I'd love some gems for hairstyle kits. Getting some Asura manga hair!
I'm not confused, I just did it recently. It just feels more constrained than it use to (except for that awkward period when you tried a new weapon and had only 1 skill in the old system). Strafe and dodge doesn't mean squat until much later in the game, or you're trying to solo group content at low levels.
I was mentioning FF14 because I was responding to the conversation about a person's friends and how they preferred FF14 instead

I know they're nothing alike, I play both. But at least superficially GW2 combat is just kind of blah at low levels, with no obvious idea when it will improve. It's especially shitty if you put your points in the wrong skills and now you're stuck.
They made it easier at the earlier levels. I assume they had data to prove they were losing players who were put off by the complexity. It's something like 70% of people who try WoW quit before lvl 10 because they are not used to those kind of games.
You're right that there is not a need to dodge because the early content is very very easy, however, as I said, at lvl 19 you have all your skills (almost) and you get the points incredible fast.
What I like about the new levelling experience is that each level rewards you with item, bags, crafting materials, dyes and other goodies. It's a nice incentive. Combined with the beef up story rewards- I really like it!
IMO difficulty in the game is another issue than the combat system itself. Try the action combat if you haven't. It's superb!
That's disappointing that WvW is in a rough patch. It was the closest thing to DAoC that I have found. Some of the new specialization sounds interesting. Thanks for the info.
Yeah, it's a real shame but to be frank WvW has been in a not so good state since the game came out. As you said, it's greatest strength is how amazingly ambitious it is. The thing is that they need to effectively rework the entire concept to make people want to protect and hang out in their own captured keeps.
What made DAOC special was that it was a landmark news when a faction captured a difficult or hard to get castle. It was server outcry. It could take months for a faction to either push through.
One has to remember that the developers of DAOC also sort of killed their own game with the Atlantis expansion. I think a lot of people would still be playing if it wasn't for that.
You might want to take a pass at ESO- MMORPG.com named it the best MMO this year, the most improved MMO this year and cites that the content packs it got are amazing.
ESO supposedly has really good RvR similar to DAOC and GW2, but if its better than GW2 I cannot say.
I've never played ESO but would like to try it. I hated Oblivion but liked Skyrim so I am not the biggest elder scrolls fan or fan of the universe.