Good news, and any difference between xbone and ps4 as I have the option?
not really, not that i've seen... IQ looks basically the same and only difference really seems to be related to contrast (and I think you could tweak that via your TV). I'm sure Digital Foundry will find differences but it seems close enough that I would choose based on what controller you want to use or which account/acheivements you care about more.
Sorry for all the noob questions but it's been over a year since I played. Does the Adder have good handling and acceleration? Can an Adder driver win if they are skilled?
Plus having Adder bonds was something I heard about a lot when I stopped playing and I think it is a hilarious idea to have some safe investments.
honestly, the driving in GTA V is so arcade-y and the 'racing' so inconsequential that you should just go with whichever one you like the most
the differences are so minor that the only people that notice are folks that play GTAO every single day and actually set-up controlled and non-gameplay-realistic tests to see the small differences. for most people playing the game you'll almost never notice any difference.
you will notice a Zentorno and Turismo R having faster acceleration but over the course of an actual race and especially with the common 'catch up' features turned on, it'll be very little about the cars and more about the drivers. and people really don't take racing that seriously in GTAO.
go with whichever one you get excited about haha

don't worry about the small differences and if that becomes important in a couple months, buy another car hehe