Smiles and Cries
Can you own a cat at all in single-player or Online?
I want a cat
no animals much online
redo missions in rain is great
Can you own a cat at all in single-player or Online?
Thanks for the stock tips. Made 2 billion off Lifeinvader gonna buy Oculus now.
Damn, I just did the money glitch like half an hour ago. Got up to 2 billion with each character.
Lucky me.
I saw this article about the game the other day, holy hell:
is that what the patch was for? that was.... fast
I saw this article about the game the other day, holy hell:
Thank god my dudes have $1bn each.
My first action in the game with Franklin was stomping on that cat you see.
I dont know why I did it, but I felt bad.
Thanks for this. I would rather make the money playing in game but when they don't give me any good way of doing that I would rather just get the money. I don't even mind grinding but the ways they have of making money that isn't one time events are ridiculously stingy.
Does anyone know if it still works to invest in a company and then destroy its competitors stuff (like blow up every burger hut or whatever they call it's trucks while investing in the chicken fast food place)? Honestly if that works I'd rather do that cause it would be fun and playing in game rather than glitching in money.
The new patch is causing me to crash with a fresh install.
It crashes loading story mode with error CE-34878-0. I am seeing more reports coming in on Twitter about it also.
And, it made the rockstar logo intro video at boot really choppy.
My boot logo audio has been bugged from day 1.
glitch still working for me....amaazingggg
So basically all the patch did was make the online not work for people who could go online before. Amazing
How is the loading times guys ?
I'm talking specifically about the loading times when starting up the game (which took a long ass time on PS3) and the loading times between missions in GTA Online.
How is the loading times guys ?
I'm talking specifically about the loading times when starting up the game (which took a long ass time on PS3) and the loading times between missions in GTA Online.
So who here is experiencing the loading issue for Story Mode after the 1.03 update?
I'm. Error code ce-34878-0.
What in the fuck... Tried loading the story mode without connecting to the Internet and it no longer crashes. Online this gen is a joke, Jesus Christ.
So not having the PS4 connected to the internet loads it?