Now to try and get my X55 hotas going..
Do keep us updated. I'm hoping to get my T Flight HOTAS working.
Now to try and get my X55 hotas going..
My 4690k and 970 is doing 1080p with nearly maxed settings right at 60, with some dips. Could probably stand to turn a couple down for a smoother experience, though
Anyone else had a problem with mouse lag?
I changed the sensitivity settings and my mouse started breaking up, tried to reset to default, reboot computer, still happening and this makes the game unplayable.
Anyone else had a problem with mouse lag?
I changed the sensitivity settings and my mouse started breaking up, tried to reset to default, reboot computer, still happening and this makes the game unplayable.
My friend had everything turned on to the fullest and he was getting 30fps in city and in the 20s outside of the city. He turned off AA and is now getting 45-60 fps in city and 30-40 fps outside. What else could he turn down to improve framerate that wouldn't drastically reduce the visuals?
My friend had everything turned on to the fullest and he was getting 30fps in city and in the 20s outside of the city. He turned off AA and is now getting 45-60 fps in city and 30-40 fps outside. What else could he turn down to improve framerate that wouldn't drastically reduce the visuals?
VSync on/off? Windowed/Borderless/Fullscreen? what sort of framerate are you getting normally, and is it consistent? Do you have RAW set in the mouse settings?
Well, I just bought another monitor.
Saw gameplay of triple monitor setups and there is no way I can pass that up. Even GTX 660ti's can run that, it's crazy.
RAW mouse fixed it! Thanks guys!
Anyone seen huge amounts of traffic like in the trailer? Or was that a bullvideo?
Oh you mean this bug?
Posted in Sept 2013, right after the game launched last gen. No, they never fixed it :/
Have you tried restarting that story mission, or going back to a previous save?
Woot, after 7 hours of customizing the settings to get some decent FPS on my laptop, benchmarking and getting constant crashes (and prolly another 7 hours of trying to fix the crashes), I finally got it to work. \o/
Played 2 hours straight without getting a crash, so I guess it's all fine now. It really is a fun game though. Only wish there was a no police cheat, so I can mess around in the city once in a while without getting chased or punished for it. U guys think people will make this possible in the future? The city is way too big to not mess around in it. :d
I'm going to go off by Vice City and GTA 4...those were the previous GTA games I GTA3 before Vice. There were just more things to do outside of the story. On top of that, the taxi missions, ambulance, police, etc...they all gave you a re-spawning reward at your places of residence like max health, armor, weapons, etc.
I liked the concept of getting random phone booth phone calls to do random jobs...felt like old school GTA, the original on PC, the top-down one.
GTA 4 was also less exploration in my opinion, but much more than GTA 5. I just think the story-focus of GTA 5 was too much and too-forced. The bank heists were some of the coolest things about GTA 5 and I was hoping it would be a concept where you keep doing bank heists that are randomly generated over and over...but I guess that's just me.
I get that people enjoyed GTA5, but I come from old-school GTA...and that's not to discredit that old-school GTA fans didn't like GTA 5, but I just think that the series is getting less and less open-world fantasy/RPG like as it progresses.
In Vice City, I know that I felt like a king being able to buy properties, store cars in garages, and just basically act like I owned the city.
I don't get that with GTA 5.
So I'm playing this for the first time and don't want to miss anything. For the side-quests (those question mark "freaks" missions) - is it possible to miss any? Should I do all the side quests before doing any of the story missions?
A mixture of High and Very High, for sure, depending how much antialiasing you want.Should a 970 with an i5 be able to do 60 fps all highest settings?
Nope. Feel free to do them in any order you like, they'll still be there even after completing the story.
From what I've read, drop shadows to high and view distance to ~50%. Massive framerate boost and no particularly noticeable visual differences.
How do I enter the R* Video Editor menu to string my clips together?
My friend had everything turned on to the fullest and he was getting 30fps in city and in the 20s outside of the city. He turned off AA and is now getting 45-60 fps in city and 30-40 fps outside. What else could he turn down to improve framerate that wouldn't drastically reduce the visuals?
Playing through this game for the third time and it's still amazing. Just sad that I didn't have this version for my first pt. Some of you guys are very patient and now it pays off.
Grass down to very high, ultra is really demanding when there's a lot of grass on the screen.
is there a way to change the folder for this?\Users\[Username]\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\User Music
Make sure your not ingame when doing this or it doesn't work.
Once ingame go to settings > audio > full scan.
Than it should be under Self Radio.
Use a shortcut for your music. It'll feed it through there a way to change the folder for this?
my game is installed on a separate hard drive from my music
thanksUse a shortcut for your music. It'll feed it through there.
I actually like the perspective you, I, and others have going into it for the third time. It was nice to see the evolution, each step of the way. And now on PC, I'm still noticing all sorts of details that I missed on my first two plays (or ones that are completely new to PC), and it's making me appreciate the game all that much more.
That said, experiencing it for the first time like this must sublime.
Should a 970 with an i5 be able to do 60 fps all highest settings?
Anyone managed to move the default gta 5 folder to another location once installed? (social club version)
How long am I expected to play before I unlock everything significant to mess around with?