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Guardian Heroes HD |OT|



Unconfirmed Member
In the original game, agility made you move faster, attack faster, recover faster... in the remix mode, I think all it does is make you move faster. (Someone correct me on this, if I'm wrong!) So it's more worth it (to me) in Original, than in Remix.

Yeah Agility no longer reduces hitstun and Vitality no longer increases character weight

Probably done so that combos would be more consistent than they were in the original.

Not sure about attack speed increase but I'm assuming that was removed for the same reason


Dont forget about the tag everyone. Also how are the versus matches holding up? I havent tried yet, but i'm still looking forward to wrecking people with Macho.
Still enjoying the hell out of this game. To me, it's Treasure's best, even displacing gthe incredible Gunstar Heroes, and is also definitely the best beat 'em up I've ever played as well., Streets of Rage 2/Remake and others be damned.


I'm enjoying this up to the end bosses, then I'm seriously losing my temper. I seem to lose all my credits on the final boss and don't even have time recover before I get thrown around by their magic again and again and again. I'm loving this game, don't get me wrong, but rage is getting in the way of the love. :/


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I want to get some Versus games in this afternoon. Been busy with other stuff over the weekend. If you see me on feel free to drop me an invite. I'll be adding the group tag later.


I am Korean.
Peagles said:
I'm enjoying this up to the end bosses, then I'm seriously losing my temper. I seem to lose all my credits on the final boss and don't even have time recover before I get thrown around by their magic again and again and again. I'm loving this game, don't get me wrong, but rage is getting in the way of the love. :/
Set the undead hero to berserk and block more.


Freshmaker said:
Set the undead hero to berserk and block more.

Will try. My problem is scrolling all the way over to Berserk before I get thrown in the air again, lol. Once I get hit once I have no chance to block either (can't land on my feet from being hit too much). Then dizzy or skulls spinning around me. Can I block while I select the command? I could try that when I lose a credit and I'm still flashing or something...

Edit: I'm playing with OG controls by the way, I understand there's a lot of differences in the way you handle in remix?


I am Korean.
Peagles said:
Will try. My problem is scrolling all the way over to Berserk before I get thrown in the air again, lol.
Well, there's your mistake. I flip Berserk on right when I get him, and leave it like that the rest of the game. ;)
Once I get hit once I have no chance to block either (can't land on my feet from being hit too much). Then dizzy or skulls spinning around me. Can I block while I select the command? I could try that when I lose a credit and I'm still flashing or something...
IIRC, it's possible to recover in the air. Just gotta ride the chain out until your block works again.
Edit: I'm playing with OG controls by the way, I understand there's a lot of differences in the way you handle in remix?
Push block does come in handy with the remixed controls.
Tomasooie said:
What do you mean, exactly? Is the game letterboxed on a 4:3 TV or something?
Actually, I only booted the training mode, and it was letterboxed. I haven't tried the other modes, just assumed that, if the training wasn't fullscreen, the whole game wasn't. I didn't see any options the change the aspect, but everything was so small in my TV that maybe I just couldn't see it.


Freshmaker said:
Well, there's your mistake. I flip Berserk on right when I get him, and leave it like that the rest of the game. ;)
IIRC, it's possible to recover in the air. Just gotta ride the chain out until your block works again.

Push block does come in handy with the remixed controls.

Thanks for the tips. I didn't have him on Berserk because my friend said that you don't level up as much with him doing all the work. I also have no trouble up to the last boss so if that's the case it seems good to level myself as much as possible. I managed to put him on Berserk fighting Kanon once though and in the time I lost 8 credits he did about 100HP damage, lol.

I noticed on this play through I can recover in the air sometimes from physical attacks, I'll see if I can do it with magic when I hit the boss (soon...)

Edit: OMG... mashing block works in the air and on the ground even when in situations where I thought I couldn't move before! I thought the block was more of a hold thing but seems like it's a tap move also? :)


I am Korean.
Peagles said:
Thanks for the tips. I didn't have him on Berserk because my friend said that you don't level up as much with him doing all the work.
As long as you juggle dead bodies, (you still get exp for hitting dead chars as long as you don't let the bodies hit the floor) that's not a huge issue.
I also have no trouble up to the last boss so if that's the case it seems good to level myself as much as possible. I managed to put him on Berserk fighting Kanon once though and in the time I lost 8 credits he did about 100HP damage, lol.
He generally doesn't do a ton until he goes nuclear.
Edit: OMG... mashing block works in the air and on the ground even when in situations where I thought I couldn't move before! I thought the block was more of a hold thing but seems like it's a tap move also? :)
Yeah, that's how I've always done it. Was never sure of the exact mechanics.


Freshmaker said:
As long as you juggle dead bodies, (you still get exp for hitting dead chars as long as you don't let the bodies hit the floor) that's not a huge issue. He generally doesn't do a ton until he goes nuclear. Yeah, that's how I've always done it. Was never sure of the exact mechanics.

Cool. I put him to Berserk when I was feeling overwhelmed by enemy numbers toward the end on this play through. He didn't end up exploding so yeh he just looked like he was fighting as normal (just with a little more gusto)...

Rage over now, I just got to the end on this play through. Now that I know I can beat it, I can let go of the anger. Feels good man! :)
Alright, so apparently there really is no way to play in fullscreen... Why did I trust Treasure and buy this piece of crap? Thankfully I haven't bought Radiant Silvergun yet, but by the demo, no fullscreen mode either.

Treasure has no respect for their fans.


Sketchbook Picasso
The Spoony Hou said:
Treasure has no respect for their fans.

How you can look at the rest of this game / package, and still say that, I have no idea.

I'm playing on SD too, and while I'd love to have the "fullscreen" option... that's about the ONLY thing the game doesn't have.

The lifebar placements, enemy spawns, code that determines what to display on screen, menus... all of that has been re-written for widescreen. It's not too suprising to see it missing, when you look at how much has been created with widescreen in mind.

It's just one of the "evils" of HD and widescreen becoming the norm.


I'm not sure when it happened, but I used to be a fullscreen purist for certain things. Now, I don't care. It really doesn't hinder my enjoyment of a title. I'm really happy that we're able to enjoy these games on modern consoles, and in ways that aren't just 1:1 ports. To say Treasure has no respect for their fans is to show no respect for Treasure. They could just as easily just say screw it and not put any time into these, but they did. If you don't like it, buy a Saturn.
SAB CA said:
It's just one of the "evils" of HD and widescreen becoming the norm.
Just one of the evils of you being an idiot. I understand remix mode or whatever not having fullscreen, but I should be able to play the game in it's original state. Thankfully I have the Saturn version, but it would be convenient to have a perfect version of the game on my 360, especially since my Saturn is dead.

But, your excuse fells though, because Radiant Silvergun truly is a crapped port. On my TV, I have to play it in letterbox AND with borders, making the screen really tiny.

If I'm wrong, please tell me how to fiz that, but until then, Treasure is now officially a shit company, even worse than Capcom. At least add fullscreen support in their old games.

ghibli99 said:
I'm not sure when it happened, but I used to be a fullscreen purist for certain things. Now, I don't care.
Good for you, but I play on a fullscreen TV.
Ah, someone is probably just slapping their head right now internally about that. Not regretting my purchase though...it's still a fun game. Now if I could get my FUCKING FRIENDS TO DROP THE COIN TO BUY IT there would be even more fun.

Actually, I think I'll force a buddy of mine to buy it because I'm doing him a favor.


The Spoony Hou said:
Just one of the evils of you being an idiot. I understand remix mode or whatever not having fullscreen, but I should be able to play the game in it's original state. Thankfully I have the Saturn version, but it would be convenient to have a perfect version of the game on my 360, especially since my Saturn is dead.

But, your excuse fells though, because Radiant Silvergun truly is a crapped port. On my TV, I have to play it in letterbox AND with borders, making the screen really tiny.

If I'm wrong, please tell me how to fiz that, but until then, Treasure is now officially a shit company, even worse than Capcom. At least add fullscreen support in their old games.

Good for you, but I play on a fullscreen TV.

Did you forget to take your meds today?


The Spoony Hou said:
But, your excuse fells though, because Radiant Silvergun truly is a crapped port. On my TV, I have to play it in letterbox AND with borders, making the screen really tiny.
Doesn't Radiant Silvergun have extensive screen size options? I'll check for you...

But he is right about Guardian Heroes. Since it's a scrolling game, they were able to increase the horizontal view, and had to make some adjustments for it (even in original mode). Keeping support for both in would have messed with the online play. It just wasn't possible. Don't overreact. There's almost always a legitimate reason for things, though there's always the possibility of oversight. This is definitely the definitive version of the game.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Support for full-screen TVs has been a bit of a problem with XBLA games I've noticed.

Guwange comes to mind.
Guwange doesn't have fullscreen support?! Good thing I haven't bought it yet... ugh. I wish Rez would have 4:3 too... But at least that game doesn't have a lot of hard to read text.

acidspunk said:
Did you forget to take your meds today?
I'm only this pissed when I waste money, or force myself to play an extremely boring game.

Tomasooie said:
Keeping support for both in would have messed with the online play. It just wasn't possible. Don't overreact. There's almost always a legitimate reason for things, though there's always the possibility of oversight. This is definitely the definitive version of the game.
I thought it might be an online thingie, but still, the text and menus are really tiny... I want to be able to read the stupid story. And I only overreact because I wasted money.


It's not their fault though, the demo should've told you everything.

And it's not entirely a waste, if you ever plan on getting a widescreen TV or monitor for your 360.
Tomasooie said:
It's not their fault though, the demo should've told you everything.

And it's not entirely a waste, if you ever plan on getting a widescreen TV or monitor for your 360.
No, not entirely a waste, but I'd would wait for a discount before buying. And I know it's my fault, because I don't usually bother with demos. I want or I do not want the game. But yes, that won't happen again. They're out of my trusted companies.

Thankfully I haven't bought RS, because that would REALLY make me pissed off.


It was clear to me from when I first heard about this remake that it was going to be an HD remake. To me that just made it obvious that it'd be at least 720p and definitely widescreen. I think I would have been slightly disappointed if they had made it 4:3 and made it stretch for 16:9. Something tells me that would look (and play) horrible.

Spoony, what sort of tv do you have?


Sketchbook Picasso
The Spoony Hou said:
Just one of the evils of you being an idiot. I understand remix mode or whatever not having fullscreen, but I should be able to play the game in it's original state. Thankfully I have the Saturn version, but it would be convenient to have a perfect version of the game on my 360, especially since my Saturn is dead.

But, your excuse fells though, because Radiant Silvergun truly is a crapped port. On my TV, I have to play it in letterbox AND with borders, making the screen really tiny.

If I'm wrong, please tell me how to fiz that, but until then, Treasure is now officially a shit company, even worse than Capcom. At least add fullscreen support in their old games.

I didn't say anything to insult you, so your insults are kind of mis-placed. But you're blowing things out of proportion.

My point was that the "original state" doesn't 100% exist in this version; they rebuilt alot of it from the ground up. It's mentioned in an interview with GamesTM, I believe.

But believe what you will. If the whole *game* (And company!) is bad to you because of a new aspect ratio, then so be it. May we both be able to join the much of the rest of the world with nice widescreen TVs in the future!


Try doing this:

See if you can change your screen format to Widescreen in the Console Settings.

If it works, it should make the game fullscreen, but the image will be horizontally compressed, but at least it'll be fullscreen and you'll be able to read the text.

Not sure if you'll be able to select widescreen on a 4:3 TV though.
Peagles said:
It was clear to me from when I first heard about this remake that it was going to be an HD remake. To me that just made it obvious that it'd be at least 720p and definitely widescreen. I think I would have been slightly disappointed if they had made it 4:3 and made it stretch for 16:9. Something tells me that would look (and play) horrible.

Spoony, what sort of tv do you have?
But this is not a remake, it's a port!

Anyway, I have a fullscreen, 29 inch, HD capable Samsung CRT TV. Widescreen isn't that bad in it, but if I can play in fullscreen it's better, of course. I was sure that this game would support it... And the text is so tiny :(...

Tomasooie said:
Not sure if you'll be able to select widescreen on a 4:3 TV though.
My TV does it. And stretching the image is NOT an option to me, it would just look like shit.
SAB CA said:
My point was that the "original state" doesn't 100% exist in this version; they rebuilt alot of it from the ground up. It's mentioned in an interview with GamesTM, I believe.
My point is they can't program shit.

Kasumi1970 said:
the game is fullscreen on my 32" HD TV.
I hope you're not lying to me, Ted.

Dave Long

Out of your trusted companies because you fucked up and didn't download the demo to make sure your ancient TV could play the game properly?

Ok, man. Whatever.

Look, I'm one of the first who will say that too many games get corrupted by HD remakes or bad emulation and people often have no idea what they're really missing because these old games get fucked up. But in this case, it's all on you, not Treasure.

Standard Definition is dead. Make sure you keep an old high end set around for your retro gaming needs, but don't expect anyone to cater to it anymore. Those days are done.


The Spoony Hou said:
My point is they can't program shit.
I've already given you the reason. It has nothing to with their programming ability. It's a perfect port, and the widescreen enhancement is excellent.

And you might as well at least try playing it with your TV set to widescreen.

By the way, Guwange actually got a patch for fullscreen support on 4:3 TVs. It's kind of crude, but it works. Turn off Wide mode, under System Settings in the Game Options. Then you'll have to adjust the screen settings (to scale the game screen down, as it's cut off at first) After that you'll be set.
Dave Long said:
Standard Definition is dead. Make sure you keep an old high end set around for your retro gaming needs, but don't expect anyone to cater to it anymore. Those days are done.
I can't have two sets in my room, unfortunately, and my ancient TV is better than any LCD shit out there, it's just small. And I only expect Standart Defintion from old games already made in SD.

Tomasooie said:
I've already given you the reason. It has nothing to with their programming ability. It's a perfect port, and the widescreen enhancement is excellent.

And you might as well at least try playing it with your TV set to widescreen.
Will do, because it my only option. It should not be, but it is. You gave me a reason, but it doesn't mean fullscreen support could not be done, it just means they're lazy.

And I'll give the Guwange demo a try if I can ever bother.


The Spoony Hou said:
Will do, because it my only option. It should not be, but it is. You gave me a reason, but it doesn't mean fullscreen support could not be done, it just means they're lazy.
So people on 4:3 TVs shouldn't be able to play online? I suppose they could have split the online base by having a 4:3 online mode and a separate 16:9 one, but that doesn't really sound like such a good idea, now does it? Maybe forcing you into letterboxed if you're playing online? Those are all really unprofessional, inconsistent solutions. There is no solution other than to upgrade your TV. It's 2011. Developers shouldn't have to cater to the diminishing number of 4:3 users forever.

I don't think there's any excuse for Radiant Silvergun though.
Tomasooie said:
So people on 4:3 TVs shouldn't be able to play online?
The game should just put the content off-screen.

Yeah, RS is really crappy... If there's a fix for that, I'll take the "shit company" comment back.


The Spoony Hou said:
But this is not a remake, it's a port!

Was that the terminology they used? Cos most media I read said remake, with HD enhanced visuals. Regardless of naming, to me it was obvious it'd be widescreen since HD usually implies that these days. HD game implies it would be best on an HDTV. But then again, I'm probably biased cos the last CRT was gone from house a long time ago, and even that was widescreen. I don't think we've owned a 4:3 for about 10 years... :p

I agree it'd be nice to have both but if it messes with online play I can see their point. They should have enabled it for SP maybe or had another mode to select with it, though.


The Spoony Hou said:
The game should just put the content off-screen.
Some cutscenes have characters on the far-right of the screen. And not being able to see the whole play area in versus battles (or even single player mode, really) would suck.

It's definitely an enhanced port. The Remix visuals just put a filter and pencil shading effect on everything (though a few of the bigger enemies were retraced so that the outlines look smoother).
Peagles said:
Was that the terminology they used?
I don't know what they called it, I call it a port. The graphics, sounds and musics are the same. Putting a filter over it doesn't change that.

Tomasooie said:
Some cutscenes have characters on the far-right of the screen. And not being able to see the whole play area in versus battles (or even single player mode, really) would suck.
I don't know about this port, but in the original game you could run to the other side of the screen, and the enemies would be off-screen. Off-screen stuff happens in this game. Yesterday I was in training mode, spamming fire with Nicole against an off-screen target. Now, if they re-worked the cutscenes to use more of the widescreen... well, they shouldn't have done that, if they went for fullscreen support.


The Spoony Hou said:
I don't know about this port, but in the original game you could run to the other side of the screen, and the enemies would be off-screen. Off-screen stuff happens in this game. Yesterday I was in training mode, spamming fire with Nicole against an off-screen target. Now, if they re-worked the cutscenes to use more of the widescreen... well, they shouldn't have done that, if they went for fullscreen support.

Well even on the Saturn, on versus, the screen would zoom out to always show all the combatants. With widescreen, they were able to double the amount of players possible in versus (to 12). Zooming out to show all of that in 4:3 wouldn't be feasible. At all. They're not going to limit things because of the few that are still on 4:3 TVs.
Tomasooie said:
Well even on the Saturn, on versus, the screen would zoom out to always show all the combatants. With widescreen, they were able to double the amount of players possible in versus (to 12). Zooming out to show all of that in 4:3 wouldn't be feasible. At all. They're not going to limit things because of the few that are still on 4:3 TVs.
Oh, maybe the off-screen stuff was just upwards... Well, I still think they should have fullscreen for the single-player. I don't care about the versus mode, they could put it in tate-mode.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony

1. This is not a port. It doesn't matter if it uses the original base assets. Remix mode is a new version of the game; new play mechanics, completely re-balanced. This is essentially an initial test for updating the game with a sequel, as far as I'm concerned.

2. The existence of Sin & Punishment 2 invalidates any claim that Treasure is a "shit" developer.

Fans overreact and call every company "pure shit, betrayal, stabbed my dog" when a game doesn't have one specific option to cater to a specific audience that, unfortunately, can't be thought of as the average user... or even average hard core fan, these days.


The Spoony Hou said:
What do you think fullscreen is?

Honestly, i thought fullscreen was just referring to whether or not the game filled the entire screen without borders. Had no idea it meant 4:3.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Jesus fucking christ. Of all the things to whine about...

I'm going to be online in a bit. Feel free to invite me for a versus game.
Doesn't seem difficult for them to add in an update assuming they know there are people who want it. Contact Sega/Treasure. I kinda see where this is an issue, but calling them a shit developer is pretty silly because they clearly are not (based on just the awesome job they did with GH HD) and then you're left just leaving your complaint forgotten in dust up over your comment. The current batch of consoles is aimed at 16:9 HDTV owners for over the last five years now. Not too surprising when something goes missing in the process of meeting expectations of most gamers in 2011 who would want this.
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