Definitely noticing frame rate drops in the city when driving fast.
According to DF, it isn't frame drops, but rather some other sort of stutter going on with the game.
Definitely noticing frame rate drops in the city when driving fast.
So, what's the verdict?
So Franklin is stuck in a sort of crouch position and I can't run. I tap the A button to run and he just sort of twitches while walking and the mini map in the bottom left of the screen zooms in and out quickly as I tap A. I switched to Michael and it's the same thing. Hard reset the Xbox, got an update, started playing and the problem is still there.
Sounds like the stealth button. Hit L3.
It's a play on ubisofts marketing for Watchdogs.The remaster is amazing, what's with the chicago dis ... is it because of watch dogs?
Chicagos the best city ever, besides the gang violence and muders
11/18/14 Update 3: At this time, PlayStation 4 users should no longer have issues downloading the patch. All character migrations are now working on PlayStation 4, and affected PlayStation 3 users can play GTA Online as normal. This issue will be addressed for Xbox One and Xbox 360 users by tomorrow
Lmfao. Wow.
I'm actually finding the driving to be great in first person.I wish I could drive in FP mode well, it's so hard for me. Right now I'm doing FP for shooting and TP for driving.
I wish I could drive in FP mode well, it's so hard for me. Right now I'm doing FP for shooting and TP for driving.
Well all my cars disappeared from GTA:O despite transferring my character post-patch. :-/
Damn online is completely borked for me. Freezing time and time again.
That sucks you been in touch with R*?
I wish I could drive in FP mode well, it's so hard for me. Right now I'm doing FP for shooting and TP for driving.
Did they remove the stock market? Or do you have to progress in the story to unlock it?
First hour spoiler :
what the hell was micheal doing in the back seat of his son suv in the garage ? Was he high ? Drunk ? Waiting for a repo to claim the car so fast ?
First hour spoiler :
what the hell was micheal doing in the back seat of his son suv in the garage ? Was he high ? Drunk ? Waiting for a repo to claim the car so fast ?
First hour spoiler :
what the hell was micheal doing in the back seat of his son suv in the garage ? Was he high ? Drunk ? Waiting for a repo to claim the car so fast ?
One suggestion I saw thrown around was that he was taking a nap while hiding away from his family.
trying to catch his wife in the act of cheating on him is what i heard
He probably knew that his kid got a bad deal.
So Franklin is stuck in a sort of crouch position and I can't run. I tap the A button to run and he just sort of twitches while walking and the mini map in the bottom left of the screen zooms in and out quickly as I tap A. I switched to Michael and it's the same thing. Hard reset the Xbox, got an update, started playing and the problem is still there.
Same, sort of. I had my vehicles after the transfer but when I logged back in later they were all gone. I submitted a support ticket to see if I can re transfer or recover them somehow. Not too fussed though as I have kept everything else.Well all my cars disappeared from GTA:O despite transferring my character post-patch. :-/
Has anyone managed to recreate this GIF in the GTA V remaster yet?
I was one of those guys who didn't buy the last gen version because I was waiting for this. As someone coming in completely fresh: Holy shit. I've been waiting a year for this and it's absolutely firing on all cylinders for me. Wish I had more to say, but at 7 or 8 hours in I still feel like I'm just scratching the surface. I did play a 3 set match of tennis. That was a bit much.