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Just saw it for a second time.
I really hate Gamora. Saldana really phoned in her performance but I hate the make up. It literally looks like she was just painted green. It's straight out of a 50's sci fi movie. They needed to add texture to her like Drax has.


Just saw it for a second time.
I really hate Gamora. Saldana really phoned in her performance but I hate the make up. It literally looks like she was just painted green. It's straight out of a 50's sci fi movie. They needed to add texture to her like Drax has.

I thought her skin looked fine. It was the blue guys who looked painted to me.

They actually mentioned it took a while for them to get the right green and texture for Gamora, as some would just make it look like as though she's ill, and others would straight up look like paint.
That's interesting that quite a few of you were impressed by the "post production" 3D. Granted, the movie was great (I rated it 8/10), but I thought the 3D was average, at best, and some of "post converted" shots didn't work at all. Also, one
potentially magical firefly
scene, involving Groot, could've been better. Maybe you have to see it in IMAX 3D, but I doubt it.

I hope we can at least agree that, following on from the great success of the first installment, the studio will hopefully pony up for actual 3D cameras for the sequel (and/or significantly improve the 3D renderings (CGI)*)?

* As modern day Sci-Fi movies typically feature a ton of CGI, the mere fact that 3D cameras weren't used doesn't automatically mean the 3D will be average, because (captain obvious), the CGI can still be rendered in stereo. IMO, a good example of this was Gravity. As I've stated previously, I thought the understated "real" 3D in Prometheus was excellent, also very good in the last Transformers (Dinobots etc) movie.


Loooooooooved it holy shit. Just extremely entertaining and funny throughout. My wife was highly skeptical at first but really enjoyed it. I thought the 3D in IMAX was spectacular also, highly recommend it.

My rankings: Avengers> GotG=IM1=TWS>Thor>the rest of the MCU

Your rankings are exactly how mine are.
And just for reference, i put DOFP=GotG=IM1=TWS

Only thing that held this movie back from topping the avengers was that Ronan was a throw away villain solely there to advance the plot.

Real Hero

This was fantastic, as someone who had never heard of the characters until I saw the first trailer I was surprised that it was one of the better marvel (best?) films.
And please do a
Howard the duck movie


As someone who's often critical of Marvel movies, this was an absolute triumph. Bits and pieces didn't work or quite feel filled out (could've done without
more big city destruction/the spaceship crash, and Thanos looked a bit silly to put it mildly
) but it was funny, exciting, gorgeous to look at and only at the very, very end did the tedious Marvel formula start to peek through. Worth it for the visuals alone, but there's so much more than that and Chris Pratt/Peter Quill is definitely the most charismatic hero on the Marvel cinematic roster right now... closely followed by Rocket and Groot. Fingers crossed that Avengers 3 features the usual earth-bound heros and the Guardians, that'd be amazing.


Decent film.

Fun, decent action, cool locales.

Super formulaic, but it's Marvel so you expect that (though Winter Soldier did push the envelope surprisingly far for something Kevin Feige green lighted). The humor was a bit forced at times but there were enough actually funny parts to forgive that. The sentiment (especially with Quill) was totally unearned, but, again, gotta follow the formula.

The best way I can describe it is that it's the Star Wars movie JJ Abrams dreams (and is wholly incapable) of making. Safe, high on energy, high on irreverence (but also wanting its cake and eating it too by having an unearned emotional core), visually stylized. A fun little diversion.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
It was a pretty bad movie. Characters were good but very shitty establishment of character origins and development. Plot was reaaaaallllyyyyyy bad.

It was pretty, though. And had some very funny moments. Just so disappointed at how extravagant everything was but how empty the movie truly was.
Just got back from seeing it. My opinion of Marvel's movies ranges from shit to great. This one wasn't quite as good as Cap 2, but I think I enjoyed it more than any of their other offerings. As far as an ensemble movie, this was a lot better than The Avengers. A lot better.
Freakin loved it. Definitely one of my favorite Marvel movies if not the best. Coming in not knowing anything about this series made it all the better for me, in contrast to the Avengers where you know all of the characters.

Goddamn at Zoe Saldana being hot in any color of skin


Just got home. Man that flick has so much heart. I loved it. I'll happily pony up for or two more viewings while it's in theaters.

I feel like some of emotional beats were given a little too easily. But other than that it's damned solid flick. I find it hilarious that so many people gripe about a "throw away villian" when this flick is so not about that.

My Ranking in the MCU (Brace yourselves):

Iron Man 3
Winter Soldier
Iron Man
Thor 2
First Avenger
Iron Man 2


Junior Member
This is by far the best, most fun, heartfelt and awesome movie I've seen in a long time, to be honest I don't remember a movie that made me laugh and a few moments later made sad and than made me say god damn! beautiful special effects and amazing acting, Marvel has set the bar high for whoever is coming after this movie


Top 3-4 Marvel movie to be sure. Like most of these movies the fights are kind of generic/dull (of course, there's one great exception), the villain stinks, and it's hilarious, with this one probably being the funniest movie yet. Chris Pratt is excellent and everyone holds their own. I'm disappointed with their depiction of Ronan the Accuser, maybe the most forgettable villain yet. And Drax was a bit of a weakling. I really hope they bring back Cosmo for the next one.


Just got back. What a fun movie!

Rocket and Starlord were great and I can't wait to see the tie up to the avengers. Marvel is doing some pretty amazing things right now and I'm loving every bit



Great movie. Loved the comedy and heart it has. Really liked all the musical touches. Nice touch. As a wrestling fan it was weird seeing Batista but I got over it quick.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Is there a pic of this without the text?
Just got back, very underwhelmed and disappointed. I'm tempted to say it was even below average thanks to having the most generic of stories, a terrible script and pretty much all the special effects that weren't Rocket/Groot/Spaceships being shockingly bad. Zoe Saldana and Michael Rooker were phenomenal, Chris Pratt played Chris Pratt again.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Decent film.

Fun, decent action, cool locales.

Super formulaic, but it's Marvel so you expect that (though Winter Soldier did push the envelope surprisingly far for something Kevin Feige green lighted). The humor was a bit forced at times but there were enough actually funny parts to forgive that. The sentiment (especially with Quill) was totally unearned, but, again, gotta follow the formula.

The best way I can describe it is that it's the Star Wars movie JJ Abrams dreams (and is wholly incapable) of making. Safe, high on energy, high on irreverence (but also wanting its cake and eating it too by having an unearned emotional core), visually stylized. A fun little diversion.
That's about where I landed with this one. The team-building definitely felt too by-the-numbers and the camaraderie didn't really feel genuine until pretty much the very end. It was a decent start but wasn't all that special in the end.
Just going to chime in with my 2 cents.

I didn't really like it.

The core group was amusing and every moment with them was great, although I'm not particularly fond of awkward and cheesy humor. On the other hand, the fight scenes were all poorly shot, especially the ones in the
area. Characters drowned in the background and the brawling wasn't convincing. My main gripe was with the cinematography. I don't like how comic book films often use deliberate or otherwise tacky shots
(the mom insert at the end)
, and they were too liberal with the scene changes. The one shot that did resonate with me though was
when Groot released the glowing flowers to illuminate the ship
, which I thought was very well framed and scored. I appreciate how it turned some comic book tropes on their heads, but it didn't impress me as an action or sci-fi movie.

Perhaps comic book fans can appreciate the characters and universe behind it, but as a casual watcher of Marvel films with no expectations, it failed to grab me.

I felt the same way about X-DOFP. They stuff these movies with too many characters but don't give me much reason to care about any of them beyond "we have to stop really bad things from happening".


Loved it! Some editing and pacing issues hurt it but so fun otherwise.


I dont buy the Pratt hype. Dude did nothing for me and the performance felt like a phone in. I could see Bradley Cooper doing a far better job in that role. With that said, Bradley did an amazing job in this film and i feel is very understated. StarLord couldnt get a single laugh out of me. A smile, sure. It just felt shoehorned. When a fucking wrestler is killing you in delivery , you know you're being planted on a pedastal.

Lastly, if it werent for the soundtrack, i feel tbis movie could get really boring. If it werent for the music to lift my spirits, i wonder if the jokes would have had any effect on me.

He had some of the best lines in the movie. Just sounds like you really don't like him. With all the insults you sling around.


never heard about the cat, apparently
great movie. best marvel movie.

reminded me of farscape with the whole regular human making pop cultural references to clueless aliens. Good stuff.
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