No more Hearts and Minds extreme mode ever again pls
Probably why it's called Migraine.
So what you're saying is you admit to having done the Migraine achievement and can help other people earn it?
Oh cool apple wants to help, too.
So Adriaa pointed out last night that most T6 mats are at crazy low prices right now. Do we know if the gifts for the new legendaries are the same? Because if they are I'd expect those prices to go way up once people start building their raven staves and spaces axes. Even if not, might be a good time to buy if you're thinking about crafting the original legendaries.
More potent blood for me! Mwahahahaha!I read somewhere that the new legendaries won't use Gift of Fortune/Mastery but HoT equivalents instead. :< People were all grouchy because they made a bunch of fortune gifts in advance but anet will supposedly provide a way to salvage or otherwise recover mats from those
We were having issues with the Quaggan rush as well, guild started or no. Rushes are just not behaving :<
With T6 mats down I might just make the Trident because yay underwater combat.
Also I know it's just a blog really buy Dulfy needs a better editor.
Hi I just got this game a month ago and am enjoying the hell out of it. I'm only 2 zones away from world completion and I haven't even touched expansion zones.
My only complaint so far is that some things seem really complicated in terms of crafting end game materials. My plan right now is to finish the world. Do the season 2 stuff then start the exp story. Should I be grinding fractals and dungeons? Should I be crafting asended gear? I've looked many times and could not find a guide relevant to HOT and crafting legendaries and ascended gear. Is there a universal resource out there that can help me with my questions?
Hmm when does the raid go live I thought it was today at midnight.
It'll be whenever the patch hits. I'm guessing in a few hours like normal patch days.
To start the Flameseeker Prophecies collection you need to have Scribing at 300 so you could craft Sheets of Quality Paper (account bound) which then you can use to craft Anthology of Villians. Without AoV your collection will not there a Scribing Crafting guide?
They seem to aim their updates for around 3pm eastern / noon pacific, but that's never been consistent; they've dropped 'em super early sometimes, late others. It's up when it's up, I guess, and we won't know until the "New build in 10 minutes" message pops up.
If folks are super eager, I'd watch twitter and reddit.
I am praying the datamined golf wings make an appearance today
I'm hoping you are right because I don't have the money to bring Scribing to even 50 let alone 300.Sheet of Quality Paper is supposed to be unbound but they screwed up. They're going to fix that at some point so if you're only doing Scribe for the pre, wait until the patch drops to see if they fix it. (Isn't it like 1k gold for 300 scribe?)
I'm hoping you are right because I don't have the money to bring Scribing to even 50 let alone 300.
So many recipes require Flax Fiber which seems to be at lower drop rate than Foxfire.
Yeah I know but I kind like the idea of building it up slowly but it is going to suck (I'll probably give up) if the scribing prices stay this high.Yeah it's a bit ridiculous. I'd probably just buy the pre straight up if they don't fix it soon, it's like 500g for The Chosen on TP and like 1k g for 300 scribe lol
Yeah I know but I kind like the idea of building it up slowly but it is going to suck (I'll probably give up) if the scribing prices stay this high.
Is scribing required in all legendaries?
Started the predator as well and it seems pretty basic just picking up items from open world. I think some items are missing and hope they get fixed today.
I meant gold wings! No golfAh okay. Noon pacific. I was thinking noon eastern for some reason. I'm always at work when the patch drops so I wasn't too sure about it.
Best wings
I gotcha:
Copying notes got all messed up using my phone. I'll let someone with PC do it.
A new skill button has been added that can appear above the skill bar during certain context-specific phases of encounters (initially raids). When the button appears, the skill displayed for use will be driven by the encounter. Players can keybind this skill under Options > Control Options > Skills.
Players will now earn personal rewards on guild rushes as soon as they cross the finish line.
Players will now earn personal rewards on guild treks as soon as they interact with the trek icons.
Ugh, and my internet just crashed on my laptop. Can anyone see if the new legendary armours are added to the wardrobe? D:
Just saw comments on reddit that they're not in the wardrobe yet.
Can I get a guild inv?
Just hit 80 but basically no clue what im doing and would like people to play with.
Nothing in the notes about Scribing costs and sheets of paper no longer being account bound right?
- All tiers of scribe-crafted paper are no longer account bound.
Heh reminds me a lot of the beam katana from No More Heroes
Oh cool. Must have missed that.
Nothing in the notes about Scribing costs and sheets of paper no longer being account bound right?
All tiers of scribe-crafted paper are no longer account bound.