So 2 things:
1. The stealth evading dicks in Verdant can fuck off. Seriously, evade evade disappear, down, evade before I can kill to rally myself, kill me. Even worse when it's two or 3 against one.
2. The last two PoIs in Verdant are a bitch to get. One over Jaka near the heartless pass and one is near there, near the brooding gulch PoI.
Too difficult to glide to without the chopper, and even with the chopper, it's difficult enough. Only two PoIs I need to complete the map and I have to wait til it's night again because I fell a few times and missed the last chopper ;_; grr.
/mini rant.
edit; Guess I'll try again tomorrow. :/ since the next night time isn't til 12:45am here.