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I know some probably won't agree, but I really liked that Ronan and Nebula to a lesser extent were just unsympathetically evil. For Ronan, I'm glad that they didn't spend much time trying to really give him a solid motivation. He is bad, and thats what you get! It just let me focus on the good guys.

i was wondering why I didn't like this in Thor 2, but thought it was fine in this movie. Perhaps the cast charisma balances that out. Or maybe I just preferred Lee Pace's portrayal of the villian to Christopher Eccleston's.
I can't believe how good this ended up being, and I already had high expectations.

Easily in my top three MCU movies. Avengers 2 better bring it's A game, because GotG will be tough to top.


I finally finished all the cosmic comics from Annihilation thru The Thanos Imperative. Absolutely amazing. I loved all of it! And seriously.....
That ending :'( The whole build up to it, and the statue of Richard and Peter at the end. Heart wrenching shit!
I finally finished all the cosmic comics from Annihilation thru The Thanos Imperative. Absolutely amazing. I loved all of it! And seriously.....
That ending :'( The whole build up to it, and the statue of Richard and Peter at the end. Heart wrenching shit!

Now you know why we need Nova next time.


I admit, going into this movie I knew nothing about this iteration of Marvel's cosmic cast of characters, when I think of cosmic Marvel I think of Jim Starlin trippy space travels with the likes of Adam Warlock and Nova, so color me shocked to find out that not only are those characters not in it, but that it's a group of characters I knew diddly squat about other than Rocket.

The only other thing I brought into this was that James Gunn was co-writing and directing this which was awesome news, as his VERY underrated horror comedy Slither was an amazing genre parody with very funny dialogue and really great performances from the likes of Nathan Fillion and Michael Rooker. I had utmost confidence the movie itself would be solid, because he's clearly a smart director with good story-telling instincts and a great ear for snappy dialogue, I was really hoping this movie would do well financially to give him his much deserved big break.

Lord almighty I FUCKING LOVED IT. I didn't love it because it's a Marvel comics flick, I loved it because it's the smart and funny sci-fi adventure flick the Star Wars prequels should've been. Every moment was perfect, no joke. I loved everything about it, I was fucking giddy the whole damn movie. Everything was executed flawlessly. At the end, when Quill turns to Ronan and says "You said it yourself BITCH, we're the Guardians of the Galaxy." I wanted to cheer.

I read up on the back story of the comic versions of Starlord, Drax, and Groot and honestly feel the movie is an improvement on their comics origins, way more streamlined and relatable than their convoluted comic beginnings. Just what a rip roaring sci-fi space opera needs: clear and concise, good old fashioned storytelling.

Definitely my fave Summer popcorn movie so far this year, and it's going to take a lot for it to get dethroned.


Hell yeah!I read Annihilation first a while back, and it made Rider one of my favorite characters. Finishing the whole run now only enforces my belief that he's necessary.

They somehow have to get rid of the Helmet though. That's what they managed in most of the Marvel movies (even X-Men, Wolverine). Keep the "classic" superhero costumes at minimum. Iron Man is no problem because it's not really a costume. Magnetos helmet makes sens etc.

Novas helmet/suit looks like the typicall old school super hero.

It's also a bit silly reading War of Kings atm and seeing alot of guys (and girls) with superpowers wear masks although they don't have to hide their identity (they are not on Earth and almost everybody there has superpowers).


I can't get this movie out of my mind





Son Of D


Son Of D

Very pleasantly surprised by Drax. He had some funny stuff in the movie.

Same here. I was skeptical of the casting at first since I felt that Bautista would stand out as the weak point of the team (I haven't seen Man with the Iron Fists or Riddick though so I'm basing this on past wrestlers turned actors as well as his promo delivery in WWE) but he did a good job with the character.


Same here. I was skeptical of the casting at first since I felt that Bautista would stand out as the weak point of the team (I haven't seen Man with the Iron Fists or Riddick though so I'm basing this on past wrestlers turned actors as well as his promo delivery in WWE) but he did a good job with the character.

He's now definitively a bigger box office attraction than Daniel Bryan.



Neo Member
Hands down. My favourite Marvel film so far. AMAZING use of soundtrack.. Came out of the cinema and couldn't stop smiling. Played soundtrack on drive home.
Even still, I gotta give the edge over to The Winter Soldier for the best Marvel movie.

Marvel really killed it this year. A much better showing than last year's IM3 and Thor 2 imo. So hyped for Avengers 2 right now.

yup! the action coreography and filming was much better in Winter Soldier.

This one had too much shakycam/camera upclose/music video editing going on in the fight scenes.
LOL a parent near me kept complaining about to much swearing for a kids film until another parent told him to shut the fuck up.

Haha amazing , there was a baby at my showing that cried and yelled during previews but was quiet/left right at the start
This was at a 3D showing too so I assume they left or the baby had glasses too :p

I'll definitely try to watch it again cause it was so damn good, really amazing marvel movie and just went all out
Some of the parts seem silly when talking about it but worked brilliantly in the film

Thanos the god


Haha amazing , there was a baby at my showing that cried and yelled during previews but was quiet/left right at the start
This was at a 3D showing too so I assume they left or the baby had glasses too :p

I'll definitely try to watch it again cause it was so damn good, really amazing marvel movie and just went all out
Some of the parts seem silly when talking about it but worked brilliantly in the film

Thanos the god
People being babies to the movies?


I've been looking forward to this for a long time but, even then, I enjoyed it much more than I expected. The tone of the humor ended up being very surprising.

I finally get what James Gunn was saying regarding his version of Peter Quill being a combination of Han Solo and Marty McFly (specifically the Marty McFly part). The humor between Quill and the other characters felt extremely similar to the interactions in Back to the Future between Marty and the characters in 1955. Some of the lines delivered by Gamora and Drax felt like they could have been delivered by Biff or Doc Brown, for example:

Drax: NOTHING goes over my head!... My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.


Quill: Really? Well, on my planet, we have a legend about people like you. It's called Footloose. And in it, a great hero, named Kevin Bacon, teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that, dancing, well, is the greatest thing there is.
Gamora: ...Who put the sticks up their butts?


I'm just curious if you were to write a non predictable plot, would it be something like the villain winning and defeating the heroes? I see the predictable plot complaint and I just don't know what you'd expect.


So curious, does the film follow some kind of set comicbook story or was it totally unique to the film? I've been slowly jumping into comics more and more, but this got me hyped as hell for it.


So curious, does the film follow some kind of set comicbook story or was it totally unique to the film? I've been slowly jumping into comics more and more, but this got me hyped as hell for it.

No comic story. Or maybe an amalgamation of a bunch of stories, if you'd want to dissect it.


I'm just curious if you were to write a non predictable plot, would it be something like the villain winning and defeating the heroes? I see the predictable plot complaint and I just don't know what you'd expect.

TDK is a good example of an unconventional (for the genre) ending. Even though there's a big brawl between Batman and the Joker, the film's climax really occurs after that, in a confined warehouse setting with just Bats, Gordon, and Dent. It's not a fight scene, just an argument between the three men. It's a small, intimate alternative to the big explosions, loud noises, death from above setpieces seen in Man of Steel and virtually every Marvel film since the Avengers.


Junior Member
Shouldn't even need to ask this

I know... I've just been burned by several movies this summer, and I want to see a good one. I didn't like Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, I hated Transformers 4 (wife wanted to see it, I knew it was shit but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do), I thought Lucy was so-so, so now GotG is out and destroying expectations.

I'll admit, when I saw the GotG trailers, I thought the movie looked dumb, so I wasn't all that interested in seeing it. Now everyone is saying that its awesome, and even those cynical fuckers over at RLM loved it so I'm starting to get hyped to see it.


I am absolutely in love with the soundtrack; can't stop listening to it. I hope the actual opening credits of the film ends up on Youtube so I can watch it over and over.


I know some probably won't agree, but I really liked that Ronan and Nebula to a lesser extent were just unsympathetically evil. For Ronan, I'm glad that they didn't spend much time trying to really give him a solid motivation. He is bad, and thats what you get! It just let me focus on the good guys.

i was wondering why I didn't like this in Thor 2, but thought it was fine in this movie. Perhaps the cast charisma balances that out. Or maybe I just preferred Lee Pace's portrayal of the villian to Christopher Eccleston's.

Time better spent characterizing the main cast rather than the villian. Ronan and the Kree seemed liked they had some major backstory and motivations. May have muddied the film explaining their reasonings.


I don't want to crawl through the thread looking for an answer in case I pick up minor spoilers or whatever bit..

Is this worth the extra cost to view in 3D? I'm finally going to be watching it on Wednesday!
Time better spent characterizing the main cast rather than the villian. Ronan and the Kree seemed liked they had some major backstory and motivations. May have muddied the film explaining their reasonings.

They kind of glossed over it, but it seemed that Ronan's family had a history of being screwed over by the Xandarians. Ronan is essentially a judge/jury/executioner type, so he felt that wiping out the entire planet was the only way to bring justice. He sought power only to avenge his people rather than trying to rule the universe. He was definitely evil, but a different kind of evil than Thanos.


posted? from James Gunn's Facebook

Thanks to all of you who saw (and are seeing) Guardians of the Galaxy this weekend, from the bottom of my heart. The Guardians are a group of oddballs, outcasts, and geeks. The movie is for anyone who ever felt cast aside, left out, or different. It's for all of us who don't belong. This movie belongs to you. And, today, I think we're doing okay.
I am of course happy with all the film has accomplished box-office-wise. But what touches me the most is that the film I told the folks at Marvel I wanted to make two years ago is the film that you're seeing in theaters today - it's that so many of you seem to be directly EXPERIENCING the film I INTENDED. The cast, the producers, the crew, and I felt like we were making something special while we were making it. But it is very rare that a director's INTENTIONS in creating a film, or a scene, or a character, or a line of dialogue are, seemingly, specifically what is experienced by an audience (not to mention critics!), and that seems to be what has happened here. You have allowed a talking raccoon - for a moment, a minute, or a day - to make you a little more human. And for that, I am profoundly grateful.
If I relied on myself to implement these intentions, the film would be a shambling mess. But instead, I had a wonderful cast, genius producers, an incredibly brave studio, sublimely talented visual effects artists, great editors, and the best damn crew of mostly-British bastards to actually implement these intentions for me. Where I had a good idea they would, through alchemy, transform it into a great one. Many of you involved are friends of mine on Facebook. Many of you will read this somewhere else. I love you all.
You may remember me posting here a couple weeks ago how sad I was to be finishing up the film, that I was having trouble letting go of Rocket, and that I was going to miss him. But seeing him (and Groot, and the rest of the team) embraced by the world like they have been, to be UNDERSTOOD, makes it a wonderful letting go. It's like giving a foster pet up for adoption to the most wonderful parents in the world.
And, of course, I'm not really saying goodbye as, while many of you have been enjoying the film, I've spent this weekend hard at work on the sequel. I couldn't help myself! The results are nice but it's really the creative process I love and that keeps me going. I'm on fire with this thing! The Guardians have so many hardships and heartaches and triumphs ahead of them, and I can't wait to share them with all of you.
Onto week two...
Love, James

just melts my heart. bring on GOTG 2!
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