What time does the PS4 PSN digital version unlock? 12:00am PST or 12:00am EST?
What time does the PS4 PSN digital version unlock? 12:00am PST or 12:00am EST?
No explosion graphics after the ~4th explosion, shame they haven't changed this since the last gen versions since I noticed the same thing with chain reactions.
Achievements have no pop? Preorder re-de-cancelled.
I won't be able to play until tomorrow night, but I'll set it to install the game before so I don't have to wait the whole instalation before playing.
Can't you install it while playing DA:I?
Okay so pre-order PSN and downloaded the patch (1.2GB) and the game file which was less than a GB.
My PS4 shows that GTA5 takes up 50+GB, so when it unlocks I'll start downloading the rest of the game???
After owning the digital ps3 version, which appeared to have more pop up compared to the disc version, I'm concerned a touch with this same thing happening on the ps4.
Although minimal, I noticed a bit at @ these points:
14m45s (worse one, showing a car, building shadows etc)
So I'm assuming you have the disc version considering you're playing it now which then makes me wonder how the digital version will compare. Another thing of note is that I've not seen a much pop up on the Xbox One versions I've seen.
Have you noticed bad pop up?
I won't be happy if the Xbox again beats the Playstation version. Cannot wait for the DF analysis - I just hope this is noted by them.
Okay so pre-order PSN and downloaded the patch (1.2GB) and the game file which was less than a GB.
My PS4 shows that GTA5 takes up 50+GB, so when it unlocks I'll start downloading the rest of the game???
Okay so pre-order PSN and downloaded the patch (1.2GB) and the game file which was less than a GB.
My PS4 shows that GTA5 takes up 50+GB, so when it unlocks I'll start downloading the rest of the game???
Any word on whether or not the Xbox One version uses the impulse triggers?
And GTAV on Xbox One just unlocked
It's downloading it now. Click options while the icon is selected on the main menu and then information.
That said it has taken nearly 2 1/2 hours to get 9GB downloaded. Wish it would speed up a bit. PSN downloads always seem to take so long considering I have decent download speeds.
No, it's currently downloading in the background. Press options on the icon and check under information.
Thanks guys, I see that now.. My 1st real digital dload (since I have the map and shit from PS3, and don't feel like going to retailer @ midnight in 20 degree weather here in the South)
Rain at night time. Goddamn that looks good.
ps4/xb1 games don't play off the disc anyway; all content is copied to the hdd
but yes, that was an issue found w/ the digital or installed versions on 360/ps3
Ha I had it on the ps4 countdown screen and it auto started at 0. Cool
Sorry, I was referring to the infamous One POP aka crushed blacks.It's there when I go into the achievement app, but there was no pop and it's not shown up on my activity feed
According to german forums it uses impulse triggers.
Can anyone confirm that you have to install the Xbone version after preloading?
Which region?
Character creation for online is so much better, now everyone wont look the same lol.
Are cheats fun and wacky?
Also, How do you deal with achievements and cheats? Would I have to make a separate save or can they be turned off or something?
Or maybe it's like GTA IV and only specific achievements are affected?
And GTAV on Xbox One just unlocked
I'm in the UK.
Fix your eyeballsThe foam effect on the ocean seems to be missing from the PS4 version.
This is something I'm most excited for playing races online and you'd see how almost every male character had the same face it was hilarious.
The cheats have a 5 min? countdown iirc.
When they stop you just re-enter them again but if you are planning on using cheats don't do any missons.
Welp, i'm a little disappointed with the graphics. It's clearly a last gen upres port. After a year with PS4 and some really good looking games me got somehow spoiled in that area. I'm shocked to say it but Watch_Dogs looks and runs better then GTA5 on PS4. There are some framrate drops and nasty shadow popups in the game. The character models looking not very impressive in 1080p as I have them in memory. I blame Infamous and TLOU for that lol. But one thing is for sure. A true next gen GTA will look fantastic. It seems there is no DoF or Motion Blur used so this could explain why it feels so sterile. Only played the first 30min. so this is just a very earlier impression. Maybe i'm totally wrong. We will see.
Starting the game is really way faster than on the PS3 (it even shows how many % is already loaded, that's new, right?).
How do I get now my SP Savegame on the PS4? Will I get it via tha GTA Online Character Transfer?