Is there a good website/resource for the best current builds? I'm playing with an elementalist, but not sure how to build him for PvE and such.
Is there any hope for this game to be resurrected?
Is there any hope for this game to be resurrected?
So what do you all do with bank tabs full of Ascended Rings from Fractal runs? I spent the 20 gold to savage 20 of them but only got Stabilizing Matrix out of it. Basically a waste of 20 gold. Guess the only other option is to sell them to a merchant for 2 Silver a piece.
Unifused ones aren't really worth salvaging from my experience. I've just been keeping one of each in case I need them, salvaging the infused ones and selling the uninfused. I know some people infuse the rings so they can salvage them but idk if it's worth the effort.
Two weeks ago I posted that we were starting integration and final testing for the Spring Quarterly Update. Its been two busy weeks. The quarterly update is through QA and looking good. Were going to announce the release date tomorrow.
As we prep for release, youll notice that were not doing the series of advance blog posts that we had done for some prior releases. Hopefully thats not too surprising; Ive written a few times since taking this role that I think our job is to delight you with what we ship, not with talk and promises.
With everything prepped now, lets have some fun together and see some hints of whats coming, and then well see you in the game on release day.
How long is SAB gonna last?
That looks like ass.
Well no one uses shortbow anyway.
New raid lobby in Lion Arch?
Airship port to Cantha?
Ranger sword's auto attack will no longer cause you to have a seizure and shit your britches off the side of a cliff.[/URL]
Ive missed how you have such a great way of describing things. LOL
I like that the ranger sword changes generated more hype for the Tuesday patch than the hype video did
That pic gives me flashbacks AND makes me think Sauron is invading Tyria.
Currently expecting April 19th, but with the way they've been talking recently it may not even hit that deadline.
Well it's true! You go to attack an enemy with Ranger sword now, but instead go completely cross-eyed, dive face-first into their groin, do a little wobbly twirl like the Tasmanian Devil ripped on Goldschlager, throw yourself ass-backwards into the dirt and then pffffffkkkttt; poop-geyser right off a cliff leaving nothing but a very confused enemy and a few noxious dribbles.
Jesus man, it's always orcs and orifices with you.
What can I say? Some kids could afford to play Dungeons and Dragons. All we could get was Orcs and Orifices.
I couldn't bear to subject myself to SAB often enough to earn even one of the weapons, let alone all of them.![]()
I dunno, they put out a video with a release date, that seems fairly firm to me.
Why are they being removed?Just a reminder that the achievements for finishing fractals 1-20 and 21-50 are getting removed next patch. A lot of people are working on completing them so you should be able to find parties in the LFG (even for the annoying 41-50 fractals)
Why are they being removed?
I got puke green and piss yellow weapons with the power of cash
this is how I avoid insanity
The years of hype for SAB sort of dampened the experience for me. My expectations were high but it's just more jumping puzzles for me to suck at. Definitely not something I would want to do over and over. (World 1 was fun the first time round. World 2 was misery.) Not my thing, I guess.
Unrelated, PvP season ended today. I am finding it difficult to care about my rank (and thus playing PvP in general) when it seems to be a test of endurance rather than skill. I am not feelin it. I just want the backpack.
I hope we look back on this time period as a weird detour for the game.
EDIT: Looks like the lord in Foefire will get a downed state soon.