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Seeing this tonight and I don't dare step into the spoiler thread.

Can someone tell me if this film comes with the now customary mid and end extra scenes ?


During the prison riot/escape and the multiple ship battles my eyes just glazed over and I lost interest. splosion backflip face punch dramtic dodge shootbang kill witty comment. No purpose or payoff. Gamora had 3 too many fucking karate fights

The banter, the main characters and group dynamic stuff is where the movie shined. Most of the action felt like filler

That's disappointing, that's my main complaint with Marvel films.The constant CGI mish mash and middling cinematography really kills the Marvel films, as well as a lot of poorly directed action scenes in general. Even Winter Soldier, which did so much of that right, still ends on a forgettable battleship cruiser 3-way CGI clusterfuck.

Glad to hear the writing and characters are up to par though, still hella hyped to see the movie.


Thought it was a well done space movie, extremely fun for the most part. Wasn't a big fan of the action scenes in the movie; just felt like there wasn't a lot on display to keep me interested in that regard. Weird part is
I enjoyed the first few chase scenes, but the hand to hand was weak.
In the comics, I got the feeling that Drax and Gamora were very powerful.. They seemed completely average here. Same with Nebula who felt severely under cooked,
but it looks like there will be more to come with her.
Another thing I'm getting tired of, maybe it's comic movies in general (I'll spoiler anyway),
I am not a fan of how every movie has this potential world ending, population decimating thing (person, device, whatever) and nobody ever seems to die. None of the characters we care about die, hell, worlds don't even end. Always saved at the last moment. I don't hold that against Guardians, but it's getting a bit tiring.
What I did love on the other hand, were the way the characters interacted with one another. Despite the friendship thing getting a little cheesy, everything felt alive and fun. Felt like there weren't many slow moments, and Drax/Starlord/Rocket were all exceedingly well done. There were a few moments that had legitimate heart
Rocket yelling at everyone while drunk, start of the movie
. The licensed music was used perfectly, and the movie wasn't afraid to get weird. They established the Marvel universe in a great way. I still think they can do a lot to make the stories of these individual members stronger, now that the team is together. Thing is, I am just excited to see these 5 interact with each other again.

Overall, I'm happy it was made and had a great time at the movies. Marvel really needs to make these climatic moments and villains stronger though, feel like Ultron will be a big test.


Marvel is always going to hang on to their cards. They are basically the EON equivalent to the Bond franchise now. The Edgar Wright debacle was very telling.

That being said, this film was very entertaining and likely the best entry in their specific entries.


Saw it for opening night, really enjoyed the movie. I'm probably going to watch it again when it comes out on vid. Can't wait for the next one.


Oh dear
My expectations have been lowered significantly

Well I guess lowered expectations are good, since there are more chances you will be blown away, but just know, I have watched the movie and I think that statement was a gross exaggeration.
What was it again? I forget.
Gamora says the ship is filthy and walks away, Peter goes to the guys "yeah it's really filthy, good thing she didn't have a blacklight, cause then it'd look like a Jackson Pollock painting


Well I guess lowered expectations are good, since there are more chances you will be blown away, but just know, I have watched the movie and I think that statement was a gross exaggeration.
Gamora says the ship is filthy and walks away, Peter goes to the guys "yeah it's really filthy, good thing she didn't have a blacklight, cause then it'd look like a Jackson Pollock painting

Oh yeah, that was hilarious.
Low budget TV-level cinematography and cheap set design that repeatedly fails to draw you into the fantastical settings. It always feels small as soon as the CG money shots end (see: Knowhere setup vs actual Knowhere scenes).

No one should believe this. During the opening credits
Quill dancing in that cave.
I was surprised by how much actual camera movement there was. No computerized speed ramps and no artificial zooming, just a guy with a steadicam.

Each location looked different.Knowhere looked like a dingy basement. Ronans ship looked like some future Egyptian temple. And the Nova Corp planet looked like the cleanest, safest, brightest place in the galaxy

I understand the point about the CGI master shots vs the sets but what movie doesnt do that? Anything reliant on giant sweeping CG shots always cut to a few actors standing in a room. In Guardians defense at least they filled the sets with tons of people wearing creature makeup and not a bunch of computerized monsters. I only remember one human like CG character (
the blue guy that Groot kills in the prison
), the rest of the CG characters were all 4 legged lizard type creatures.


Just came back from it. Well really watched it at 8pm on Thursday then got drunk after. but the best word to describe the movie is charming. Movie is def badass, I put it cap 2, then gotg 2nd. Star Wars inspired definitely, but knocked it out of the park with the action and feels.


So I did end up going to watch it. What can I say...it's good. The movie was very funny. The action is good, not the greatest. Nothing has topped the Thor vs Iron Man battle for me in terms of how cool it was but some scenes here came close. The characters are great. They'll never work stand-alone but that doesn't matter. What makes them great is their interaction with one another. Drax was even hilarious to my surprise.

Good movie overall. Also everyone at my theater were laughing their asses off. Even some of the stuff I didn't find funny they found it funny.
It's very funny. The cast play off of each other very well with good comedic timing. Also like the soundtrack. Other than that, though, it's constructed from the same on-the-nose story beats as a lot of other Marvel movies.

Generic, awful villain. Does the villain REALLY need to be this lame? I'm not that familiar with the comic version, but reading the wiki entry he apparently has all sorts of cool powers:

"Ronan possesses superhuman strength, endurance, speed and reflexes; which are enhanced by devices in his suit of full-body exoskeleton armor. Ronan also has devices in his armor which create fields of invisibility, and devices in his gauntlets which generate sufficient coldness to place certain life forms into a state of suspended animation. Ronan also possesses a weapon called the "Universal Weapon", a device which uses cosmic energy for a variety of effects according to the wielder's will, including the disintegration, rearrangement, and transmutation of matter, the projection of concussive energy blasts, the absorption of energy, control over gravity, the creation of force fields and "time-motion displacement fields" and interstellar teleportation along hyperspatial passages. Ronan is also a highly skilled soldier and a military genius, having received Kree military combat training, and possesses extensive knowledge of the legal code of the Kree Empire."

Why don't we see ANY of that? Why is he just a strong angry dude who gets the macguffin stone and then has super energy power? Why do we need to go through these motions over and over again when the comics are so colorful and audiences are already perfectly receptive to big purple chin guys sitting on outer space thrones? Do more.

Low budget TV-level cinematography and cheap set design that repeatedly fails to draw you into the fantastical settings. It always feels small as soon as the CG money shots end (see: Knowhere setup vs actual Knowhere scenes).

No effort put into the action choreography at all. You know how someone's stronger by who flies backward at the end of a camera shake or two and some acrobatics. Yet, we're almost overloaded with action sequences against generic enemies or to relative stalemate between important characters that no harm will come to. There's zero dramatic tension and nothing to appreciate on-screen during all of these sequences.

The movie is basically Thor 2 + an effective comedic pass on the script. The humor elevates it, but this is your summer event, Marvel. It feels like you're always holding onto too many cards.

Yep, I said pretty much the same thing a few pages back.


Good to see I'm not alone on the plotting/action problems.
Loved it. The plot held things back despite the fantastic script. Just wanted more focus on the crew rather than the whole overarching plot thing.

Next movie could be an absolute classic, Gunn is on fire here. More focus on fleshing out the Guardians rather than tying everything into the Marvel universe and it will be perfection.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It's very funny. The cast play off of each other very well with good comedic timing. Also like the soundtrack. Other than that, though, it's constructed from the same on-the-nose story beats as a lot of other Marvel movies.

Generic, awful villain. Does the villain REALLY need to be this lame? I'm not that familiar with the comic version, but reading the wiki entry he apparently has all sorts of cool powers:

"Ronan possesses superhuman strength, endurance, speed and reflexes; which are enhanced by devices in his suit of full-body exoskeleton armor. Ronan also has devices in his armor which create fields of invisibility, and devices in his gauntlets which generate sufficient coldness to place certain life forms into a state of suspended animation. Ronan also possesses a weapon called the "Universal Weapon", a device which uses cosmic energy for a variety of effects according to the wielder's will, including the disintegration, rearrangement, and transmutation of matter, the projection of concussive energy blasts, the absorption of energy, control over gravity, the creation of force fields and "time-motion displacement fields" and interstellar teleportation along hyperspatial passages. Ronan is also a highly skilled soldier and a military genius, having received Kree military combat training, and possesses extensive knowledge of the legal code of the Kree Empire."

Why don't we see ANY of that? Why is he just a strong angry dude who gets the macguffin stone and then has super energy power? Why do we need to go through these motions over and over again when the comics are so colorful and audiences are already perfectly receptive to big purple chin guys sitting on outer space thrones? Do more.

Low budget TV-level cinematography and cheap set design that repeatedly fails to draw you into the fantastical settings. It always feels small as soon as the CG money shots end (see: Knowhere setup vs actual Knowhere scenes).

No effort put into the action choreography at all. You know how someone's stronger by who flies backward at the end of a camera shake or two and some acrobatics. Yet, we're almost overloaded with action sequences against generic enemies or to relative stalemate between important characters that no harm will come to. There's zero dramatic tension and nothing to appreciate on-screen during all of these sequences.

The movie is basically Thor 2 + an effective comedic pass on the script. The humor elevates it, but this is your summer event, Marvel. It feels like you're always holding onto too many cards.

Sorry EviLore but I have to disagree a bit with your opinion. Sort of. I mean, Ronan was a bit thin of a bad guy but IMHO he was fleshed out enough to be made a worthwhile threat to the team. The main focus was the Guardians and Gunn spent most of the movie focused on them, and rightfully so because they are the center of the film. Ronan is given just enough story to make him out to be dangerous and worthy of fear, I actually thought he was one of the better bad guys from a Marvel film. Sure he wasn't the same as the comic Ronan but I'm okay with that because it worked well within the framework of this film.

Now, I really have to disagree with your cinematography opinion. I thought the movie looked utterly fantastic and was beautiful to look at. I even thought the action was handled well. Certainly one of the better Marvel movies in both regards. Avengers I can understand about the "feels like a TV show" opinion, but not GotG.

I thought the movie was incredible. It might just be my favorite Marvel film of all time.
I just got home from this and I'm cross posting from the AusGAF thread:

I absolutely loved Guardians of the Galaxy. They captured everything perfectly that I got out of the books, and then some. The music is to die for and the characters were each given enough each but still leaving you wanting more. This will definitely fill my Star Wars hole until next year. I need to see it again.

Now Star-Lord and I are enjoying a beer together.

Excuse the marks all over the photo. My camera is busted.
Your face looks like TV-level cinematography.

Just kidding its beautiful don't ban me.

I definitely didn't agree with that complaint for Avengers (the aspect ratio didn't help the film but it definitely didn't look like a TV production), guess I'll see if it holds up for GOTG tonight.

Gonna be hard to get through work today all I want is movieeeee.


Gamora says the ship is filthy and walks away, Peter goes to the guys "yeah it's really filthy, good thing she didn't have a blacklight, cause then it'd look like a Jackson Pollock painting

Oooh, that's what he said. The audience was laughing so hard at my showing that I missed the end of that line!
Oh and this was exactly what the Green Lantern movie should have been like.

But maybe a little less comedy. But it was out there like a GL film should have been. Just drop us out in the middle of all the crazy shit and let us figure it out. When GL kept to that (all the Oa stuff), it was great. Then it got bogged down with all the Earth crap.


Online Ho Champ
I agree with the assertion that Ronan was a terrible villain. From my own experience, the comics version was at the very least an interesting, multifaceted character. What we get here is just some tyrant who wants to destroy Xandar and everyone on it because he is an evil bastard.

To be truthful though, the focus of the story was clearly on developing and giving origin stories to the four main characters. Ronan's purpose was to be a giant threat that the team needed to unite against to defeat, while at the same time giving personal motivation and backstory to Drax and Gamora's characters. If I'm going to fault the movie for anything in that regard, I'm much more critical of the matter that I don't think Ronan served his purpose well enough rather than Ronan's own character being two dimensional crap.

initially Ronan is just an asshole and the Kree are space dicks that think everyone should be rubbing their balls. The Skrulls dont even become a military power until they respond to the Kree they were successful merchant fleet rich boys. The Kree are that super powerful but not quite all powerful group of assholes, they will take on anyone, even the Shi'ar and know they will lose. Still swear the Accuser Core will stomp anyone in the galaxy. Later on the Kree and Ronan become more balanced and even allies at times. However thats more recent before that, an Accuser/Korath/Starforce stepping foot on your planet inducted it to the Kree Empire. They were the Imperium of man long before WH40K and the Supremor/intelligence was their god emperor.

however i dont think they would go into that in a GoTG movie.


There are complaints about the cinematography? What the hell? We watched different movies.
The fight camera work is not great, but the film overall visually looks excellent.


Just got word; the tickets for the Dutch theatres are on sale now. I'm gonna surpise my GF with two tickets to the first show august 13th at midnight!

Ladies; I might become single this very afternoon


My friend walking out of the theater: "that didn't even feel like a marvel movie"

Me: "I know right! It was awesome!"

Great ass flick. Pratt is boss total, Gunn confirmed for taking marvel out of the cinematic ghetto.

You need to watch Winter Soldier dude

fake edit: I see disco already beat me to it :lol
Ronan complaints.

Ronan is as one dimensional as Darth Vader was in Episode 4.

He needs help destroying Xandar.
Thanos will help him in exchange for the sphere. Thanos treats Ronan like shit.
Ronan gets the Infinity gem and says fuck Thanos, I don't need him anymore and when I'm done destroying Xandar I'll kill him too.

What else do you need?


There are complaints about the cinematography? What the hell? We watched different movies.
The fight camera work is not great, but the film overall visually looks excellent.

Yeah, the complaints about cinematography don't make much sense to me either. It's a much more visually interesting Marvel film to look at and the camerawork itself didn't strike me as something that stood out good or bad. It just did its job.

Outside of Winter Soldier, which I haven't seen, Marvel's failed on the action front in all their movies so I guess I'm just conditioned to expect disappointment on that front. Rocket, Groot, and Drax had their little moments so I'm not too bummed about it.


Honorary Canadian.
I just don't understand how people want more development in the villain. This already came in around 2 hours, and to show an in-depth villain here you're asking a lot of the movie. Not only are you then rushing the coming-together of the team, but you're trying to fill in stuff on a villain? Way too much weight for this movie to carry.

I think a lot of the complaints I've seen so far are people getting tired of the same Marvel tropes and laying it at the feet of GotG, when it's really not fair to give it a criticism or roll your eyes just because 3 different movies did the same thing.


Ronan is given just enough story to make him out to be dangerous and worthy of fear.

HE is a weak villain, I'm sorry but I don't feel so much threat to him as the film didn't showcase his skills, abilities and the average fight choreography didn't help at all. The payoff in the final battle was anti-climatic.
initially Ronan is just an asshole and the Kree are space dicks that think everyone should be rubbing their balls. The Skrulls dont even become a military power until they respond to the Kree they were successful merchant fleet rich boys. The Kree are that super powerful but not quite all powerful group of assholes, they will take on anyone, even the Shi'ar and know they will lose. Still swear the Accuser Core will stomp anyone in the galaxy. Later on the Kree and Ronan become more balanced and even allies at times. However thats more recent before that, an Accuser/Korath/Starforce stepping foot on your planet inducted it to the Kree Empire. They were the Imperium of man long before WH40K and the Supremor/intelligence was their god emperor.

however i dont think they would go into that in a GoTG movie.

Pretty much spot-on. Ronan's first appearances in the comics painted him as basically a mad bad dude and not much else. He and the Kree didn't get the kind of development they have now until later.

From the impressions of the movie it sounds like they are basically following the same outline for Cosmic Marvel in the MCU - this stuff isn't as developed as it is in the comics today, and we'll get there over time.

I really don't mind Ronan being a less fleshed out baddie in the movie as the focus should be on the Guardians first and foremost.
My only hope is that they don't prematurely kill him off in this movie because he deserves to have that development that makes him a great character later on, the kind you root for or are totally afraid of or even both at the same time. He's too important of a character to the cosmic mythos, so hopefully this movie just sets up the fact that Thanos is just using him and they will not remain allies long.

The kind of development Ronan and the Kree should have is actually perfect material for the Captain Marvel film.

Given the various liberties this movie took with the source material, I would not necessarily look to the comics for the answer to that question.

There will certainly be some liberties taken because the Spartoi are related to the Shi'ar and the Shi'ar rights belong to Fox, so some changes will be made there.
But I doubt they would go so far as to change Star-Lord's parentage entirely. Is that not where he gets his middle name, Jason?
I just don't understand how people want more development in the villain. This already came in around 2 hours, and to show an in-depth villain here you're asking a lot of the movie. Not only are you then rushing the coming-together of the team, but you're trying to fill in stuff on a villain? Way too much weight for this movie to carry.

I think a lot of the complaints I've seen so far are people getting tired of the same Marvel tropes and laying it at the feet of GotG, when it's really not fair to give it a criticism or roll your eyes just because 3 different movies did the same thing.

Or any action/adventure movie ever made.
Were people crying about this shit when Raiders came out and Belloq and Toht were on screen for all of ten minutes.

They have to be economical and smart with the villain setup. It doesnt work for someone like Jeff Bridges in Iron Man because its hard to believe some business suit guy can put on a mechanical suit and fly around it. The stuff Ronan does is brief and believable.
I think it says a lot about Ronan that (big spoilers)
he didn't just immediately disintegrate Quill when the "dance-off" began

I mean, comedic license obviously, but Ronan is pretty fucking stupid in this


Regarding Ronan, I don't think he needed more character development necessarily, unless they wanted him to be a recurring villain (which they don't it seems). However, EviLore brought up a good point with regards to his powers. How cool would it have been if (spoilers for midway through the movie)
when he comes to take the orb from them at Knowhere, he uses his invisibility, gravity tricks, or maybe in his fight with Drax, mock him about not remembering his family whilst holding him in the air using these tricks. The space race battle was nice, but didn't show off the villains in a cool or interesting way. Same goes for Nebula there.
. Ronan just seemed like guy who was strong and that was it. Admittadly, this also lies with the fight choreography, which I thought was disappointing all round after the excellence of Cap 2.


Thor 2 has no excuse for the weak villain because it's no longer an origin story focused on the hero (and Thor 1 had a fine villain in the first place), it should be easy to have focus on the villain too. This film was juggling the origin story for a whole team, like Avengers 1 it gets a pass for a simple villain.
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