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GTA V NG |OT| You forget a thousand things every day, make sure Chicago is one of 'em


I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds the in game radio volume too low... even reduced the SFX down two notches and everything still sounds muffled.
Yeah, Trevor was reallyyyyyyyy crazy in the beginning. Every time someone talks to him, I'll be like "Oh shit..what's Trevor gonna do this time?".

Then when he finally meets Michael, he's so tame in comparison.

To be fair, there's a chance Trevor is in love with Michael. At the very least he loves the guy, despite his best efforts to convince the world otherwise.


I'm sure this has been asked a lot but I couldn't find a recent example. Got the game on PS4 and used my code for the in-game cash. Followed all the steps, downloaded and installed the add-on and even tried to do it again from the in game PSN link. Do you have to wait for the story to progress to get it? or do something with the phone?
Yeah, Trevor was reallyyyyyyyy crazy in the beginning. Every time someone talks to him, I'll be like "Oh shit..what's Trevor gonna do this time?".

Then when he finally meets Michael, he's so tame in comparison.
Part of it is that he's using Michael. It's explained later that he's using Michael because he knows with his crew, he can get more money for Trevor Philips Industries.

Part of it is also he's self-admittedly blinded by his loyalty to Michael. He admits this during Bury the Hatchet if you play it as Trevor instead of Michael.

Then, lastly, a part of it is also Trevor cares about Michael's family and also Michael as his own family. If you hangout, he describes why he respected Michael's choice to still protect Amanda, Jimmy, and Tracy. If T hangs out with Jimmy, he is very protective of Jimmy (you cannot even visit Bars -- "no alcohol for little Jimmy." Also, if you Hangout after the game, M asks T why he didn't kill him -- he says because he cares too much about M's family.

Its mutual. You can see in certain exile scenes like during Predator how Michael, despite his selfishness, still cares about T and wants to protect him. During Hangouts, M admits he would have contacted T sooner if he knew it would have been peaceful -- and you can tell in their voices they're happy to have each other back, and wish it could be simple and peaceful again between them like brothers.


Trevor had problems with The Lost, we just don't see it. Almost the whole opening act involves basically destroying their remaining power structure.

We get to see a lot of this play out in GTA Online, where they are rival meth dealers.

Also good catch on the Michael cheesy one-liners thing. I never thought of it that way, but you're so right.
We get to see a lot of this play out in GTA Online, where they are rival meth dealers.

Also good catch on the Michael cheesy one-liners thing. I never thought of it that way, but you're so right.
he has a lot of great lines that I appreciate a bit more on multiple playthroughs, like "just said the same thing to be my wife" at the start of By the Book, "the today's lesson is all about humility" before Father/Son, or "stockholm syndrome being beautiful this time of year" before Derailed.. even "eye lash soup" during Ending A (or is it B)... Some of them are cheesy but a lot of them are so aware and subtle that I appreciate them more now.

his best scenes I think though where he's being an ass, sarcastic dry humor, and something unsettles him.. like before Predator when he says "you're right... I did do that. I apologize." I think that's one of the best moments between M and T.

I wish we had more scenes like that instead of the bitchfest the game becomes after Bury the Hatchet.


I haven't passed ANY stunt jumps. I haven't really tried but they must be hard. Do you need a really fast car?

It depends on the jump. If you go too fast on a lot of them, you will overshoot the landing zone. There was one off the roof of a parking garage that I remember needed a super car to get the distance, but most of them you can get away with something like Michael's car. Dirt bikes work well - just not off buildings.
There are a couple you can do on a bicycle.


Ok, I bought this yesterday. I've never been one where GTA clicks with me (Vice City is the only one and that's more because of the OST and the time period).

What should my plan of attack be? Do I just go along doing story missions, doing "?" missions etc? Should I go off the beaten track exploring? Sometimes the depth and scope of GTA games are what put me off as there is so much to see and do that I just can't make my mind up with what to do lol.
Getting a weird bug. When I start my game (about 25 hours put in) about 2 minutes later the game goes to a loading screen and restarts itself from the very first cutscene :S

I had the exact same bug yesterday. I manually reloaded my lastest save, the game went on normal after that.
Ok, I bought this yesterday. I've never been one where GTA clicks with me (Vice City is the only one and that's more because of the OST and the time period).

What should my plan of attack be? Do I just go along doing story missions, doing "?" missions etc? Should I go off the beaten track exploring? Sometimes the depth and scope of GTA games are what put me off as there is so much to see and do that I just can't make my mind up with what to do lol.

I would do the story missions on whichever character offers them until you are not curious what the next one is, and instead want to explore something you saw during a mission. The story missions tend to introduce areas of the map, and also introduce features of the game like flying etc.
Ok, I bought this yesterday. I've never been one where GTA clicks with me (Vice City is the only one and that's more because of the OST and the time period).

What should my plan of attack be? Do I just go along doing story missions, doing "?" missions etc? Should I go off the beaten track exploring? Sometimes the depth and scope of GTA games are what put me off as there is so much to see and do that I just can't make my mind up with what to do lol.

No right way to play--do whatever interests you. I burned through the missions and am now going back for the side stuff. Though I think I probably missed some of them now.

I did spend an inordinate amount of time trying to steal the fighter jet and get it back to my hanger... never fucking happened. Anyway to just buy one?
I'm enjoying playing through this right now but I don't think I've ever played such a well-liked game that had such horrible controls, christ.

This is GTA in a nutshell. Controls have always been the weakest part of the series. I always find player movement to be really annoying in the GTA games. Just really clunky. No one seems to care though.


Bolded for truth. Completely agree with you.

I also don't like how all of the side missions end up just being a farce. After you beat the main story missions, there's really not much to do... And many of the extras are "oops! Looks like you -- criminal mastermind -- were tricked by another silly NPC!" Nearly every side mission follows this format of lurring the player in for a bonus, only to "Oops! Tricked again, darn!" Franklin collecting all of the weed cars for the big "smoke out"
and then the guy never shows up...
Wow, what a great social commentary on stoners. The old couple who are looking for memorabilia and there will be a big reward at the end...
end up just being crazy old coots.
And mission after mission follows this. The gameplay:reward ratio in the game is a joke, which I think is why they put this phony stock market into the game, and then every conversation online is how to maximize profit form the ingame stock market, instead of ... yknow, balancing gameplay with rewards. I'd wager the majority of posts in this thread that are about actual missions in the game are about Lester's assassination missions. These are side story missions that shouldn't be important, yet, because the reward system in the game is so inbalanced, they end up becoming the 5 most important missions in the entire game.

Played through it on 360 (and about 50% of the way on X1) and I got pretty frustrated when it seemed like Rockstar wanted to focus more on making a mockery of videogames as they as today, rather than providing any ingame rewards to players for doing inane tasks. It's funny the first or second time that you get a reward of nothing for putting up with an arduous mission, but when the entire game is that, minus one mission that gives you $250,000 and another that gives you $40million, it wears thin. GTAV is not as bad as GTAIV in this regard, but it's still bad.

The properties are another joke. The cost:benefit ratio is so FUBAR, every property minus the handful that give you something like an airplane or boat are an utter waste of money, a ridiculous waste of money. Most of them would take literally years, real life years, to pay back the return on investment. The one up in Paleto Bay, that bar, I did the math and it takes something like 90 ... real life weeks ... to just pay back the $90,000 or whatever that it costs. 90 weeks in real life. That's two years. If you want ot double your investment, you're looking at four years of playing the game every day. I actually thought that they were going to overhaul property ownership for this release, and it SEEMS like they aimed to, but didn't. When you first unlock properties, the description says that if you do missions for them then they pay out more money, but that isn't true. If you do a mission for any of the properties, they continue to pay out the same money, and the majority of properties only give you one or two random encounter missions... The weed store is under attack, or Biker gangs are rowdy at the bar. You dispatch them once and that's it, back to normal as a property that you "own" that gives you virtually no reward and doesn't let you do anything. hell, even when you purchase the restaurant on the highway, or the bar in Paleto Bay, you can't even go into them.

I dunno, I've vented about this poor game design before. Was hoping it'd be tightened up for nextgen, disappointed that it wasn't.

You don't need believable motivations for those moments, like Trevors rampages, Michael's alien hallucinations, or cops who shoot you if you stare at them. You should have motivations for the main storylines in a game, especially a company that seemingly wants to deliver storyline in a game.

Why does Michael's family abandon him? Because he tries to .. tackle the yoga instructor. Really? That's what causes them to leave?
Why do they come back to him? Because they miss him ...
Why does Michael have to become a criminal again? Because his wife is cheating on him and this causes him to tear a building off of cliff..... Meanwhile, it's stated throughout the game that she's been cheating on him since they met.
Why does Trevor get mad at Michael when he realizes he's been lying to him for 10+ years and he secretly sold him out to the FBI? Oh, wait, that's right, Trevor doesn't get mad at him.
Why does Michael end up getting involved with Devin Weston? Because he says he's going to ... get him a part in a movie? ... What?

And, if you get into the motivations of the bad guys they're just utterly pointless and stupid. "Dumb jock FBI guy does bad things because he's a big dumb jock FBI guy." The characters who are supposed to pose a threat to you end up posing no threat to you at any time. Martin Madrazo is supposed to be some terrifying drug kingpin. Your only interactions with him are lighthearted bullying. The Lost Motorcycle gang is supposed to be this gang that Trevor has a real problem with... Yet at no time do the Lost ever do anythign to Trevor at all, in any way, at any time.

Worst of all is the interaction between the three characters themselves. Any sense of suspense between Michael and Trevor is mishandled in every scene. Any sense of Franklin trying to learn the ropes, learn the game, is similarly mishandled. There is zero character development from the first moment of the game to the last. Every character is exactly the same when they start the game as when they end it (maybe a SLIGHT exception to Lamar). Every other NPC is the same. If there is an NPC who is an annoying character who bleeds you for money when the game begins, he's an annoying character who bleeds you for money when the game ends.

FInally, there's no bad guy. Just no bad guy at all. This is par for Rockstar course, though, they haven't made a compelling antagonist since GTA San Andreas, over 10 years ago. A lot of my criticism of GTAIV, RDR, and GTAV -- storyline wise -- is because Rockstar got so much right with GTA San Andrea, and somehow in the years following it, they got so much wrong. The motivations for the characters in that game are believable and interesting... Sure, there are silly ones like "The Truth" and the guy who owns the hobby shop, but the major characters have realistic, believable motivations, and on top of that, they develop and change throughout the game. Characters who were friends in GTA:SA don't stay friends, characters who are presented as enemies end up coming around and being useful or being friendly. Most importantly, there is a believable antagonist who is present throughout most of the story, and his motivations are realistic for that character. Hell, as the game ends, you can almost sympathize with him. And despite this, I don't think that anybody considers GTA:SA a "serious" GTA game... There were zany characters, crazy subplots, and plenty of nonsense to make the game lighthearted... But the actual core narrative was a strong one, cliched sure, but strong. When Rockstar abandoned the "let's borrow other stories" philosophy (GTAIII, VC, and SA), it became obvious that they can't really craft narratives.


Sorry for the long rant, it's not to you, just to GTA in general. I'm hoping if Rockstar puts together single player DLC for GTAV, they do it in an interesting way.
I agree with all the bolded parts. As a longtime GTA fan I must express myself as well... again. At least whenever people bring it up.

- I'll say right off the bat that stories are subjective and I'm easy to please. I enjoyed the story. With 3 characters, sometimes it kind of felt all over the place but after beating it twice I had a better understanding of certain things.

- The side missions are scripted just like all the other missions. After completing the game there isn't much to do. If I didn't get immersed in Rockstar's worlds and didn't love to just dick around and cause chaos there would hbe nothing to do. This was the problem with GTA IV, too. After 100%, there's nothing. I always make it my goal to complete the game to 100% first then explore the world and do whatever. Like I've said 1000 times side missions with infinite replayability need to make a return. GTA IV lacked in action-based side missions but at least it kept vigilante missions. Why the fuck did they remove that? It's a staple to the series. But they kept the taxi missions? Seriously? With a game so focused on money why did burglary not make a return? Why can't we have a heist side mission? Why can't we go to an HQ, choose a crew, a random location to rob within the city and just perform the heist? Why was this not considered? There's no action-based side missions. No gang wars, no drug wars vigilante missions, etc. The cops are tough to take on this time around so it would be nice to get into some kind of shootout with a goal or something. The heist missions were great but also disappointing. As missions, they were fantastic. But the whole "planning" aspect was just a farse. You plan nothing. You choose one of multiple scripted ways to perform the heists. You use crew members in maybe 3 or 4 heists so leveling them up doesn't seem to be that big of a deal. Another feature that kind of felt rushed or just thrown in last minute.

- Then there's the dynamic missions. Cool but scripted. Once you do most of them they can't be done again. Makes sense but the ones that are repeatable should have been implemented to appear in random locations. Robbing the armored trucks are my favorite ones. However, they always appear in the same spots. They're cool, but knowing where they are all the time kind of ruins the immersion. It would be cooler if they weren't really dynamic but anytime you saw an armored truck somewhere, you could just rob it.

- Then there are the things to do that just aren't fun (to me at least). Things that are required for 100%. Triathalons, hidden packages, stunt jumps, activities. What compells Rockstar to keep making these required for 100% completion. I don't mind them in as just optional "do it if you want". Triathalons are just tedious. They were tedious in San Andreas and they're tedious now. That third one is just too long and fucking insane. At least in first-person mode you can hold down the button to sprint and swim but last gen, or when I was on the bike, fuck that. I had to use multiple fingers to tap as fast as I could. Fuck it was too long. What makes anyone think that's fun? Now we get to hidden packages. Ok, I can understand it in GTA 3 with it being a new style of 3D game and adding something to do. But at this point, enough. Who the hell doesn't use a guide for these? Even then it takes hours to do collect everything. Recently the rewards have been shit, especially in this game. You have the option to use Chop to help you find them but can you imagine how long that would take? Stunt jumps. I know some people enjoy doing them but I think it's not even them specifically. Any ramp or crazy trick you can perform can be fun. These are just tedious, too. And why the fuck are most of them so specific? The worst are the ones that cause you to lose your vehicle or give you a wanted level. There's one in the country where you have to drive off a ramp and onto a little island. God forbid you don't land in the exact right place or you fuck up and land in the water now have to find a new vehicle or reload the game. But even after you make it, you just lost your vehicle. You have to swim off the island find a new car (or most likely a motorcycle), and off to the next jump. Last gen I did all 50 in one day. It took me 6 to 8 hours of pure frustration to complete them all. This time I just did the 25 required. Fuck that. Last we get to the activities. They're not as annoying as some were in GTA IV but why are these required for 100%? It's cool to call up your friends and hang out as a feature but being at 98.2% because I still need to call a friend to go play darts with is just like "well wtf". Then there's the races. I'm not a big racing guy and luckily they're not that challenging so whatever. There are so many other cool things they could of implemented to be required for 100% instead. Like better side missions. More action-based stuff. Which leads me to my heist side mission idea above or any other better side mission ideas.

- Properties are a joke. They make you a profit, but it's still not enough to really buy all or many other properties within the game. The feature feels rushed. Like they threw it in last minute. You can receive texts or emails to do a mission for the property but not all of them are fun. I enjoy any of the ones where you have to shoot and kill the bad guys but it's always the same. Unless you understand the relatively simple stock market dalong with the assassination missions you're pretty much fucked when it comes to money.

- There are bad guys but there's like too many or something. I enjoyed the fact that previous games had pretty much one central antagonist. I know who it is and it's clear he's a dick, I want to kick his ass. The antagonists in this game were just douche bags. Not really cool, evil, villains.

- The minor things removed are also questionable. Why can't we enter many interiors anymore? Entering restaurants has been a thing since Vice City. So why can't we buy food from restaurants? Which also has me question why remove the ability to buy food from the street vendors? It's not even that big of a deal but why remove it? They kept the ability to use vending machines, so wtf? Why remove the awesome car physics from IV? That was incredible. I don't mind the new handling but the damage should have made a return.

- Oh, and the cheats suck. Worst cheats in the series. I normally complete the game 100% before using cheats but this time, no. I tried a few last gen and they're just bad. Why the fuck is there a time limit for invulnerability?

- Animals feel like a missed opportunity. I love that they're here. This really isn't that big of a deal but I feel they could have done more. One issue being they die way too quickly. You fire a bullet and hit them, they're done. Like NPCs it should depend where you shoot them. I'm no expert but I don't think shooting a shark in the tail would kill it instantly. It just seems that everytime I fire a gun at an animal they always just drop dead. But my biggest complaint with them is whenever you're attacked it's over. There's no way to fight them off or anything. Once they get you, you die. Wtf? Still, it's a great feature that should remain for future games. Hopefully they can expand upon it.

It seems like a negative post and I guess it is but I still love the GTA series and this game. Like most of Rockstar's games I find the good usually always outweighs the bad. At least for me.

- The world is huge, incredibly detailed, and fun to explore. The underwater stuff is amazing.

- The controls are really refined since IV and an overall improvements. I think first-person mode is great. Yeah, I feel the deadzone stuff but I got use to it. It doesn't bother me like it does to many of you.

- First-person mode in general. It's just a great feature and being completely optional is the best part. You can still play it in third. First-person could have been worse. They could have literally thrown the camera into the character's face. But I thought it was well done. They give you so many options for controls, too, it's great.

- As usual I love the protagonist. In this case protagonists. I think they're great, I enjoyed the acting, and their dialogue.

- The weapons and vehicle selection is great. I loved all the weapons, the firing of the weapons, and ability to upgrade them. It was even better in first-person. I wanted to try them all out just to see and feel them in action. I really love the variety of vehicles and the new handling was great. Not to realistic but each car feels different. The detailed interior models for first-person is a great touch. I normally switch to first-person in every vehicle just to see what it looks like.

DLC can still save the game from some of the flaws I've mentioned, though so hopefully some of this stuff can be rectified. Otherwise there's always mods for the PC version. I feel some stuff is in or being saved for GTAO and that disappoints me. I'm not a multiplayer guy and always played GTA for it's single player. I don't want to see it gimped for multiplayer. Hopefully GTAO will remain it's own thing and they can just keep the two separate.


My stock market is just flat out glitched in my game. It baffles me.

I buy Vapid after Bus Assassination. A week later, it sits at the same price. 5 hour high $0. Five Hour low $3.50

So frustrating.
I found saving and reloading the game results in the high return percentage like it's suppsosed. That worked for me 3 or 4 times.


damn, i just got to the CRYSTAL MAZE mission with trevor and am getting glitched so I can't finish it....

the jerry can doesnt spawn for me to blow the place up... and i cant buy them from ammunation yet.

any help?


Popped into an online session for a bit. The entire session was arguing with some Russian guy, the Russian guy started telling one dude about how he has been doing his mom, it was funny because of the language barrier. Light hearted stuff. A while later we all hear a phone ringing, Russian guy pretends to answer and have a discussion with the other guy's mom. We all lost it.


I really really hate Trevor's early interaction with Michael and the FIB. Dude should be fucking pissed at him and instead he helps him being a lapdog for Steve Haines and even takes shit from them. This is not the Trevor from the first few hours. Stands out more to me in my second playthrough now....

"Trevor from the first few hours" is dealing with straight up adversaries. He's competing with The Lost, he's competing with the Aztecas, he's competing with the O'Neils. They're his enemies, and he's ruthless with them. He's surrounded himself with some weak and callow underlings and he constantly intimidates them.

Michael is his old very close friend and partner who he thought was dead for almost 10 years. He suddenly finds out otherwise and doesn't know what the fuck is going on and wants to find out. He reconnects with Michael and does whatever he has to in order to stick around and get to the bottom of things. He's totally leery of Michael, he knows something stinks, and he's usually somewhat antagonistic towards him.

It's not that weird that he doesn't just burst through his front door and stomp his skull into his kitchen floor in front of his wife and son. These are people Trevor, in his fucked up psychotic way, actually cares about.
Hey all, haven't posted a recruitment in a while, figure it's about time again. If you are on PS3 or PS4 (have to cover both bases :p), and want in the official NeoGaf GTA Online Crew, application is easy! Just send myself a PM here (with your Social Club name), or on the R* Social Club (with your Gaf name). Mic or no mic, crazy or normal time zone, psycho or relaxed player, we accomidate all, and have players of all kinds!

We have been building our ranks up since launch, and we now have a pretty solid group of regulars. For all those interested for more info about Online, and the goings on there, come on over to the GTA Online OT!

Hope to see some of you Online! SP is fun and all...but Online is where it's at, especially when you are running with a crew!

Breakdown Robot

Neo Member
Shoutout to KyanMehwulfe for remembering all the exact mission names and more little details I had forgotten. Rockstar really put a lot into the script, but made so much of it optional I can totally understand how the person I was a responding to could miss out on it.

Since I nearly 100%'d it on PS3, I'm spending a lot of time in the PS4 version doing stuff I missed the first time around. Mainly a lot of the hang out pairings, which have been very entertaining so far.
It depends on the jump. If you go too fast on a lot of them, you will overshoot the landing zone. There was one off the roof of a parking garage that I remember needed a super car to get the distance, but most of them you can get away with something like Michael's car. Dirt bikes work well - just not off buildings.
There are a couple you can do on a bicycle.

How do you know where the 'landing zone' is? I've done some and I seem to land OK but no pass. Do you have to hit a specific area? And do you have to land perfectly?


This is GTA in a nutshell. Controls have always been the weakest part of the series. I always find player movement to be really annoying in the GTA games. Just really clunky. No one seems to care though.

I think the game controls better in first person than it does in third person to be honest. I absolutely love the FP mode.
One part about the ending that is overlooked
is Steve Haine's death.In the mission where you torture Mr.K, Dave mentions to Michael that if Steve Haines were to be killed that people would be investigating every detail of LS FIB and would uncover Dave's deal with Michael. So then wouldn't Michael be fucked?

Did I miss something as to why he would be in the clear?
One part about the ending that is overlooked
is Steve Haine's death.In the mission where you torture Mr.K, Dave mentions to Michael that if Steve Haines were to be killed that people would be investigating every detail of LS FIB and would uncover Dave's deal with Michael. So then wouldn't Michael be fucked?

Did I miss something as to why he would be in the clear?

I think part of the FIB raid was Michael deleting any trace of his involvement with the bureau.


One part about the ending that is overlooked
is Steve Haine's death.In the mission where you torture Mr.K, Dave mentions to Michael that if Steve Haines were to be killed that people would be investigating every detail of LS FIB and would uncover Dave's deal with Michael. So then wouldn't Michael be fucked?

Did I miss something as to why he would be in the clear?

Haines promises Michael that if he does the final "FIB favor" mission, he will delete Michael's entire file. Apparently Michael trusts that he did so.
I feel weird asking, but can someone tell me how to choose secondary weapons within the same class?

I assume it is possible because the center of the weapon wheel says 1 / 2, 1/3 etc.
I feel weird asking, but can someone tell me how to choose secondary weapons within the same class?

I assume it is possible because the center of the weapon wheel says 1 / 2, 1/3 etc.
On the DS4, hold L1 to bring up the weapon wheel, use the right stick to highlight the weapon class, and then while that weapon class is highlighted use left and right on the d-pad to cycle through the options in that class. When you have the correct one on screen then release L1 and your character will equip it (so long as you don't accidentally move the right stick to highlight a different class of weapons as you're letting go of L1 - something I do way too often lol).
I bought GTA V for PS3 in PSN. I think I didn't play the game for more than 5 hours due to me playing some other game at the time.

Is the upgrade to the PS4 version worth it? As I can't get rid of the PS3 version I never really cared playing.

leng jai

I bought GTA V for PS3 in PSN. I think I didn't play the game for more than 5 hours due to me playing some other game at the time.

Is the upgrade to the PS4 version worth it? As I can't get rid of the PS3 version I never really cared playing.

Depends how much you like the game. The remaster is infinitely more playable. The PS3 version was a mess for me and I gave up after 5 hours. Currently 30 hours into the PS4 version and enjoying myself despite the (still) horrible controls.
Depends how much you like the game. The remaster is infinitely more playable. The PS3 version was a mess for me and I gave up after 5 hours. Currently 30 hours into the PS4 version and enjoying myself despite the (still) horrible controls.

How is it more playable?
Depends how much you like the game. The remaster is infinitely more playable. The PS3 version was a mess for me and I gave up after 5 hours. Currently 30 hours into the PS4 version and enjoying myself despite the (still) horrible controls.
I found the PS3 controls to be great. I can't say the same about the PS4 controls unfortunately, the deadzone means the free aim setting isn't really a workable option any more (at least for me). On PS3 I only ever used free aim :(

That aside though, the PS4 version is brilliant. I played the PS3 version to death and now I'm doing the same with the PS4 version.
I found the PS3 controls to be great. I can't say the same about the PS4 controls unfortunately, the deadzone means the free aim setting isn't really a workable option any more (at least for me). On PS3 I only ever used free aim :(

That aside though, the PS4 version is brilliant. I played the PS3 version to death and now I'm doing the same with the PS4 version.

This. Wtf has happened here? Especially when you consider the ds3 was particularly 'floaty and deadzoney'.

I played this via a Direct Connection via Remote Play on a Vita and it controlled better with those 'tidgey' analogues.

Wtf. Surely R* should be trying to sort this out?


Just picked this up last night and UGH, that first person deadzone is awful! How did that even get passed play testing? You have to move the stick more than a centimetre before the camera shift is perceptible and then suddenly you're swinging off to the side. So bad.


Gold Member
This is the slowest fucking download ever. 3 hours in and less than 10gb done, holy fuck I should've just gone to the store and get a physical copy.
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