Excellent performance guide here i(if it hasn't already been posted):
Ranks settings in terms of how demanding they are with benchmarks and comparisons.
Ehh, Radeonpro still doesn't work using the tricks in that other forum.
Anybody else got it working?? The tearing is driving me crazy.
Are you setting the game to prefer maximum performance in the drivers?
This was really useful, upgraded texture quality, tessellation, and AF but lowered shader quality for a near perfect 60 fps.
Right now, no.
In my experience that doesn't really seem to do all that much in game.
The main thing to note in these screens is how sharp the lines on the road are. See how with in-game AF they blur pretty quickly and become fat whereas they stay narrow and sharp when AF is forced.
On this golf course, you can see a ton more detail in the driver-forced screen, even on the nearby grass, and especially note the caddy car tracks which were still there in the in-game AF screen but I had to drive way closer to really notice them.
Excellent performance guide here i(if it hasn't already been posted):
Ranks settings in terms of how demanding they are with benchmarks and comparisons.
I can get a constant 60fps on high with a 2500k @ 4.0 and a GTX 970. But every now and then the framerate will drop to pretty much exactly 30 for about two seconds, doesn't really matter what is happening on screen either. I am really happy with the performance, but this one thing makes me not want to play the game.
I can get a constant 60fps on high with a 2500k @ 4.0 and a GTX 970. But every now and then the framerate will drop to pretty much exactly 30 for about two seconds, doesn't really matter what is happening on screen either. I am really happy with the performance, but this one thing makes me not want to play the game.
Mhh weird. Make sure you're running RP as Admin.
Crash on the first offlineheist when I get my gun out.jewellery
It's also broken on nvidia (I have a 970) when you first start the game. HOWEVER, when you change the AF-setting and apply, it starts working! Or just force it in the drivers.I am here to report that in-game AF is, in fact, broken, at least on my AMD 280X.
Turn v sync off to solve this.
Turn off Ingame VSynch and instead enable Adaptive VSynch in the driver.
If I startup with the window not in focus you can see/hear it running fine, as soon as I click the game window into focus it crashes the game.
Updated VC, DX, .NET, drivers. Tried run as administrator too.
Any ideas?
I think ther is a workaround where once you are playing as Franklyn and driving the dump truck kill yourself 3 times and the game gives you the ending or park the getaway car where Michael is. Yet to try either.Same here, annoying is put it kindly.
100%, i got through the mission by not shooting. Then the next mission needs you to shoot bikers, again CTD instantly upon trying to aim in the vehicle. So basically after that heist the game is somewhat broken.
I think ther is a workaround where once you are playing as Franklyn and driving the dump truck kill yourself 3 times and the game gives you the ending or park the getaway car where Michael is. Yet to try either.
Regardless of performance a bug the stops the game from progressing is an immediate no-no and suggests poor QC. It should never have been released with this bug. Very, very poor. And I was so positive before.
Crash on the first offlineheist when I get my gun out.jewellery
New shadow issue
Ah, ok. I did turn off in-game V-Sync and turned it on at the driver level, but not adaptive. I will try this later, thanks.
That's because in the mission you're forced to get out a throwable item. If you try and aim in a car after aiming a throwable item it crashes. Either don't aim in a car if you can or switch to a weapon and aim before getting in a car. Silly bug but preventable till its patched
Do you have Landing Page set to off? If yes, set it back to on.
It sounds weird but it fixes the repeatable crashes when switching characters during heist for me. Probably some settings were not load correctly when the game starts and log straight to gameplay.
Thanks to some posters on prev page.
Try what I just mentioned. It worked for me.
You can't disable it. Just make sure Landing Page is on. So thay when you start the game it stays on the main menu instead of going straight to gameplay.Yeah I did this and it still crashed, then I tried again this time shooting the pistol and then continuing into getting in the truck. That way it worked.
Yeah I have it set to go straight to story mode. I'll try disabling.
Oh my god, Thank you. I browsed every internet forum for a solution, tried to reinstall, used asian launcher. The problem was MacType.Solved the issue !
Apparently it was related to the classic special characters in account username issue even though I don't have any in my account username
It created a weird file in my AppData folder like this :
So I downloaded the asian launcher linked above. I was then able to log in and download the final update !
... And then it said « The Rockstar update service is unavailable (code 2).». Googled some more and found this. Bingo, MacType (a japanese software to render fonts with FreeType like in MacOs/Linux) was conflicting with RSGC so I just closed it and now the game launches fine *
All the issues with special characters in account name are supposed to be addressed by a patch that should be out today though
Hope this was helpful
* EDIT : ahah now the game crashes when entering Story mode saying « Failed zlib call ». Meaning something got corrupted during the download. I just verified the game cache with Steam and it's redownloading another 3.4 GB to replace the corrupted files I guess. If you don't own the Steam version you need to md5 each data file like this. The joys of PC gaming !
Hopefully I'll be able to play for the first time in 1 hour
Installed Fraps to check my framerate, it turns that I have better performance on my rig then I thought.
I get 55-65 FPS everywhere in 1920 resolution, with pretty much everything set to high except normal textures, normal grass quality, no Vsync and no MSAA. And this with an i5 2500k and a GTX570 GPU. Pretty happy with that performance.
I can get a constant 60fps on high with a 2500k @ 4.0 and a GTX 970. But every now and then the framerate will drop to pretty much exactly 30 for about two seconds, doesn't really matter what is happening on screen either. I am really happy with the performance, but this one thing makes me not want to play the game.
I've been complaining about that for a few days. It's weird and seems to happen more and more after you've been playing for a while. Lowering settings doesn't help either. Bleh.
Like it's been said before, there reason for this is the way GTA V applies VSynch. Disable it ingame and follow the instructions from one of the post above you to fix this.
Okay. Will try that.Do you have Landing Page set to off? If yes, set it back to on.
It sounds weird but it fixes the repeatable crashes when switching characters during heist for me. Probably some settings were not load correctly when the game starts and log straight to gameplay.
Thanks to some posters on prev page.
Try what I just mentioned. It worked for me.
I'm having an issue guys, hoping someone can help me shed some light on it.
I bought the game physically, installed, downloaded patches, updated drivers, etc. Game works great...for about 15 or so minutes. Then Windows gives me an error saying I'm out of RAM...and then the game crashes about 2-3 minutes later (sometimes locking up the entire CPU with it).
Haha good mate!
Here's my updated settings for a GTX 970
Population Density and Variety 100%
Distance Scaling 100%
Texture Quality Very High
Shader Quality Very High
Shadow Quality Very High
Reflection Quality Very High
Reflection MSAA 2x
Water Quality Very High
Particles Quality Very High
Grass Quality Very High
Soft Shadows Softest
Post FX Very High
Motion Blur Strength 2 notches
In-Game Depth of Field Effects On
Anisotropic Filtering x16
Ambient Occlusion High
Tessellation Very High
Long shadows On
High res shadows Off
High detail streaming On
Extended distance Half
Extended shadows Minimum
Solid so far. I've been driving between the city and Trevor's area.
Thanks for these settings. I was getting mostly 57-63 FPS at 1080p in the benchmark using your settings. The last benchmark only dipped to 51 at the lowest. I'll need to test it in game to see how everything runs. I'm hoping it'll be closer to a consistent 60FPS while I'm playing.
I'm having an issue guys, hoping someone can help me shed some light on it.
I bought the game physically, installed, downloaded patches, updated drivers, etc. Game works great...for about 15 or so minutes. Then Windows gives me an error saying I'm out of RAM...and then the game crashes about 2-3 minutes later (sometimes locking up the entire CPU with it).
I monitored RAM usage via Task Manager while playing, and GTA usually hovers around 2.5-3.5GB usage; when it decides to freeze (but hasn't fully crashed yet; the radio keeps playing, etc.), Task Manager shows I still have ~3GB of RAM available/free....so, I mean, it has plenty of RAM to suck up if it wants.
Other programs won't open when this occurs, either (I tried opening Skype and it told me I needed a bigger paging file.....maybe that's the fix?)
It's aggravating...the PC Port is fantastic otherwise....
My specs:
AMD FX-8350
GTX 970
Windows 8.1 Pro
I've GTAV installed on my C: drive, which is a Samsung SSD, if that matters.