holy shit I am really disappointed right now. I don't know how R* manages to make the first person shooting feel like I'm pushing the mouse through mud. It's incredibly hard to aim at anything because it's so sluggish... why? wtf? I tried Raw Input, Direct Input, etc. and they are different but each one is still bad.
Also, what the fuck is with the 'walking' in first person. It's super disorienting.. even in real life you don't stop for a split second in between steps. It's jarring. I've tried changing settings all the way down as well. I've turned off head bob. It still head bobs.
Lastly, all the trees in the game just flicker like crazy. I'll try updating my drivers, and surprisingly this is the issue that bothers me the least. It's really, really hard to get over how bad the aiming feels and how awkward moving in first person is. Even compared to consoles!
Does anyone know any way to get true raw input of the mouse in the game, and how to turn off the weird footstepping of first person movement? That would immediately make this game 100x better for me.