I main a necro/reaper and they are a lot of fun. It's pretty quick to get to 80 and unlock your skill set, so don't worry too much about locking yourself in.
Thanks for the info!
What are the classes to play right now solo/group/raid? Also does race have any benefits to the class you select? i.e. Asura elementalist?
Been itching to play a new MMO since I recently built my first new PC in six years.
Maybe you could shed some light on something for me - I don't really, I dunno, fully grasp the shroud mechanic of necomancers. Like, as I'm going about my low level scrub business of leveling through events and hearts, I don't even think to bother pressing F1 most of the time. Is it generally a more group/pvp thing that comes into play later?
Yup. Game totally redeemed ;PNow Super Bee Dog will carry my mail. That's all that really matters :>
I remember painstakingly following a tribulation mode guide last time it was alive. Not sure I want to do that again.
Hi there,
Just post your character name and we will invite you to the guild![]()
Data-miners / Reddit mods can eat several dicks.
Generally you can play whatever class you want in PvE. But you'll need to run a "meta approved" build to come near any high end pick up groups. A big chunk of that is having the right gear, which is what makes it a long, long ways off for any new player. There is a buttload of other (better) content out there to get through.
Stats and builds don't really matter much until you hit 80. 1-80 is basically a big long hands off tutorial. Sort of like how 1-20 used to be. One of the game's high points is during this phase when you start to realize how stats affect how you play, how skills and traits fit in and all that. I'd sit back and enjoy the ride.
Save all your gold and materials. Salvage everything you aren't going to use (Basic kit is fine until your start getting yellow (rares) item higher than level 68. That is where ectoplasm comes from.) The entire game scales, but you'll still receive the appropriate level loot/xp. You can basically get to 80 by just doing each of the race's starting zones. Although you want to keep your item levels no more than 10 levels below your character level (e.g. a level 15 weapon scales down terrible on a level 45 character.) Heart vendors should keep you covered.
At 80, the goal should be to hit full exotic gear. Most likely Berserker stats (Power, precision, ferocity.) Defensive stats just aren't terribly useful in PvE once you grasp how the combat works. Active defense like dodges, blocks, and positioning will do more than any amount of toughness. Mix-n-matching stats doesn't work too well for the most part, so you'll want to focus on one stat combo.
WvW and PvP are different entirely. There, defensive stats and traits can actually matter. Although WvW (Think AB) will use your PvE gear. WvW will give you XP & loot like PvE-land, so you can level up in there if you prefer. Its how I did my first character way back then. PvP uses different gear entirely. All the stats come from the amulets, everyone is equal, etc. Its a good place to mess around with builds and preview a class even if you aren't into PvP.
Metabattle.com is basically GW2's PvX wiki, although a bit less useful imo.
Ectoplasm is used for a wide range of things at level 80. Don't worry too much, it's fairly easy to acquire once you hit 80..
Wait, there's ectoplasm in this game? Oh Balthazar. Don't tell me i have to farm them to get GW2 version of Obsidian Armor..... I never got a piece in GW1. I traded all my ectos for a Collosall Scimitar.![]()
Ill Raise Ur Bones.
I have a cheesy naming system for my characters. The verb is the only thing that changes by class. I'll Slash..... Heal (When there was a monk.)
It's cheesy but easy to keep track of.
Wait, there's ectoplasm in this game? Oh Balthazar. Don't tell me i have to farm them to get GW2 version of Obsidian Armor..... I never got a piece in GW1. I traded all my ectos for a Collosall Scimitar.![]()
I'm loving the timing of SAB's return, they barely even added anything to it. Something smells here.
Ectoplasm is used for a wide range of things at level 80. Don't worry too much, it's fairly easy to acquire once you hit 80.
For a low lever player like me, is it worth buying Hearts of Thorns already and is there a cheap place to buy it or you can only get it from the official website?
The new zones are level 80 and you can't unlock the elite specialization tracks for each class until you master all the cores skills and traits which requires you to hit level 80 to obtain enough points to max them out. This being the case, it'd make sense for you to play the core game first and get a toon to 80 and see how much you like the game. Consider it a big free trial. You might want to look up the elite specializations, watch some videos of their skills to help you determine what class you want and if you think you'll covet HoT for them. Gliding is another awesome perk of HoT so you might get jealous seeing people glide around Central Tyria ha I do believe it worth looking up the Elite Spec as they can really shake up and address the weakness' of a class making them great when they might not have been worth playing before. For instance, Necromancer was considered bottom tier before HoT but it's elite specialization, Reaper is awesome and a lot of fun to play.
Necros are bottom tier? I weep... I'm guessing Elementalist are still kings on top tier.
You do the sab dailies for 8 days or complete one of the other weapon collections.. Which seems like huge time commitments.
Pre-hot, they were not great at most pve. Minions used to be aoe fodder, party support is lackluster, and their damage was relatively low. Necros thrived on conditions and boon stripping.Necros are bottom tier? I weep... I'm guessing Elementalist are still kings on top tier.
They got an update just before HoT apparently that made them better so they shouldn't be bad, and honestly in PvE you can play how you want, any class and you shouldn't have issues outside of the Raid of course which is the highest end game content and high level fractals which serve as the games current dungeon role. So if you dig Necros, go ahead and select one and have fun with the great news being that if you dig the game and buy HoT later, the Necro elite spec is awesome and one of the more fun to play.
Typically people really only bother grading classes in tiers for PvP but yes, Eles are really strong. Again though, every class is strong and can be fun in PvE, it's more what flavor do you enjoy more? You can worry about the strongest builds and DPS when and if you decide to tackle the games most challenging content.
I guess I'll make an Elementalist for now until I get a hang of the game. You guys were right about this being an entirely new game. Zones aren't instanced. My companions aren't there anymore. But I'm loving it so far. I think I'm mostly likely going to buy HoT. This is the new MMO I'm going to lose my time to now.Pre-hot, they were not great at most pve. Minions used to be aoe fodder, party support is lackluster, and their damage was relatively low. Necros thrived on conditions and boon stripping.
Reaper gave necro a high powered melee option. Basic shroud attack is quick, and when traited to apply burning the damage stacks up.
Is there a reason why baubles and bauble bubbles aren't currency in the wallet
I still geek out over just locations that were in GW1 like Lion's Arch. Now time to refresh my memory on the lore of GW1. Because there were a couple of sleeping dragons that I remember.
So ALL of the locations are back! Except for Cantha! Because Factions suc...... was mediocre!You might find this kinda interesting. http://guide.thatshaman.com/
That's a DAMN fine question. I've wasted slots to store them for literally years ;pIs there a reason why baubles and bauble bubbles aren't currency in the wallet
Haha whatever you like but I promise you can manage with a Necro or any other class. I'd rather see you abandon a class because you didn't like how it played in this game than because you're concerned it won't be strong. You're sharing my experience at launch, the closest thing I played to an MMO before GW2 was GW1 so this was my first and still only, persistent world, true MMO. It's awesome just exploring and discovering hidden areas and easter eggs ANET embedded in the game your first time through and hopefully you'll encounter plenty of positive experiences with the community. The hardcore cutthroats are mostly roaming the Raid so just running around zones doing events should be a positive and fun experience. Anyway, did you join the GAF guild yet? If you see a player name that starts with "Squalls", that's me and you can feel free to hit me up with questions or to play with you in-game.I guess I'll make an Elementalist for now until I get a hang of the game. You guys were right about this being an entirely new game. Zones aren't instanced. My companions aren't there anymore. But I'm loving it so far. I think I'm mostly likely going to buy HoT. This is the new MMO I'm going to lose my time to now.
I still geek out over just locations that were in GW1 like Lion's Arch. Now time to refresh my memory on the lore of GW1. Because there were a couple of sleeping dragons that I remember.
SAB gets removed tomorrow. APRIL FOOLS