So guys,anyone with a retail copy,how long is the install time?I read plenty of posts still not clear .Off to the shop now.
Since everyone's sharing:
My favorite. I managed to crash a plane into a bridge in first person, and instead of exploding, the plane hit the shallow watter and I got out. After that, myself and two other GAFers killed many police.
Wish I could grab the 1080p versions. Can't wait for PC.
Just got another update on ps4.
Another one? Interesting. Hopefully it fixes the stuttering.Just got another update on ps4.
Just got another update on ps4.
Barbers closed due to gunfire outside, and now I'm stuck in the chair.
People keep saying 'input lag' like it's a mistake in FPM, but it's just camera acceleration. Which I prefer. No acceleration makes it look like a PC mouse moving the camera which is a shitty looking video game giveaway to anyone watching. I always like a dampener on jerkiness of the camera, like Killzone 2 did. In combination with a controller analog stick, it's the only way to get those sort of steady-cam movements that make the game look way more fluid and pre-rendered.
Why you always upload in 60 fps even when the game runs at 30?
I want to see how the game actually performs on the PS4, a genuine representation, at least give the option to download in 30.
Posting for the new page, how do i get the welcome back bonus and my preorder money?
I had my good friend Schennmu login to the last gen version under my r* social account.
I cant see the hatchet in the store is why Im asking.
on PS4...
why is this?
Why can't I download the update file ?
Same. Getting that CE error with it?
Well I've buckled and bought this this morning despite saying I would hold off for a price drop, although it seems it was destined to be.
I went out this morning to get a haircut. I pull up outside and realise I have no cash. Closest cashpoint is Sainsbury's, so I'm there in a couple of minutes. 'Hmm, I'll just see how much GTA V is. Not buying it though, just price checking'. (Who was I kidding, I'd caved the second I walked in the door).
Strangely they were zero copies on the shelves, nor any label indicating where they should be. 'Ah, well, probably for the best' I thought and went back to the car. Just about to leave but I forgot to get tobacco so I head back in. As I get to the counter what can I see below the tobacco but 2 green and 2 blue stacks - Far Cry 4 and GTA V on PS4 and X1.
As I agonise over how much I've spent on gaming in the past couple of months, I see my tatty Nectar card (Sainsbury's loyalty card) peeking at me from my wallet. I've had this thing over ten years and never even bothered checking it's worth before. I ask the cashier to check for me and I have 62 pounds (Seriously? That's it? wtf?), but can only use 45 of it in this transaction. '45 you say?' And GTA is 43?'. Meh, resolve is overrated.
So I'm now sat looking at the installation screen (70%). I'll get my haircut tomorrow.
is the update file for gta v or PS4? hopefully it fixes character transfer for meWhy can't I download the update file ?
edit : Ok I'm not the only one
lol saw this on my activity feed
Sup bro. Did you complete the car chase with Lamar? After that the game should give you the "welcome back" message. I don't have the hatchet yet either, guess it unlocks later.
Preorder money... Enter the code that came with the game. For digital, no idea.
Any traffic comparisons of past-gen versus current-gen already?
I never played GTA V since I'm waiting for PC, but I'm curious.
Hey man, which car chase exactly? I have Michael unlovked already so i figured it would have popped up already.
What does the TouchPad do?I love the touchpad functionality, but the radio through speakers stuff is just stupid, sounds really bad. Fortunately it can be turned off.
Our first videos are up (PS4 version), showing the very beginning of the game:
Second video shows some first person driving.
We'll do a live stream tonight.
What does the TouchPad do?
I am talking about the first time you meet Lamar. When standing outside of your safe house, the message popped up for me. Do you have the blimp available?
Any traffic comparisons of past-gen versus current-gen already?
I never played GTA V since I'm waiting for PC, but I'm curious.
at a wild guess too many people woke up and installed gta5 so the patch server is hosed just try again or play sp for a bit.Yeh it's not letting me download the patch either (PS4)
Wait... What? Seriously? So your bank balance is shared between all your characters?Think I'm starting a new female character since I totally forgot you can't edit appearance and in my excitement to play I didn't edit appearance during the PS3->PS4 transfer. Wish apartments carried over to new character slots but at least my $ does.