Any word on if they've tried to fix the megaserver issues they've been having? Because I keep getting thrown into some pretty empty maps.
Leveled an engineer to 80 in the Labyrinth last night farming ToT bags, and I haven't a clue about what to do with him except park him outside the flax farm like I have with my other 80. Maybe I'll do the same with my lvl 60 thief, although I have even less idea what to do with that class.
In other news, like an idiot, I didn't realize until recently that Spectral Grasp has everything I ever wanted as a Reaper. said:We are rolling out a beta version of a 64 bit client today if all goes well - please give this a shot if youre having crash issues and let us know if that does the trick!
Woah. 64-bit client might release today in beta.
Wonder if it will just be a different launcher?Woah. 64-bit client might release today in beta.
Would this have any beneficial effect on people not having issues? I mean, I guess it should, but who knows.Woah. 64-bit client might release today in beta.
Would this have any beneficial effect on people not having issues? I mean, I guess it should, but who knows.
Yeah, I understand that. I meant to ask if this would help performance in general. I believe having more memory available to use should be beneficial to everyone right? Not just those having crashes.I think most of the crashes are Out of Memory errors. The current client, which is 32-bit, can only use up to 4gb of memory, so increasing the amount of memory the client can use should reduce the amount of crashes in the game.
So how would one get it? A fresh download or just an option in the client?
NCsoft’s Q3 2015 report: Guild Wars 2, WildStar, all sales dip downward.
The bad news for the most recent NCsoft financial report is that once again, profits from WildStar were down slightly from the previous quarter — but this round, even Guild Wars 2‘s profits were down a bit. In fact, sales dipped for all of NCsoft’s big games, and profit for the company was down on the whole, quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year, so the takeway isn’t that specific games are underperforming relative to the others but that NCsoft had a bad quarter overall. Decreased profits are attributed to a lack of in-game promotions with the company’s highest-earning titles.
Of note is that the third quarter report stretches only to the end of September, thus predating both WildStar‘s shift in business model and Guild Wars 2‘s first expansion release. During the conference call, NCsoft said it has been focused on cost-efficiency and expects fourth quarter revenues to improve, referencing Guild Wars 2 specifically. Fans of the aforementioned games should keep their eyes peeled for next quarter’s results.
Addendum: During its conference call, NCsoft told investors that it plans to market Heart of Thorns aggressively. In answer to questions about Guild Wars 2, a company rep explained (through his translator):
(source)We are actually observing very visible performance from the active users. […] We are very much targeting […] high-level users. So before the launch, we had six weeks for the free-play users […] to […] enjoy the game and for them to […] reach the cap, but we expected a lot of them would reach the cap level, but however only some of them would reach the cap level during the six-week free-play period. So some of those who reached the cap level are buying this expansion pack. […] However, the new users who are also reaching the cap level, and of course when they are very much buying the expansion pack, but we are preparing for the promotions and the events. And also […] there will be users who have not yet reached the cap level, but still we are going to target those users who reach the cap level and who will buy the expansion pack.
As for the marketing span in the fourth quarter, we anticipate that it will increase compared to the third quarter. Of course, as mentioned earlier: The Guild Wars 2 expansion pack, to […] increase the sales we will be very aggressive on the marketing span for the Guild Wars 2 expansion pack.
Patch is up, but I don't see anything about a 64bit client...
On another note, just completed the story and I have a question (story ending and dragon's stand meta event spoilers!!!)
In the story, we fight and defeat Mordy and then kill it, but the Mouth of Mordy keeps troubling us and we fight it and fight it and fight it. What's the connection?
In the begging of the final mission, the main character (or was it someone else from the group?) said something about "the fight outside is distracting him [the dragon]", so, is lore-wise, both fights happening in the same time?
I was surprised it was up y/y given how slow things were in the months leading up to HoT outside of the F2P launch.
So is Wednesday just patch day now instead of Tuesday? Wonder if this is a one time thing.
Can't connect to the forums to see the patch notes, anyone else having this issue?
People are probably hammering them to see the notes, which begs the question of why they don't find another way to release them that's easier for people playing the game to see.Can't connect to the forums to see the patch notes, anyone else having this issue?
Exalted Glider - 400 gems
Cannot be dyed!
Dread Quiver Backpack - 350 gems
Mini Bonebreaker - 350 gems
Glittering weapons - 1 BLC ticket each
11/04/2015 November 4 Release Notes
Halloween: Shadow of the Mad King
Mad King Thorn and his Lunatic Court have returned to the Underworld; Lions Arch has returned to normal.
- Fixed a bug in which the following items were tradable rather than account bound:
- Nuhoch Hunting Stashes
- Fulgurite
- Chest of the Casual Fractal Hero
- Chest of the Core Fractal Hero
- Chest of the Elite Fractal Veteran
- Chest of the Fractal Master
Profession Skills
- Into the Void: This skill now pulls foes to the center of the wall rather than to the nearest point on the wall.
- ChronomancerIllusionary Avenger: Increased the distance traveled for this phantasms charge attack by 346%.
- ChronomancerSeize the Moment: Updated this trait to count the player as an illusion, as do other similar traits.
- ChronomancerTides of Time: Fixed a bug that allowed this skill to destroy unblockable projectiles.
- Signet of Spite: Fixed an issue causing this skill to not play an animation while equipped with a greatsword.
- Putrid Explosion: Fixed a bug in which this skills blast finisher activated several seconds after the UI icon for the finisher appeared.
- ReaperChilling Victory: Updated this traits skill fact to correctly show 8 seconds of might duration instead of 5.
- ReaperSoul Spiral: Fixed a bug in which this skill would not display a skill fact for the casting bar or casting time.
- ReaperDeathly Chill: Removed the 50% health threshold on this skill so that it now does the same damage at all times. Adjusted the damage ratio. Decreased the base damage from 40 to 10. Increased the level multiplier by 25%. Increased the condition damage multiplier by 87%.
- Fixed a bug in which upkeep skills would turn off when crossing certain parts of maps.
- BerserkerDead or Alive: When activated, this trait no longer ends berserk mode.
- BerserkerKing of Fires: The burn duration increase modifier has been increased from 20% to 33%.
- BerserkerEternal Champion: In addition to its previous effects, this trait now also grants 3 stacks of might for 8 seconds when you break stun.
- BerserkerRupturing Smash: Added 0.5 seconds of daze to this skill. Increased immobilize duration from 1 second to 2 seconds.
- BerserkerFatal Frenzy: This trait now grants 6 seconds of fury in addition to its previous effects.
- BerserkerBloody Roar: This trait no longer grants fury or inflicts bleeding. This trait now increases all direct damage dealt in berserk mode by 10%.
- BerserkerAlways Angry: This trait has been reworked so that it now grants an effect for 15 seconds when entering or leaving berserk mode, increasing outgoing damage and condition damage by 7%.
- BerserkerOutrage: This skill can now be used underwater and while airborne.
- BerserkerBlood Reckoning: This skill can now be used underwater.
- BerserkerScorched Earth: Updated skill facts to show the correct number of hits.
New Items and Promotions
- A new set of Glittering weapon skins is available from the Black Lion Weapons Specialist for 1 Black Lion Claim Ticket for a limited time.
- A new Exalted Glider is now available in the Upgrades category of the Gem Store for 400 gems.
- A new Mini Bonebreaker is available in the Toys category of the Gem Store for 350 gems.
erg dont wanna redownload everything
do i basically uninstall GW2 then do it?
Direct-ish link:
Others have said it, but place Gw2-64.exe alongside your existing Gw2.exe and it'll share the dat, saving you space and time!
Apparently you can just drop the new client in your GW2 folder and it'll run using your current files. No need to reinstall everything.
erg dont wanna redownload everything
do i basically uninstall GW2 then do it?
Reaper—Deathly Chill: Removed the 50% health threshold on this skill so that it now does the same damage at all times. Adjusted the damage ratio. Decreased the base damage from 40 to 10. Increased the level multiplier by 25%. Increased the condition damage multiplier by 87%.
Apparently you can just drop the new client in your GW2 folder and it'll run using your current files. No need to reinstall everything.
so is there a benefit to installing the 64 bit client ? performance wise ?