 or Vice City, and I picked up both games at launch. They were still awesome games and I spent a lot of time with both. It's just too easy to get distracted from your missions.


I'm guessing that 150 hours is not finish (the storyline and sidequests), but complete (100% everything - unique jumps, hidden packages, rampages).


I beat both Vice City and 3 and got very bored in a limited amount of time but SA looks like it might change that due to the traveling between cities. I play games like this to advance the story so the fact I can just go kill pedestrians all day does nothing for me -- as long as the missions are more varied than 3 and VC, I'll be kept interested. Otherwise, I'll just beat it to beat it.
i beat VC and GTA3 and they both had a lot of great gameplay, i cant wait to get my hands on this beast...150 F¤¤¤¤¤ hours man thats just to good to be true


I'll probably spend 150 hours riding around on a bicycle kicking people and stuff.

If you can kick over trashcans on a bicycle, you'll never see me again.


Heh, cool. I'm sure it will take 60h or so to beat the story, but then again, who rush such a fun game? :)

This fall is amazing. San Andreas in October and Halo 2 in November. Bring 'em on! :D


Deepthroat said:
This fall is amazing. San Andreas in October and Halo 2 in November. Bring 'em on! :D
Don't forget Metroid Prime 2 and MGS3!

I'm going to have no life in November :D


Guess this fall will be the time when I end up with a true 0 in all of my courses (and to think I am going back as a fulltime student) :(


works for Gamestop (lol)
So accounting for the BS developer estimated time, 150 hours / 3 = 50 hours to beat the game (for me). This game must have a shitload of bonus mission/additional objectives


Banstick Emeritus
belgurdo said:
Considering I never got bored with any game in the series and am still playing them this news makes me happy
I agree wholeheartedly with this post.

I just beat Vice City for the third time, and started a brand new run on GTA 3 for the 4th time just to warm up for San Andreas. I can keep going back again and again and it always feels fresh, freeform gameplay will do that for ya I suppose.

Kinda like watching the Bourne Identity to prep for the Bourne Supremacy, opening July 23rd at a theater near you!

bjork said:
If you can kick over trashcans on a bicycle, you'll never see me again.

edit: why in the hell does all of the meaty info come out in foreign magazines?


Who the hell wants to spend anywhere from 75-150 hours to finish a game??!! I was once 10 years old with no responsibilities.

I've never understood the love for the GTA series and this news certifies that the trend will continue.
Lisa Lashes said:
I've never understood the love for the GTA series and this news certifies that the trend will continue.

Because its the best pick up and play game on the market. :) You don't need to do any set goal you just play around in a huge world.

evil ways

I guess it has to do with the fact that Rockstar has close ties with UK/Euro publications. If you look at it no mag, besides Game Informer I think has ever gotten any new or exclusive GTA info or images. They always get the same old info and screen that UK magazines have had for months.

I'm currently playing GTA3 as well, and I don't know if it's my memory failing me but I don't recall ever playing through any of the El Burro missions cause the "Turismo" race always pissed me off back when I got the game.

Also I don't know if it's just me but I love cruising around listening to all the made up music the game has, especially the techo and rap tunes from MSX, Rise and Game, maybe even a bit more than the licensed music from Vice City. Not to say that I didn't love the 80's soundtrack or don't hope that San Andreas has a lot of licensed music, but GTAIII's soundtrack was pretty good.


Banstick Emeritus
Funny, I was thinking the same thing last night. I love VC's soundtrack, but you have to appreciate the time and effort coming up with the stations in GTA 3, especially Game Radio :D my personal favourite.


Lisa Lashes said:
Who the hell wants to spend anywhere from 75-150 hours to finish a game??!! I was once 10 years old with no responsibilities.

People who want to feel that they've thoroughly gotten their $50 worth, for one

And what does age have to do with game playing time? It's not like you have to sit there and play the game straight through
i've never done all the jumps or packages... but i do all the missions and side quests and stuff like that... the jumps and packages are just the typical "collectathon" bullshit...


SantaCruZer said:
That helicopter mission with the explosives made me stop playing GTA: Vice city.

That mission was simple, and gave you a massive leeway in terms of time and mistakes...it also helps to have flown some choppers beforehand too

evil ways

Aunty's toy helicopter raid? Easy as hell, unless you mess up and let the last car escape.

The only missions that came close to pissing me off where the boat ones with the timer and checkpoints. If you even slightly miss a checkpoint the mission is over.


belgurdo said:
That mission was simple, and gave you a massive leeway in terms of time and mistakes...it also helps to have flown some choppers beforehand too

Well I didn't fly some choppers before, and when I finally completed the mission I accidentaly drove into the river at the way home to a save point.


evil ways said:
Aunty's toy helicopter raid? Easy as hell, unless you mess up and let the last car escape.

That was with toy planes not helicopters. It was actually kinda hard, unlike the helicopter one which was rather easy.


I had trouble with the bombing mission (bomb the boats then the guys getting away), it was ok on PS2 but damn hard on the PC with the shit RC plane controls. After a few tries I finally got it, then speeding on my way back to Auntie's house I was careless with the Angel and slid through a corner, killing a pedestrian. I slid right into a cop who turned around and busted me for the 1 star. :p

Thank god I got the mission done next try, that might have been ugly.

I did all the side missions and unique jumps, but I've never gotten all the packages. I think the most I ever got was 80 in GTA3 - I doubt I had more than 40 in VC. I loved collecting the vehicles in both games, but the 4x4 challenges just ruined me. Couldn't finish any of them. :(
I hope its not a 150 hours of the same ol missions. VC had some fun missions like the golf kart getaway one but most of them were really the same stuff over and over again.

bah ill be getting it anyways.


Junior Member
SantaCruZer said:
Well I didn't fly some choppers before, and when I finally completed the mission I accidentaly drove into the river at the way home to a save point.

Don't tell me you turned off the console before you saved just cuz you died? You would have still been given credit for completing it if you would have just saved after leaving the hospital. Please, I hope I just read your post wrong. If not, then a preemptive lol.

I don't buy this 150 hour stuff. 3 and VC only took me 30-40 hours with getting everything. But then again, I guess it'll take that long if you are intent on not using an FAQ. Maybe I'm just weaksauce but I'm not about to search every nook, cranny, tranny and roof for those damn statues. It's a 100 of them. Nor the jumps. Fuck that. That's just torture. I thank the guys who did that, given my lack of being 10 years old w/o responsibilities.

I would say that using FAQs helped me log about 6 hours in the 'Apache' chopper listening to Rick James, sing Ghetto life, doing the Brown Thunder missions. Absolute gaming bliss w/o any goals.

evil ways

I still to this day have not unlocked the Apache chopper. I think I got about 68 bonus packages, aquired all the showroom cars, and the zebra cab, but that's about it.

I'm gonna make that my goal until October 19, to get the Apache.


The Faceless Master said:
i've never done all the jumps or packages... but i do all the missions and side quests and stuff like that... the jumps and packages are just the typical "collectathon" bullshit...

Same. I beat all the side-missions in Vice City and got all the property, but I refuse to do the collect-a-thon bullshit of those two types of missions.
dog$ said:
DBZ avatar + this quote = teh funnay

Even funnier when you consider all the stuff Rockstar has added to this game to make it not just "another" GTA. I don't know why it's so difficult for bashers of the series to just take a quick look at the previews which make it very obvious that this isn't just GTA3 or VC with different characters and a new location.


GTA games should come with the cheat codes in the manual.

Almost all the casuals I know that played 3 and Vice City used them about 90% of the time.


Even funnier when you consider all the stuff Rockstar has added to this game to make it not just "another" GTA. I don't know why it's so difficult for bashers of the series to just take a quick look at the previews which make it very obvious that this isn't just GTA3 or VC with different characters and a new location.
GTA3 and VC are games that do a lot of different things, but don't do one thing particularly well. It's like the old saying, "Jack of all trades but master of none." I've tried both games, played them for several hours, gave them both a fair chance, and neither one sucked me in. I understand their appeal and know they're wildly popular, but it's just not my cup of tea. I think I'm entitled to have an opinion, "and I'd appreciate it if you'd ease off my case about it."

*thanks Will Smith for the MIB quote*

It doesn't matter how much they add or change, the series doesn't do it for me.


evil ways said:
I guess it has to do with the fact that Rockstar has close ties with UK/Euro publications. If you look at it no mag, besides Game Informer I think has ever gotten any new or exclusive GTA info or images. They always get the same old info and screen that UK magazines have had for months.

I'm currently playing GTA3 as well, and I don't know if it's my memory failing me but I don't recall ever playing through any of the El Burro missions cause the "Turismo" race always pissed me off back when I got the game.

Also I don't know if it's just me but I love cruising around listening to all the made up music the game has, especially the techo and rap tunes from MSX, Rise and Game, maybe even a bit more than the licensed music from Vice City. Not to say that I didn't love the 80's soundtrack or don't hope that San Andreas has a lot of licensed music, but GTAIII's soundtrack was pretty good.

MSX is neither rap nor techno.


if finishing all the actual missions takes 150 hours, this game can kiss my ass. rpgs don't even take that friggin long...usually.
yoshifumi said:
if finishing all the actual missions takes 150 hours, this game can kiss my ass. rpgs don't even take that friggin long...usually.

The main missions won't take that long. They're probably talking about all the insane jumps, delivery missions and whatever else they add into SA. The story section won't take that long.
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