"Alert: Timed out locating session. Please return to Grand Theft Auto V and try again later."
Does anyone else find it weird that preorder cash isn't shared between characters? Do I have to wait to unlock clothing stores in story mode or find them randomly? I'm taking my sweet time with this game.
apart from the often spectacular graphics.
And the speedy load/reload/reset times.
and the party chat and (hopefully) solid voice chat.
and the frame rate being good enough for all those wacky user created missions to work without turning into a slide show.
and the chance rockstar is actively interested in patching and building on it, now they are not trapped in 512mb of memory..
and the first person shooting mode.
yep no improvements at all..
Same here."Alert: Timed out locating session. Please return to Grand Theft Auto V and try again later."
Any suggestion for a 10 car garage?
Currently only have 5 in mind
Nagasaki Carbon RS or Shitzu Hakuchou (which everyone is better)
Yeah I'm having a tough time with the FPS gunplay. I was expecting such a huge improvement over the lock-on auto-aim bullshit that was necessary on PS3 in third person. But the aiming is so stiff. I feel like it doesn't start moving the reticle until you've pushed the joystick too far, and by that point, the crosshair moves too quickly.
I only played a little bit earlier so I might just need to get used to it.
For bikes, you can't go wrong with a Bati on courses with decent straights with room for wheelie boosts and an Akuma for more wiggly (technical term!) courses.
The Exemplar is sweet but might be beaten out by the Felon or Sentinel these days in the coupe class after the spoiler update (more grip in the Felon/Sentinel). I own both and love them dearly but I think the Exemplar inches out the Felon on the style front.
All that said, there are plenty of cars and the racing is far from serious high level stuff so go for what you like and fits your style. Oh yeah, remember, you can try them in SP first before putting any GTA Online dollar down.
Well, that and the fact that I feel parts of the city perform worse when I play it on my own PS4.
The graphical difference is not that much to justify double diping for me, and will not affect that much the online experience. And youre adding things that "hopefully" happens and that have a "chance" to happen just to make that list feels bigger?.
Favorite thing so far are cell phone conversations and police chatter going through the speaker on the DS4. So good.
I turned that off after about 5mins....found it really annoying personally
I turned that off after about 5mins....found it really annoying personally
Is nobody playing online? Lol only 4 people in free roam and only 4 people in two races
Xbox one version
Would like to buy this right now but might have to wait until at least Christmas time.
What console?What the hell is the deal with the install? Is it that it's actually downloading? Going on 6 hours for this shit...
Anyone else having issues joining GTA online? Keeps timing out.
Favorite thing so far are cell phone conversations and police chatter going through the speaker on the DS4. So good.
Please.. Can someone tell me that there is a volume control in the in game settings to control the audio that is played through the controller speaker???
If you use pulse elite headphones this audio is played at absolute maximum, ear splitting volume by default in all games.
Call of duty did not have a control for ds4 audio and the level up noises were a pain in the ass.
I want to transfer my character over but I'm still not sure if it's safe to...
So i can't transfer my characters from my PS3 if i didn't logged on this year? is this true?
Did you change the output to headphones in settings? Hopefully it'll help.
Using the DS4 speaking is a cool idea but since I'm using Pulse Elite, I have to disable it in every games that uses it.
So i can't transfer my characters from my PS3 if i didn't logged on this year? is this true?