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Funny anecdote of my opening night experience:

I was sitting next to a dad who had brought his 2 sons to see the movie (I'd guess the sons were probably about 10 and 12). The dad was probably in his late 40's/early 50's. As the movie goes on he's enthusiastically attempting to explain every artist/album/title of every song and every old pop culture reference to his youngest son who is clearly unaffected by his dad's nostalgic excitement, even shushing his dad several minutes into the movie. The dad is so overzealous he even explains how Footloose is a movie in the 80's after Quill has already made that pretty clear in his explanation on screen.

Anyways, the scene comes on where Quill mentions his ship would look like a Jackson Pollock painting and the whole audience cracks up, including this dad. For the first time all movie, the son asks his dad to explain what was so funny. The dad, caught off-guard and probably a little embarrassed for having to explain a line he and everyone else had just laughed so hard at, said after a brief pause, "What? Oh, I didn't hear what he said since I was laughing too much.....I understood the reference though......."

That was the last thing he said for the rest of the movie. lol

Doubles as a joke about blood being everywhere, that's what makes it ingenious.
Can someone post the Collecting Intensifies gif?
Because you asked so nicely.

Uh... if you can't build a convincing villain you might want to hire a different writer, at least for those parts.

I'm not going to say it's easy, but I've written a screenplay before (too filthy for Neogaf) and I'd say the villain is probably the most satisfying and fun thing to write, so I don't know why Marvel only has a single decent villain in all of their films. Most of them are literally forgettable the minute you walk out of the theater, or before. Why is that? If you don't feel like the heroes are in actual danger, then all tension is lost. That's a serious problem.

Again... I liked the movie. But there's really no excuse for such a lame villain.

He's coming.



I really wanted to like it, I love DnA cosmic, but this movie didn't do much for me. I came out of the cinema feeling kinda bummed out the whole thing.. not that it was a bad movie, was OK, not great.

How it should have ended:
- The Kree actually manages to wipe out most of Xandar and the Nova corps but GotG manages to take out Ronan. The mid credits teaser shows a Xandar wasteland, and a Nova officer's hand sticking out the dirt, we hear a voice: "It is critical you pay attention..."
- The post credits teaser remains mostly the same, except after the licking his face, Cosmo says: *Me no think you control Knowhere anymore comrade Collector, Cosmo will provide security for this place*


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I'm seeing this tonight again for my second viewing. Taking my mom to see it, because apparently she really wants to after having heard a lot of praise about it on TV?

If the word of mouth has reached my mother then wow, GotG must be doing really well, LOL. I'm not sure who is more excited, me or my gf, as she really loved this movie from start to finish. I don't think she has stopped playing the soundtrack since last Thursday night...


Going again for the third time tomorrow :eek:

I went once with a friend, took my wife on Monday night (she loved it) and now my 6 year old son.

My son asked who our favorite characters are and my wife replies, in all seriousness

"I like Sky Lord"



I really wanted to like it, I love DnA cosmic, but this movie didn't do much for me. I came out of the cinema feeling kinda bummed out the whole thing.. not that it was a bad movie, was OK, not great.

How it should have ended:
- The Kree actually manages to wipe out most of Xandar and the Nova corps but GotG manages to take out Ronan. The mid credits teaser shows a Xandar wasteland, and a Nova officer's hand sticking out the dirt, we hear a voice: "It is critical you pay attention..."
- The post credits teaser remains mostly the same, except after the licking his face, Cosmo says: *Me no think you control Knowhere anymore comrade Collector, Cosmo will provide security for this place*

Holy shit that would've been a downer of an ending.


Uh... if you can't build a convincing villain you might want to hire a different writer, at least for those parts.

I'm not going to say it's easy, but I've written a screenplay before (too filthy for Neogaf) and I'd say the villain is probably the most satisfying and fun thing to write, so I don't know why Marvel only has a single decent villain in all of their films. Most of them are literally forgettable the minute you walk out of the theater, or before. Why is that? If you don't feel like the heroes are in actual danger, then all tension is lost. That's a serious problem.

Again... I liked the movie. But there's really no excuse for such a lame villain.

It's been a looooooooooooong time since I felt the hero of any movie was in any real danger. IIRC it would be Terminator, T2, Alien and Predator.
I am not a fan of the Marvel movies normally. Loved Avengers but hated the Iron Man, Thor and Captain America movies. Got back from seeing this last night and holy hell am I impressed. Might go see it again tonight. :


Saw it again last night, but in IMAX this time. Noticed as an easter egg
the worms from Slither in the Collector's collection!

Not a lot of people last night, but it's Tuesday, so not a huge shock. It was nice being able to listen to some of the lines I missed due to laughter the first time through, though.


Just finished seeing it.
Not all that impressed if I'm honest, this might be worse than Avengers.
Humour felt flat, unfunny and at awkward times. The action was decent but it wasn't anything spectacular.


As someone who has not gotten on the hype train or thought very little of the movie to begin with i'm thinking of just plunging in to see this thing

I haven not seen a summer blockbuster movie this year

I missed
planet of the apes
Dont care enough about Hercules

I do want to see ninja turtles though



It's now out-pacing Winter Soldier over 4 days. It will be interesting to see who ends up on top in terms of life time gross.

I loved both of them but for different reasons.

I think its legs through the week will put it over Winter Soldier for good. It nearly doubled that film's first Monday, despite having nearly identical opening weekends. If that holds through the week it would take a pretty hard crash this weekend to offset it. Given the word of mouth I think that's unlikely.
I think its legs through the week will put it over Winter Soldier for good. It nearly doubled that film's first Monday, despite having nearly identical opening weekends. If that holds through the week it would take a pretty hard crash this weekend to offset it. Given the word of mouth I think that's unlikely.
Curiously, how'd your family like the film?
If Guardians of the Galaxy fucking beats Winter Soldier, I'll have no idea what kind of world we live in

...Beyond a glorious one filled with great potential


I think its legs through the week will put it over Winter Soldier for good. It nearly doubled that film's first Monday, despite having nearly identical opening weekends. If that holds through the week it would take a pretty hard crash this weekend to offset it. Given the word of mouth I think that's unlikely.
Yes, but Winter Soldier came out during the school year so, to me, it would seem natural that Guardians would have a better Monday hold. Winter Soldier had fairly good weekend holds over the course of its run, so it will be interesting to see if Guardians can match it in that regard.

That said, I don't follow this stuff enough to have a strongly informed opinion. This phenomenon is obviously not unique to these two movies but I haven't researched this more closely than what I wrote above.


Watched it last saturday and i didnt like it very much....

...however, i love the soundtrack, and have been giving an incalculable number of views to the youtube videos of all the songs since saturday

So i need to ask this question:

in the movie Peter Quill is emotionally attached to the songs from the "Awsome mix" tape. Does this happens in the comics? Any connection to music at all?


Curiously, how'd your family like the film?

They liked it. My younger daughter was freaked out by Ronan, but otherwise loved it. My wife went in just to tag along with us, not expecting to enjoy it, but she had a good time to her own surprise. Our older daughter, Natalie, said it was okay, which is scorching high praise from her. Groot and Rocket were the most talked about after the show.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I prefer Winter Soldier but am super happy to see both movies have been successful.

CA:TWS is a "better" movie technically, I agree, however GotG is just so much damn fun that it ends up being more entertaining. Both are great Marvel movies, my two favorite of Marvel's so far, and it's real hard to pick one over the other. That's a testament to how well done they both are.

What a year for Marvel, holy blockbusters Batman....


I gotta see C:TWS and GoTG back to back to really see which I liked more. I can't really decide right now. GoTG feels like the more fun of the two movies, but I TWS has Chris Evans, so...
I also loved Bradley Coopers voice work. The whole theatre laughed and cheered when
Drax took out the prison guard, tossed rocket the big gun, and you could just hear his excitement at getting it. Oh YEAAAAAAAAA


If Guardians of the Galaxy fucking beats Winter Soldier, I'll have no idea what kind of world we live in

...Beyond a glorious one filled with great potential

I went to it with my wife and kids, everyone loved it
...that has never happened before

They all want to go see it again
...that has never happened before

It just appeals to a wider audience (my opinion), I think the overall sales will be insane
Saw this one on Monday and I fuckin' loved it. I knew it was gonna be good, but honestly, I didn't realize how well they would integrate the feeling of comics, sci-fi and the '70s & '80s in there. Definitely made it more accessible. I loved everyone, and the soundtrack was amazing. Best Marvel movie yet!

<3 Chris Pratt


Are the soundtracks not available in stores? Ive looked at target, best buy...not one shows in their inventory.

What gives?
it's out on CD and digital stores. deluxe CD is out but hard to find, amazon is getting more in in a few days. deluxe vinyl is out 9/16 from amazon but i called my local record store and i thought they said the 9th.
Watched it last saturday and i didnt like it very much....

...however, i love the soundtrack, and have been giving an incalculable number of views to the youtube videos of all the songs since saturday

So i need to ask this question:

in the movie Peter Quill is emotionally attached to the songs from the "Awsome mix" tape. Does this happens in the comics? Any connection to music at all?

Nope that's purely a James Gunn characterization and I like it. It's honestly not the kinda thing that would work all that well in comics, so props to him for elevating the character in a new way that only film could do.


tagged by Blackace
Watched it last saturday and i didnt like it very much....

...however, i love the soundtrack, and have been giving an incalculable number of views to the youtube videos of all the songs since saturday

So i need to ask this question:

in the movie Peter Quill is emotionally attached to the songs from the "Awsome mix" tape. Does this happens in the comics? Any connection to music at all?
Not really. Especially in the 2008 run, there's barely anything mentioned about Star-Lord's past at all beyond
him being taken when he was young and his dad not being from earth.


I went to it with my wife and kids, everyone loved it
...that has never happened before

They all want to go see it again
...that has never happened before

It just appeals to a wider audience (my opinion), I think the overall sales will be insane

Definitely seems to have broad appeal. This morning my wife came home from the gym and said her trainer excitedly asked if anyone had seen GotG.


I'm Not In Love was so good to start the movie, all sortsa good/chill vibes. This is probably the best MCU movie to this point(still haven't seen Cap 2 though). Whoever said it felt like more of a sci-fi movie than a superhero movie hit the nail on the head, I think that's why I liked it so much.


I want Star Lord's entire outfit and I want to wear it.

I also wonder how many Walkman's are going to start turning up this halloween.
I think it's pretty funny that everyone is taking to Quill in such a manner when, if you look at him on a base level:

Beyond the mask, it's basic Ravager garb, just with a purse
The mask makes everybody look like a bug
He's basically a stupid version of Disco Dan
Walkman's are stupid

But then after you watch the movie...


I think it's pretty funny that everyone is taking to Quill in such a manner when, if you look at him on a base level:

Beyond the mask, it's basic Ravager garb, just with a purse
The mask makes everybody look like a bug
He's basically a stupid version of Disco Dan
Walkman's are stupid

But then after you watch the movie...

It's not a purse :/ It's a satchel..
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