I almost got to try my first heist ever in GTA Online when my power went out. Lame!
Shadows on "high" also look fine and save you about 10 FPS and ~400 mb VRAM.
Sure, but at night it looks much better at very high.
Like...if you don't continue the story...there's not much else to do than to piddle fart around. Previous GTA games had much more to do beyond the story.
I had this for Xbox 360, got bored of it because I thought it was far too linear, not enough open world exploring...I didn't like the story being forced on the player between the three characters. What I mean by this is that if you just wanted to play a single some point you were forced to switch to the other to play them for a bit, and vice versa.
Curious as to why this is getting so much hype on's the same game isn't it? Are people just happy they can mod it now? In my opinion, Vice City and San Andreas were more open-world than GTA V is.
Am I missing something?
Like what? I'm curious, I've played all the GTA games and V has probably the most side activities as it pretty much combines a lot of them from previous games.
We found the one guy who enjoyed going bowling with Roman.
I have no idea how anyone could think the previous GTA games have "more to do".
The only game that comes close is San Andreas, and that's still severely far behind this one.We found the one guy who enjoyed going bowling with Roman.
I have no idea how anyone could think the previous GTA games have "more to do".
The only game that comes close is San Andreas, and that's still severely far behind this one.
Wow the thunderstorms look great on PC with settings up
We found the one guy who enjoyed going bowling with Roman.
Why is flying a plane so damn impossible with mouse and keyboard... why does it keep dipping? I'm pushing accelerate and pulling up as much as possible, but once it gets off the ground it starts dipping a few seconds later, ending in a crash. "Do a barrel roll!" Ron pretty much says. Yeah, right.
We found the one guy who enjoyed going bowling with Roman.
I have no idea how anyone could think the previous GTA games have "more to do".
Trevor is a true fucking psychopath. I can't believe he offedjust like that.Johnny
I mean, you can find little things here and there that GTA V doesn't have, like Fire Truck/Taxi Cab missions from GTA III, but GTA V is truly the culmination of the series, to this point.
I will say there's more structure to the activities in V, which does make it a little harder to just jump in and experience everything right away. You have to get well into the story in SP before you can do everything (like taxi driving), and you have to level up quite a bit in Online to get access to all missions and activities.
Maybe I missed a tutorial pop-up or something, but how do I pedal faster on a bike with KB&M?
So I downloaded the iFruit app on my phone but it tells me to select either PS3/360/Xbone/PS4...
Is the app not updated for PC?
Caps lockMaybe I missed a tutorial pop-up or something, but how do I pedal faster on a bike with KB&M?
i posted this yesterday already and i tried it today 2 times and i always get the same bug. it isn't funny anymore i cannot progress the story.
not updated yet for PC yet which is odd considering they had it ready from the start on PS4/XB1...maybe they found a bug or something or Apple just haven't pushed out the update
On the flip side, you had to get well into the story in GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas and GTA 4 to open up all the islands and have access to the full map; in GTA V the full map is available from the get-go. I'd rather have the full playground and no taxi minigame than a taxi minigame and no playground.
I'm loving the bicycle activities.
I completely forget, but how do you give people the middle finger? (Console controls)
Trevor is a true fucking psychopath. I can't believe he offedjust like that.Johnny
Ya, I tried finding an answer for him too, but nothing recent (on PC).Oh you mean this bug?
Posted in Sept 2013, right after the game launched last gen. No, they never fixed it :/
Have you tried restarting that story mission, or going back to a previous save?
You guys think it's safe to use the trainer for campaign? Wanted to just mess around in single player without having to imput their cheat codes every couple of minutes.
I love that while the map is fully open from the start, it is not revealed and only gets revealed by exploring. LOVE that.
Like what? I'm curious, I've played all the GTA games and V has probably the most side activities as it pretty much combines a lot of them from previous games.
Are you under the impression this game wasn't extremely well received or something? A lot of people really, really enjoyed this game and played it a lot. Yes, it's the same game that millions, upon millions of people enjoyed.
Also, I want you to explain what you mean by "more open world".
Should a 970 with an i5 be able to do 60 fps all highest settings?