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Super Member
Loved the set design in this movie. The lack of a big Ronan battle bugged me though.

Easily as good as DofP. Congrats Marvel!

Also Batista's lines were amazing.


tagged by Blackace
Overall a great movie. Definitely a lot of fun. If I had to compare it to the Avengers, I'd say that I liked the first 3/4ths of this movie more than I liked the first 3/4ths of Avengers, but Avengers had the more ridiculous and amazing ending sequence.
I'd probably agree with your assessment here.

Avengers is a bit slow, in a sense, but Guardians built that rapport between you and the characters and between the characters much faster, and I really appreciated that. A common complaint here is that they rushed the backstories, but I don't really think that's the case. You got everything you needed to know.


Gamora was poorly written and weakly acted. She had such stiff dialogue and delivery, she was easily the worst of the group. At least most of Drax's lines were somewhat funny, Gamora felt really out of place and lacking in personality in this group.

Hopefully they bring her to life in the sequel.


Junior Member
I like how James Gunn knew Bautista's limits & worked around them. It also helps that Bautista is anyways improving. As long as he has that drive to better himself, I think he'll go places.


Gamora was poorly written and weakly acted. She had such stiff dialogue and delivery, she was easily the worst of the group. At least most of Drax's lines were somewhat funny, Gamora felt really out of place and lacking in personality in this group.

Hopefully they bring her to life in the sequel.

She was the straight man of the group, who was all business. She does loosen up a bit towards the end, but it was just a tiny hint, rather than full character evolution.

I thought she played the role appropriately.


Gamora was poorly written and weakly acted. She had such stiff dialogue and delivery, she was easily the worst of the group. At least most of Drax's lines were somewhat funny, Gamora felt really out of place and lacking in personality in this group.

Hopefully they bring her to life in the sequel.

I think she'll be better in the sequel. She was kind of in an awkward spot considering she made the switch from villain and the others didn't really have to do that. She still didn't really trust them (and vice versa) until halfway through the movie. Now that she's built up that relationship with the rest of the Guardians, I feel like she'll have more of a chance to shine. Also depends what they do with Nebula, because her performance was pretty flat also. I feel like Nebula needed more work writing wise than Gamora.


I think she'll be better in the sequel. She was kind of in an awkward spot considering she made the switch from villain and the others didn't really have to do that. She still didn't really trust them (and vice versa) until halfway through the movie. Now that she's built up that relationship with the rest of the Guardians, I feel like she'll have more of a chance to shine. Also depends what they do with Nebula, because her performance was pretty flat also. I feel like Nebula needed more work writing wise than Gamora.

An awkward spot? It's the actor's duty to act. Unless the role asked her to be awkward and what not then she's a shit actor.


tagged by Blackace
I think she'll be better in the sequel. She was kind of in an awkward spot considering she made the switch from villain and the others didn't really have to do that. She still didn't really trust them (and vice versa) until halfway through the movie. Now that she's built up that relationship with the rest of the Guardians, I feel like she'll have more of a chance to shine. Also depends what they do with Nebula, because her performance was pretty flat also. I feel like Nebula needed more work writing wise than Gamora.
I kind of liked Nebula, but I agree. I think Gamora will do better when the spotlight is a bit dimmer on her.
Gamora was poorly written and weakly acted. She had such stiff dialogue and delivery, she was easily the worst of the group. At least most of Drax's lines were somewhat funny, Gamora felt really out of place and lacking in personality in this group.

Hopefully they bring her to life in the sequel.



Gamora ending scene was great. You could tell as her character was finally getting comfortable around the team and especially Star Lord.



sorry, but i'm gonna have to agree with him. Gamora in general is a boring character even in the comics, and when you top that off with a boring actress.... well....
I am happy with Drax, even though Bautista is getting pretty old, his comedic timing was amazing.

and the whole
"selling this thing to get money to run away"
just didn't seem like something her character would do...


When they were in prison, did Pratt say to Zaldana "I couldn't care less" or "I could care less" ? I swear I heard the latter and I wanted to beat the shit out of the writer.

A lot of the things we say in the US doesn't make sense. When people say things like "could care less", "all intensive purposes", and "I'm literary going to explode" it bugs the crap out of me too. While it might make me cringe, I still don't think it's necessarily bad writing if a characters says these, as long as it was intentionally written that way. Now if that line was unintentional, then yes, that can be considered bad writing.

That's bad writing if it is indeed the case. I don't know how 'I could care less' has permeated America to such a degree, but it makes no sense. A writer should know the difference.

I've never heard it said in a manner other than 'I couldn't care less.' Then again, I'm in Britain and not the US.

The problem with him saying the phrase incorrectly at all is that a lot of people (stupid and otherwise) honestly do not know the actual proper phrase. So saying it wrong just perpetuates real people saying it stupidly, whether or not the writer knew the correct version. It essentially teaches people to speak a little bit less intelligently.

The same couldn't be said about having a character use slang or ain't or whatever because everyone actually does know the difference between slang and more formal ways of speaking.


Looks better than live action Gamora tbh

They need to fix her makeup for the sequel

Agreed that her makeup is ugly. Also, the toy is just as anorexic as Zoe... Too bad female actresses don't bother to put on muscle like male actors often do.


I saw this on Wednesday and really enjoyed it. I left the theater wanting more, though I wish I didn't waste my time sitting through the credits for the shitty post-credits clip.

Chris Pratt was awesome. I don't know anything about wrestling so I had no idea who Bautista was, but I really enjoyed him in the movie too.
sorry, but i'm gonna have to agree with him. Gamora in general is a boring character even in the comics, and when you top that off with a boring actress.... well....
I am happy with Drax, even though Bautista is getting pretty old, his comedic timing was amazing.

and the whole
"selling this thing to get money to run away"
just didn't seem like something her character would do...

I don’t have a problem with people saying she was their least favourite, but to say she’s poorly written and weakly acted with stiff dialogue and delivery? Nope. Like I said in the spoiler thread, I found Gamora to probably be the most charismatic and one of the funnier ones. The way she would react to things just felt incredibly natural.
"We’re just like Kevin Bacon!"
was damn adorable the way she said it. Such perfect delivery! And the whole
"take my hand!" line at the end
was delivered perfectly too. And her acting was wonderful. I don’t think she’s a boring actress at all, her roles might be limited and feel a bit similar, but for what she does she does very well - she definitely has talent. Overall she 100% nailed her character for me.


Chris Pratt's acting was awful too it felt like all his lines were joke based..I dunno I didn't think he handled the serious moments well
Loved the set design in this movie. The lack of a big Ronan battle bugged me though.

Easily as good as DofP. Congrats Marvel!

Also Batista's lines were amazing.

Ronan as a big, evil Saturday morning cartoon villain definitely bugged me the most. And his weird undead minions, what's up with that? Excellent movie but a couple character representations really bothered me.


Chris Pratt's acting was awful too it felt like all his lines were joke based..I dunno I didn't think he handled the serious moments well

If starting a dance-off to the tune of "O-o-h Child" isn't the way to handle serious moments, then I don't know how else.


I finally got a chance to see it today, and I must say it lived up to my expectations.

What a fun film.


I don’t have a problem with people saying she was their least favourite, but to say she’s poorly written and weakly acted with stiff dialogue and delivery? Nope. Like I said in the spoiler thread, I found Gamora to probably be the most charismatic and one of the funnier ones. The way she would react to things just felt incredibly natural.
"We’re just like Kevin Bacon!"
was damn adorable the way she said it. Such perfect delivery! And the whole
"take my hand!" line at the end
was delivered perfectly too. And her acting was wonderful. I don’t think she’s a boring actress at all, her roles might be limited and feel a bit similar, but for what she does she does very well - she definitely has talent. Overall she 100% nailed her character for me.

yea o.k. she did handle those scenes well. Must have been the script then. They wrote her so boring...
Ha. You're gonna love where they put it then :p
I wish they would've let I'm not in love play longer, they definitely could've used the big boys don't cry line.

So just got back from watching this and It didn't live up to the enormous hype I've seen on gaf, but it definitely was an enjoyable movie. I'll also didn't get the hype for winter soldier after seeing it so there's that. Gotg is probably my favorite marvel movie, can't wait for the sequel. Rocket definitely stole the show, man I loved the little guy and the audience as well.


yea o.k. she did handle those scenes well. Must have been the script then. They wrote her so boring...

As a character she was ok but unlike Drax she never got any great lines. Also re-writing her as a sneaky assassin type to better fit Saldana doesn't help when Gamora is basically green, female Wolverine in the comics:
As a character she was ok but unlike Drax she never got any great lines. Also re-writing her as a sneaky assassin type to better fit Saldana doesn't help when comic Gamora is basically green, female Wolverine:

They can't write her like that because the people will complain about the Angry Black Woman stereotype.

Mr. Sam

Calling Gamora a boring character is fine by me. She's also badly underwritten.

Calling Zoe Saldana a boring actress? Ridiculous.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Calling Gamora a boring character is fine by me. She's also badly underwritten.

Calling Zoe Saldana a boring actress? Ridiculous.
Gamora was probably the least interesting out of the team but that's because she was a very serious character as opposed to the antics of the rest of them. She had some damn good fight scenes, that's for sure.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Saw it today; probably my favorite movie of the year, and definitely my favorite MCU flick yet. It was just absolutely visually stunning; I feel like I could watch it on mute and enjoy it just the same. It was genuinely funny, too, unlike a lot of action/sci-fi movies where the humor is just cheesy and cringeworthy (Iron Man 3 is a prime offender).

Some guys on the way out were talking about how the sequel is already done and comes out at the end of the year — how does misinformation like this still even happen in this day and age?


Some guys on the way out were talking about how the sequel is already done and comes out at the end of the year — how does misinformation like this still even happen in this day and age?

Sounds like crap a seven year old kid would make up to impress his friends and it somehow spreads around online. If anything, it's easier for misinformation to spread these days.


I saw this last night with my wife, who is by no means a comics fan or all that into my geeky shit, and we both loved it. As an entertainment package, it hit all the sweet spots.

I laughed. I cried. I was on the edge of my seat for many scenes. With that in mind, I'd like to see it again to make sure the story makes sense in my head and that it's as good as I think it is. :) I mean, it was a ton of fun, but so much stuff seemed to happen in every scene that it was sometimes difficult to focus...not as bad as trying to focus during the Lego movie, but still a challenge at times.

The dialogue in the film was also really damn good.

Disconnected thoughts are disconnected. Yay.

Also, this is the poster in my local theatre:

I'd buy this so hard. This movie has some great posters in general.



Saw this today and thought it was pretty bad. It felt like one of the weakest Marvel films I've seen. The strangest thing is that I don't know why I didn't like it. The movie atcually felt long to me which is a feeling none of the newer Marvel films gave me (maybe the Hulk, but i can't remember). I guess the main issue is maybe it's because I've never heard of the the Guardians of the Galaxy before and the movie didn't do enough to get me to know and like the characters. I think it didn't help that for some reason the main character bugged me...

I mean looking at the other films:

Captain America - I loved watching the wimpy guy become the awesome Captain.
Iron Man - I just like Robert Downing Jr. I love how cocky Stark can be, yet he can be counted on when it matters.
Thor - I like watching Thor grow from an arrogant SOB to a responsible god of thunder.
Guardians - I can't even remember anything about the main character other than that he was the Starlord... I just know that he get abducted as a kid and become a pirate/scavenger dude...
Just saw it a second time. Still awesome, and I think I enjoyed it even more. Picked up on a lot of stuff I missed the first run around since I wasn't as focused on the characters

10/10 would see a third time
Seeing it tomorrow again in Ultra AVX....I'm gonna get buzzed first too, I'm 'cited.

Guardians - I can't even remember anything about the main character other than that he was the Starlord... I just know that he get abducted as a kid and become a pirate/scavenger dude...

Well he's an outlaw and womanizer too, and a good pilot.


Cross-post from the spoiler thread, song lyrics included:

If you like piña coladas
And getting caught in the rain,
If you're not into yoga,
If you have half a brain,
If you like making love at midnight,
In the dunes on the cape,
Then i'm the love that you've looked for,
Write to me and escape.


(One of those avatars are centred on a 100x120 frame, the other isn't)

Bonus new Pratt-vatar:

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