Sgt. Kabukiman
I just don't understand propping up Logan like it doesn't suffer from a lot of the same things that made The Wolverine meh. Nevermind the fact it's just a slightly more violent version of a lot of other movies already occupying the genre, with the added benefit of having 12-year-old-just-learning-how-to-swear dialogue attached to it. I guess that makes grown men feel more secure about liking comic book characters so they wanna sing its praises, but it doesn't make for a classic western-wannabe, nor does it really separate it from the other movies it's trying so desperately to be different from. It just ends up feeling like it's ashamed of being based on a comic book character.
But I digress. Y'all love the movie and it's a masterpiece and yada yada yada. Weird, but, eh. What's a guy to do?
Sorry for dragging us off topic.

And I haven't even seen Logan yet.