GW2's first unexpected maintenance for the first time ever. RIP GW2 2012-2015. I DEMAND REFUND.
Wooooooooooooooo! A ToT bag gave me an Unopened Endless Bottle of Batwing Brew! I saw it was exotic colored so I look at the TP and people posting it for 535G??? Orders in for 435G already![]()
So the smart thing to do is wait until Halloween is over as the prices/value should go up, yes?
Wooooooooooooooo! A ToT bag gave me an Unopened Endless Bottle of Batwing Brew! I saw it was exotic colored so I look at the TP and people posting it for 535G??? Orders in for 435G already![]()
So the smart thing to do is wait until Halloween is over as the prices/value should go up, yes?
Ahhh just looked that up. That's awesome! I figured it was just colectors but if it's needed for a very special ascended skin, you KNOW people will pay up the gazoo for it! Excite! Happy day! Sorry, I was a GW2 poor in all the time I played until I came back. Never sniffed 200G and then I had an unlimited Aetherblade tonic lying around that shot me into the 500's and now this.... I might actually get to mind can't comprehend. *Heavy Breathing*Yeah the reason is because the recipe came out for the Nightfury so demands skyrocketed on an already fairly rare item.
Yeeeeeeeeeep after halloween the value will skyrocket because people will not be able to get them reliably
I should farm tot bags
After the servers revive
Ugggggggh the one time this week I can play and the servers are down. What are the odds?
So it's your fault.
Looks like we still have an hour to go.
So it's your fault.
Did they say that on Twitter or something?
All right, gang: we're looking at the game coming back online in about an hour or so. We'll keep you posted if that changes. ^RB
GW2's first unexpected maintenance for the first time ever. RIP GW2 2012-2015. I DEMAND REFUND.
Fuck me...the salt over Nightfury recipe is INSANE. Why are people so upset about an item with a SUPER unique effect?
Did they think it would be free from grinding Mad King's Labyrinth?
PvP really doesn't seem worth it anymore. Had a match with two glass builds beating on one druid. Hammer/trap cc, still couldn't get him below 50%. Throw in the Rev & DH double nerf and bleh. There's better, less frustrating competitive games. Matches with 2+ druids have to be the most tedious thing I've seen in GW2.
The expansion is excellent in all other regards.
Was my problem with guild wars 1. They added so many skills things couldn't be balanced.
They keep adding elite specs the same thing will happen
Well, yes and no. Don't forget that it's just balancing per elite spec; unless there are some crazy cross profession combinations that come out, most of the balancing will be with an elite spec to the base class, as the elite specs (weapon, traits, and new skills) lock each other out on the same class.
And you could already see similar issues with glass builds not being able to take out tanky builds easily with things like Cele Ele (pre-nerf). Once Druid is more of a known quantity, people are going to be able to deal with it fast. Else, it'll be nerfed.
I'm actually curious if it's possible to CC chain a Druid with a Warrior and make it lose a lot of time on their Avatar form...
Be a Reaper, use Rise.
I smile everytime I see a MM Necro. Free minions? Thanks.
Downloaded a patch when I tried logging in this morning, but still down apparently.
Just tried it again and you're right.It's up. Did a PvP match just now too.
Rise works really well with MM Necro actually. I play this tanky Reaper build, mainly focusing on keeping RS up whenever possible. It's a bit gimmicky, but I haven't had any real problems surviving. Killing though is a bit harder, but I normally stay alive long enough that it gets the job done. I normally swap "Nothing Can Save You" for "You're All Weaklings" depending on the enemy team comp.
100gold of ToT bags, 0 Unopened Endless Batwing Brew. I should stick to the middle class way of making money...very slowly and never spending anything.
I believe the link you posted is the same build I had, after you change things you have to click "Get Quick Link" on the first tab to actually change the URL, otherwise it will be the same as it was prior to your changes.
I was trying to play Reaper a little more offensive than I did with normal Necro, but tanky may just be the correct route still.
100gold of ToT bags, 0 Unopened Endless Batwing Brew. I should stick to the middle class way of making money...very slowly and never spending anything.
100 net lost? Or can you make some back still by selling the insides?100gold of ToT bags, 0 Unopened Endless Batwing Brew. I should stick to the middle class way of making money...very slowly and never spending anything.