Didn't play the last gen version at all. Am I in for a treat?
Weird, My buddy texted me saying he ordered the PS4 Digital code from Amazon but they won't give it to him until 3am EST. Why would they hold the code for a game that has preloading? Kinda shitty.
I'll just say prepare to be shot at random. Alot.
So the preorder bonus money... Showed up for Franklin and Michael and then dissapeard for michael, No money credited to my online character either?
My question would be, why would someone order a code from Amazon. When they can just start pre-loading on Xbox One and PS4 right away lol
Always set your spawn point at your apartment and watch your radar constantly. Paranoia is the way to go with GTAO. Player does a slow drive by? Empty a clip into his car. Who cares if he might have been admiring your character or vehicle. Exit the mod shop at full speed with guns ready too.
Played a mission with some nice randoms? As soon as the mission is done and you're back in free roam bug the fuck out and deposit your cash with your cellphone as soon as possible. Don't even think of getting friendly post game.
Oh, and set your car to friends + crew only. Or maybe just yourself depending on your friends.
He has Amazon credit. I'll usually buy psn cards from Amazon (or game codes if they are on sale) over buying directly from PSN because I get 3x rewards on my credit card. Aside from all that, I get errors half the time when trying to buy from the psn store using my card.
Always set your spawn point at your apartment and watch your radar constantly. Paranoia is the way to go with GTAO. Player does a slow drive by? Empty a clip into his car. Who cares if he might have been admiring your character or vehicle. Exit the mod shop at full speed with guns ready too.
Played a mission with some nice randoms? As soon as the mission is done and you're back in free roam bug the fuck out and deposit your cash with your cellphone as soon as possible. Don't even think of getting friendly post game.
Oh, and set your car to friends + crew only. Or maybe just yourself depending on your friends.
Thought as much, couple of small weird issues with trophy's popping up multiple times but the game itself runs like a dream
Always set your spawn point at your apartment and watch your radar constantly. Paranoia is the way to go with GTAO. Player does a slow drive by? Empty a clip into his car. Who cares if he might have been admiring your character or vehicle. Exit the mod shop at full speed with guns ready too.
Played a mission with some nice randoms? As soon as the mission is done and you're back in free roam bug the fuck out and deposit your cash with your cellphone as soon as possible. Don't even think of getting friendly post game.
Oh, and set your car to friends + crew only. Or maybe just yourself depending on your friends.
Does Target sell this digitally? I didn't want it in disc form but that $30 trade in at target for the PS3 version is too good to pass up.
This is why GTA:O is so much fun. Trust no one.
Best buy pre order can they pull up my GTA with phone number?
Yeah. I sometimes make alliance with randoms but we eventually turn on each other.
This is why GTA:O is so much fun. Trust no one.
Gotta say, we aren't helping the "gamer" stereotype by discussing having to go outdoors into the cold, cold world to pick up the game. lol.
Always set your spawn point at your apartment and watch your radar constantly. Paranoia is the way to go with GTAO. Player does a slow drive by? Empty a clip into his car. Who cares if he might have been admiring your character or vehicle. Exit the mod shop at full speed with guns ready too.
Played a mission with some nice randoms? As soon as the mission is done and you're back in free roam bug the fuck out and deposit your cash with your cellphone as soon as possible. Don't even think of getting friendly post game.
Oh, and set your car to friends + crew only. Or maybe just yourself depending on your friends.
Always set your spawn point at your apartment and watch your radar constantly. Paranoia is the way to go with GTAO. Player does a slow drive by? Empty a clip into his car. Who cares if he might have been admiring your character or vehicle. Exit the mod shop at full speed with guns ready too.
Played a mission with some nice randoms? As soon as the mission is done and you're back in free roam bug the fuck out and deposit your cash with your cellphone as soon as possible. Don't even think of getting friendly post game.
Oh, and set your car to friends + crew only. Or maybe just yourself depending on your friends.
People line up for ugly ass overpriced sneakers. At least we're gonna use this purchase.
Gotta say, we aren't helping the "gamer" stereotype by discussing having to go outdoors into the cold, cold world to pick up the game. lol.
People line up for ugly ass overpriced sneakers. At least we're gonna use this purchase.
Yeah. I sometimes make alliance with randoms but we eventually turn on each other.
This is why GTA:O is so much fun. Trust no one.
Ugh, still only at 20.27 GB - looks like I have to wait until tomorrow evening after work to play. The game will still download in Rest mode, right?
this would be ok but DO YOU LOSE YOUR STUFF?
coming out of the MOD SHOP someone blows up your new ride do you lose the car and mods?
can people invade your apartment?
how many ways can you lose your car collection?
Me and some 2 buddies were playing GTA Online when it came out on PS3. We had tons of online cash, so we went would put huge bounties on like 2 or 3 people, then just watch the carnage unfold.
You would hear people saying "Who put the bounty on me, who put the bounty on me!" One time, 2 guys that had big bounties holed up in a parking garage and it was like a mini game in itself. Trying to get up to the second to the top level to kill them. People were flying towards them in Copters, cars, trucks, everything. Shooting Rockets from the top of buildings towards them. It was so much fun to just fly around and watch.
I think im gonna go all in on GTA Online this time around. I never really messed with it in the PS3 version.