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Thor needed to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine.




wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
How is Thor 2's rating so high? Did everyone else get a cut of the film that wasn't total trash and I was just the unlucky sucker that got some intern's cut or something?

People outside of NeoGAF liked it.

I personally loved Thor 2, but then I've liked all of the phase two movies better than the phase one's so far. I also have liked all of the Marvel movies though, so I'm less nitpicky than a lot of NeoGAF.
I really enjoyed both Thor films the 1st one being the better of the two. Thor 2 was a good continuation of the concepts introduced in the original but in comparison to the incredible Winter Soldier it comes up a lame duck sequel.
I'm seeing it again in two hours.

As for ranking MCU films so far...

GOTG>Winter Soldier>Avengers>Iron Man>Hulk>Iron Man 2>Thor>First Avenger>Thor 2>Iron Man 3


In the theater, starts in. 20 minutes, IMAX 3D. Shit load of people here already, there were two lines waiting to get in. This shit better be good after all the GAF and reviewer hype.


In the theater, starts in. 20 minutes, IMAX 3D. Shit load of people here already, there were two lines waiting to get in. This shit better be good after all the GAF and reviewer hype.

If you don't enjoy it, I will never post in another gaf comic thread again.

I still will if you hate it.


Movie was pretty amazing. Loved all the characters, funny, great soundtrack. I think its one of my favorite Marvel movie. Saw it on IMAX but no 3D. Totally worth it.


James Gunn said the first cut was originally about 30 minutes longer. I hope Disney will have the balls to release the first MCU extended cut for this movie.

Maybe the extended cut would allieviate some of the issues I had with GotG. Good movie, hardly what I would consider great. Action and all was top notch, but man... such uneven characters.
Eh...I don't know about that. It was pretty terrible.
Not really. Mediocre maybe, and it suffers from some of the same lame villain problems other movies in the universe do. But honestly I wonder if people who say there were no cool moments and that they forgot everything about it were paying attention. There were a handful of awesome moments in Thor 2.
I'm sure it's been asked and answered already. Is the 3D version worth watching? Already saw it myself and loved it..taking the wife and kids in a couple of hours, so I figured I'd pay the extra if it actually looks good.


I'm sure it's been asked and answered already. Is the 3D version worth watching? Already saw it myself and loved it..taking the wife and kids in a couple of hours, so I figured I'd pay the extra if it actually looks good.

I'm not a huge believer in 3D, but I ended up seeing it in such because the tickets were rather cheap. The 3D in the movie was good and not over the top, but I don't know how much it really adds to the movie. If you don't mind the extra cash for 3D, I would say go for it.
I've considered watching it in 3D but... my 3DS gives me headaches, I don't know if it's a good idea. But I've REALLY wanted to go to imax and the only option they have is 3D. D:


Thor 2 wasn't that bad, and quality-wise and it's really not far removed from most of Mahvel's movies. It's forgettable, but it's not trash like The Incredible Hulk and to a lesser extent, Captain America 1.


Thor 2 wasn't that bad, and quality-wise and it's really not far removed from most of Mahvel's movies. It's forgettable, but it's not trash like The Incredible Hulk and to a lesser extent, Captain America 1.

I keep thinking about the implications of the original ending vs the ending to thor 2 we got.

odin giving loki the throne instead of implying that loki killed odin


I'm just happy that the movie is quality...I don't mind new heroes outside of the "-man" but this is great we have new good movies.

Now lets wait for the "why didn't the guardians of the galaxy show up!?!?" in the new captain america.


Kills Photobucket
I enjoyed Thor 2. It's lacked some of the charm of the first one. Kenneth Branagh is probably the most odd choice for a superhero film, but he really worked for the fantastical world of Thor. Overall my only real issue with it was a criminal under use of Christopher Eccleston.

I also enjoyed Ironman 3. Not being a reader of the comics, what they did to the Mandarin worked for me.

I would rank them....

Captain America 2
The Avengers
Captain America
Thor 2
Iroman 3
The Incredible Hulk
Ironman 2

Right now, I'd put "Guardians of the Galaxy" on top, but I want to let it sit a while first.
Thor 2 wasn't that bad, and quality-wise and it's really not far removed from most of Mahvel's movies. It's forgettable, but it's not trash like The Incredible Hulk and to a lesser extent, Captain America 1.

My biggest problem with Thor 2 is that... nothing really happened. It had this new random villain with a plot that contributed hardly anything to the universe, no worthwhile action, lacked character arcs, the new guy and Kat Dennings were fucking awful, the climax was all over the place intercutting between Portal and those two idiots making out, the pacing and storytelling was super uneven as well, the main story and subplots lacked an interesting spark, and the Loki baiting and switching was downright insulting and barely even made any sense. This movie made that character come across as a fucking moron that didn't even really know what he wanted.

But primarily, again, nothing of significance happened. Coming off The Avengers and whatever else came out, you would think that these individual movies would at least try to contribute to the big picture in some way, but this was very to itself, only made some references, and did jack all for the story. There was a notable character death, but I'm not sure anyone actually felt anything over that. It was super bland and had nothing to say. It's not an unwatchable movie, but if you think it's "in-line" with the other Marvel movies, that's cool, but it just means you don't think too highly of those either. :p

edit: thinking about it, I'm kind of with you in not really being like a huge fan of a lot of the Marvel movies, I mostly like... most of them, but I definitely thought Thor 2 was one of the weakest, if not just downright bad like Iron Man 2.


Really fun movie. Great year for fun movie.

avengers slightly > gotg > ws > im1 > thor1 > im3 > rest

so will the guardians meet up with earth avengers in mcu? it is strange that the guardians are technologically superior but none of them have super destructive powers like the avengers, i think even cap/ws will kick most their asses except for groot...

wonder how much will be the salary budget for avengers3 with all these super heroes coming together.

i hope for mcu phase3, we get movies that put 2-3 super heroes together. i think that is what makes avengers and gotg fun, the ensemble casting.
Not gonna lie, I expected to like this movie because I love the cosmic stuff, but damn this movie blew away my expectations. I really hope this wasn't lightning in a bottle and they can do it again with number 2.

Even my GF really loved it, and she usually watches these movies just for me haha.
Not just you. Outside of Hiddleston as Loki, film is a forgettable piece of shit.

Dat MCU hyperbole worked it's magic for Thor 2.
Was annoyed by Thor 2 enough in the theater that I wanted to go see anything else mid-movie. Tried watching it again tonight...the movie just doesn't work for me. I can't enjoy it. Tonally and conceptually inconsistent. It wants to be both LOTR and Star Wars with logic that doesn't follow it's own rules, and a world that just doesn't make enough sense to stick.

If they commit to magic, for example, and made Asgard Lord if The Rings (with Thor being special even in THAT world), I'd totally buy it. As presented, though, the super science /magic of Asgard just isn't connecting with me, which pulls me right out. It's a shame, because I like Thor in The Avengers, and enjoyed parts of Thor 1. The more grounded stuff.

I've always felt like the appearance if Thor on earth should be like plucking Aragon out of what we know him from in LOTR, and having him play with the Avengers or something. Like when he's in his own world, the feeling, intensity, magic, enemies, and Rules of LOTR are in place by contrast.

Looking fwd to GOTG because it sounds like they 100% committed to a tone / logic in the world building and stuck with it. This is star wars? Okay, let's roll,..

So far...Cap:TWS > The Avengers = Iron Man 1> IM 2 &3 = Cap 1....everything else marvel = meh.

Only counting new marvel and not all comic movies...
I'm not a huge believer in 3D, but I ended up seeing it in such because the tickets were rather cheap. The 3D in the movie was good and not over the top, but I don't know how much it really adds to the movie. If you don't mind the extra cash for 3D, I would say go for it.
Thanks. Yeah, it's only a couple of bucks more..think I'll take the hit. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie twice in the theater..let alone after just two days! Really fun movie..


I remember really digging Thor 2 when I first saw it. Nothing spectacular, but a decently solid film aside from the nonsense at the very end. I guess I'll have to watch it again to see if I agree with everyone saying how bad it is.


GOTG is the best of all the Marvel movies so far IMO. Liked it alot better than Avengers that was a bit slow for the first hour. Also liked that they didnt even try to shoehorn in any of the established movies heros.
Drax was pretty funny, he can't seem to understand metaphors and the way he talks it's pretty medieval.

The part where he shot Nebula because she was calling Gamorra names even though Drax called her a whore/wench



I hope they really release an extended edition for this one. Think i recall him saying the first cut was around 2 1/2 hours. I need more, damn it.


I'm not the biggest Marvel fan but this was really good. Great action, great humour, great blockbuster fun.
How is the 3D? I use Glasses now and I don't want to sacrifice clarity for effects, can I put the 3Dglasses over my glasses?

It's solid, not actively bad. I wear 3D glasses over my glasses and it works fine.

That being said, I'm going to the 2D one tonight just so I can compare. And also because I want a goddamn packed house. That Thursday screening with nobody in it made me mads


Saw the movie last bight and loved it. Definitely more comedy than other marvel movies but I loved it. Its in my top 3 for marvel movies.
Not really. Mediocre maybe, and it suffers from some of the same lame villain problems other movies in the universe do. But honestly I wonder if people who say there were no cool moments and that they forgot everything about it were paying attention. There were a handful of awesome moments in Thor 2.

My problem was those "awesome" moments were often caused by an incredibly stupid decision by one of the main characters. There were just so many silly coincidences in the plot.

Nah, Avengers had better Loki than Thor 2, so it didn't excel in that either. :p

Thor 2 Loki was a petulant grounded tween stomping around his room until big bro forced him to come along on family vacation.

So bad.
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