That was some great fun for a change of pace from the normal Heist grind. Will have to join you again sometime!
And one of these days I'm going to figure out why my mic doesnt work in-game
That was some great fun for a change of pace from the normal Heist grind. Will have to join you again sometime!
Can I use my PC GTA Online character in the Xbox One version or does each platform keep things seperate?
I'll agree with the sentiment that online is a giant fucking mess of lading screens and terrible lobbies. Why couldn't they just make dedicated servers and quick instances for certain missions.
The game does so much so well but this really holds it back.
I had a blast messing around online with Krappadizzle and some others today. Those clips should be fun to watch later. I'll take more pictures next time.
I love that second shot with the flare gun.
Cute easter egg!I haven't gotten around to many artsy shots because I'm kind of too busy just playing the game but here's one where I just happened across this neat little waterfall.
You guys are making me too nervous to even try GTA Online. Is there any way to have fun on there?
Races worked great for me first night, we had a good group rolling from race to race, usually 8+ people. I would say being on call for a race is the easiest way to have a good time.It's so much fun with friends. But getting anything working well with public lobbies is a pain. Races always work well.
Cheaters are becoming a problem. I've reported several already, submitting evidence to Rockstar's cheater report email.
Speed hacks, invulnerability, flying cars, explosive weapons, flashing cars, money drops, etc.
Make sure you report and submit evidence to
Cheaters are becoming a problem. I've reported several already, submitting evidence to Rockstar's cheater report email.
Speed hacks, invulnerability, flying cars, explosive weapons, flashing cars, money drops, etc.
Make sure you report and submit evidence to
I'm having a hard time imagining what you're describing here. As far as cheating goes, thankfully haven't experienced much of it. I usually play invite only open world, and don't really do versus stuff much.
i HATE the whole " well buy the bullet proof car" statement.
The best days were defiantly the first week of GTA online, when no one could afford tanks, super cars and every player had their own unique car, now its literally just zentorno, that bullet proof car( and the 4x4) or the adder... How I wish it could be like that again.
I have the good old Phoenix and fucking love it ( did use zentorno but it was boring like all supercars).
I don't want to sound like I want people to play a certain way, just its more fun when its more diverse
GTA V online needs A LOT more simple free roam tasks/jobs/activities, what happened to the money vans? Don't seem them anymore.
Simple jobs like those armoured vans with money, adding more grocery stores, able to rob smaller banks for more money ( more police too), having a hitlist/most wanted ( could be players and NPCs online) and such would make it so much better.
Also have the random crate drops stopped? They were fun too.
Anyone wanna do all the heists in order starting from Fleeca Job?
How do you unlock more heists?
We've finished the Humane Labs one, but then what?
My gripe with GTA Online is that the game is inviting my offline friend.
My heist won't ever start if an offline friend is taking a slot for it.
How do you unlock more heists?
We've finished the Humane Labs one, but then what?
Video of last nights shenanigans.
Quote this link to see. I'd not share with others at the moment.
Believe me, it's worth a watch, I started the video link at a cool spot, as a taste.
Blocked in my country? U.S.
Blocked in my country? U.S.
All right, if you guys want to join in on Heists, add me on RSC- Dark5tar1
ha knew it was you! PLayed with yea. You're so pro lol.
Added you on steam as well
Anyone know any good non-copyrighted music I can use for my videos? I have albums from my buddy, but that's about it and as much as I love the Stars and Stripes like any red-blooded American, I can't listen to it anymore.
Neat video, was hoping you'd get the car on the jetVideo of last nights shenanigans.
Quote this link to see. I'd not share with others at the moment please. I'll leave the video unlisted for a while as I'd like all GAF that want to watch, watch.
Believe me, it's worth a watch, but skip past all the boring parts. I started the video link at a cool spot, as a taste.
19:46 has a Gaffer riding the GAF Mobile onto my jet.
Use HOLA(Google Chrome addon) or any other little add on to let you switch countries easily for YT if you find the video is blocked. I won't make that mistake in the future. Only music from my buddy and that's it.
and if someone could .GIF where I've bookmarked, I'd be eternally greatful, I can't do it with what I use becuase the video is over 2 hours long. I'd reeeeeealllly appreciate it.
Depends on what you're looking for, and if you care about putting a credit in the video details. Here's a few places to look at:
I'm sure there's a bunch more, but those are a few to look at.
Or you can do it like most Youtubers and just use licensed music and have the copyright holders monetize your videos![]()
Yeah, I've done it before, just didn't capture it this time.Neat video, was hoping you'd get the car on the jet.
Would you mind editing your link for me though.
No problem at all.
Neat video, was hoping you'd get the car on the jet.
God Damn Carbon, thanks man, you knocked it out the park my friend. We getting into more shenanigans tonight?
Last night was the funnest time I've ever had with GTA Online
I will probably be back on sometime this evening for more shenaniganing.
I wonder if the Hydra is strong enough to pick up an Insurgent? I'm extremely tempted to pick up the one with the gun, but man I'd be poor afterward ($1.3 million).
I haven an insurgent, but I can't call in a Hydra and Insurgent at the same time unfortunately, we'll need to find another Gaf Crew that has one to tag along.
Which is also an open invitation to anyone on GAF and in the Crew. Here is the link to my profile. Add me and give me your GAF and RSCC name in a message please so I know it's not just random.