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Guild Wars 2 - Heart of Thorns |OT| Welcome to the Jungle...

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As long as it came with a tidying up of the old zones, adding new DEs, bringing the events up to date to match the story and adding reasons to glide (and WANT to glide, not just as a parachute), hey... A fuckin' plus.
Eeeeh, NO !
I haven't experienced raiding in GW2 yet, but as a player who just experienced Dragon's Stand recently because I don't have much time to play since the end of Halloween, let me tell you that it is extremely far away than anything related to raiding or any kind of organized group content I experienced in other games.

In the farmed state where it is now it's even miles away than the awesome first impressions I heard about when HoT came out.
Frankly, visuals aside, that, or the Harathi Hinterland event-chain, I barely saw the difference, follow the tag, get the loot, repeat if necessary .... I'm kind of bummed I didn't experience it sooner really ....

Megaservers are a cool thing, but the 'Taxi' mentality it created, forced upon players, and made worse with how LS2 and HoT maps are designed needs to die, and the sooner the better.

My enjoyment of Dragons Stand, as well as TD, VB and AB has all increased ever since people know what to do. It reduces down time, and increases fun time. Almost every other MMO is based around being its open world obsolete and moving the meaningful end game content into instanced raids. I hate that. I find it to be counter-productive to what MMOs should be about; making a living breathing world.


My enjoyment of Dragons Stand, as well as TD, VB and AB has all increased ever since people know what to do. It reduces down time, and increases fun time. Almost every other MMO is based around being its open world obsolete and moving the meaningful end game content into instanced raids. I hate that. I find it to be counter-productive to what MMOs should be about; making a living breathing world.

And then you sit around looking for a "Taxi" for a map that never comes. You end up in an empty map, which gets closed and time and time again, forcing you to wait until the meta has run its course so you can look for another taxi. What a living and breathing world!
And then you sit around looking for a "Taxi" for a map that never comes. You end up in an empty map, which gets closed and time and time again, forcing you to wait until the meta has run its course so you can look for another taxi. What a living and breathing world!

What you are describing are the issues we've all known about, and the issues Arenanet should by all rights be working on fixing.

Once they're done with, y'know, raids, esports, pvp, wvw, trading interface overhaul, flipping tables, putting things on tables, moving them slightly to the left..

You get the idea. The technological side of things like Dragon's Stand is a problem. The game design side of the idea has, I think, merit worth exploring. More merit than, say, 10 person raids.



What you are describing are the issues we've all known about, and the issues Arenanet should by all rights be working on fixing.

Once they're done with, y'know, raids, esports, pvp, wvw, trading interface overhaul, flipping tables, putting things on tables, moving them slightly to the left..

You get the idea. The technological side of things like Dragon's Stand is a problem. The game design side of the idea has, I think, merit worth exploring. More merit than, say, 10 person raids.


Aside from "everyone knowing about them" I think it's worth mentioning how it's a giant, huge detractor from anything organized about the open world PVE, since every single map is affected by this. It's difficult to discuss without mentioning how it hampers the experience, and so it's worth mentioning.

For the design of DS and the like, I think the idea is worth exploring, but I disagree that "knowing what to do" enhances the fun. It's fun the first two times for me, but then you realize that everything is just on a never-ending timer that never evolves. The old maps had a lot of hidden events and tiny secrets everywhere. I've yet to find more than one or two such rogue-events anywhere in the new maps, because all events lead up to the big meta events. It makes every single map seem like it's just there for the mechanic of enhancing the "final battle", which makes it seem artificial and incredibly un-fun. Not to mention the fact that a lot of the masteries are not implemented in a meaningful way like gliding. Poison, for example, is literally just a gating mechanic. Gliding at least introduces new mechanics and ways to explore.

While the ideas are interesting, they'd need a large overhaul for me to ever find it as enjoyable as exploring the orginal maps. I'd be sad if these maps were the way that new maps were to be designed. No thank you.

Edit: To be frank, VB is the best designed map of the four new ones, I find. It doesn't all lead up to a battle that can instantly fail because of a few amount of players. It gives decent rewards to small groups of players. It's varied enough in the event strains that they don't feel as stale as some other maps, and the two-phase structure of the map seems more "living" than "oh you just unlocked x on ogre lane for the boss fight in an hour yay".


wewt expansion 2.

I'm not opposed to different roles, but it feels like they took the most basic form of Healing and slapped it into the game. This is going to affect all future content. Will it be designed with a Healer in mind? If so, its mandatory. If not, will it be trivial if you do have one?

If ANet wants to give me my monk back, sure. Lets go down that road. But it also needs all the nuances,"which heals, which enchants, when," and all the counters, Enchant shatters, backfire, VoR, Defile, etc., to go along with it. Just slapping Red Bars Go Up into a game that supposedly wasn't designed around it is worrying. Right now GW2 healing feels like it has no direct counters. With the way healing stats line up with bunkering and all the passive & active defenses, it also has all the advantages. Whats the counterplay to that?

This game needs something like hex spells desperately if Healing-Boonfest2015 is going to remain a thing.
Edit: To be frank, VB is the best designed map of the four new ones, I find. It doesn't all lead up to a battle that can instantly fail because of a few amount of players. It gives decent rewards to small groups of players. It's varied enough in the event strains that they don't feel as stale as some other maps, and the two-phase structure of the map seems more "living" than "oh you just unlocked x on ogre lane for the boss fight in an hour yay".

I agree. Dragon's Stand is impressive from a technological and mood standpoint, but VB is better designed overall.

leng jai

Hopefully we do a HP run tomorrow in TD. If they made a PVP track that just gave you transmutation charges the whole way I'd just keep doing that one. Better than the trash they give you for 80% of the other ones.


I'm not opposed to different roles, but it feels like they took the most basic form of Healing and slapped it into the game. This is going to affect all future content. Will it be designed with a Healer in mind? If so, its mandatory. If not, will it be trivial if you do have one?

That's exactly my point about it being mostly psychological; if there's 'healers' in Guild Wars 2 now and someone dies, is it going to be because they didn't wait 10 minutes to find a healer? Will having a healer become the thankless job it is in other MMOs (when it's done right, that is; if something goes wrong you're now the scapegoat)? It's a whole can of worms the game was, at least at first, purpose built to avoid.

It's ugly business... and speaking of...

Where.. are you now?

Don't ask.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Welp, I used my skin. It looks cool, but I'm not sure if it looks 100 gold cool...
I think I will appreciate it more after the sticker shock wears off.



I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Yeah probably but I'm still a noob so I gotta bellyache a little bit to make myself feel better.
And then you sit around looking for a "Taxi" for a map that never comes. You end up in an empty map, which gets closed and time and time again, forcing you to wait until the meta has run its course so you can look for another taxi. What a living and breathing world!

I agree that Taxing is not an ideal solution, but its a solution uniquely fitting to GW2. It doesn't mean it gets a free pass but over 3 years into the games life, I am bipartial to it, and I take the annoyances of it and accepts it, if the alternative is the stuff we are fed in most other games open worlds.

For the design of DS and the like, I think the idea is worth exploring, but I disagree that "knowing what to do" enhances the fun. It's fun the first two times for me, but then you realize that everything is just on a never-ending timer that never evolves. The old maps had a lot of hidden events and tiny secrets everywhere. I've yet to find more than one or two such rogue-events anywhere in the new maps, because all events lead up to the big meta events. It makes every single map seem like it's just there for the mechanic of enhancing the "final battle", which makes it seem artificial and incredibly un-fun. Not to mention the fact that a lot of the masteries are not implemented in a meaningful way like gliding. Poison, for example, is literally just a gating mechanic. Gliding at least introduces new mechanics and ways to explore.

While the ideas are interesting, they'd need a large overhaul for me to ever find it as enjoyable as exploring the orginal maps. I'd be sad if these maps were the way that new maps were to be designed. No thank you.

Edit: To be frank, VB is the best designed map of the four new ones, I find. It doesn't all lead up to a battle that can instantly fail because of a few amount of players. It gives decent rewards to small groups of players. It's varied enough in the event strains that they don't feel as stale as some other maps, and the two-phase structure of the map seems more "living" than "oh you just unlocked x on ogre lane for the boss fight in an hour yay".

I felt like this when HoT came out, but I don't feel like this anymore. You have to remember that the old maps sometimes had maps that lakced meaning and served small isolated stories that sometimes didn't go anywhere. It was ineffective storytelling, particularly when your coming across a mid-state event or an event that is further along in a chain, and you don't get the context.
They made the meta like they did so players better know why they are doing the thing.
I am with you that there needs to be some of the cool hidden events that pop up, but I like the meta.

The thing is, I appreciate the HoT maps a lot more now as I am doing the achievements, and I am beginning to figure out that there is actually a lot of variation in the maps. I couldn't appreciate Tangled Depths for a long time, but it is warming up to me. It actually is quite insane when your on a small rag tag on you fight your way the deep the fuck down on the 4th or 5th lowest levels, to chase HPs, PoIs and those weird things related to Novus and the underwater cavern. AB lacks it a bit more, but it is fun to get the collectables, and find the things that are unrelated to the HP, the PoIs, the parrot-tengu, the balthazar shrine and that, but the problem is that the meta is just if your north, east, west or south. I do think it's really cool, and I agree with Miktar that it's more fun when people know what to do.

In the last month since people star to do AB regularly, I'm on random maps with a 50% success rate now, and I am really taking to liking east. It's fun. It reminds me of teq. I enjoy the non-commitment aspect of it, and I enjoy I can just load GW2timer and show up for a thing 5 minutes before it starts, and usually there is success.

I just think they need to find a happy medium between the old maps and the new ones. And up the player cap per map, so a map can have enough players to both dick around and enough to do meta.
For example, let's say Season 3 updates some of the old maps. If Snowden Drifts or Dregehaunt Cliffs became the subject of the story, and that they would attach marionette styles bosses to the zones and a whole meta chain that leads up to it, I think it would be really cool.
When you have events that can impact each other, your also seeing the world at works and I think, the more metas they have in the game (a final boss confrontation for every map) the more they can screw down the cooldown.


I... don't taxi. Primarily because I'm sure that the maps have timers specifically to avoid taxis. The maps are designed to avoid having people try to jump in before the big event at the end; You know when the event is supposed to happen, you zone in, and you should be with a bunch of people who are there to complete the meta as well. You don't need the entire map to be doing it, but you still need people to be doing it.

There are no longer hidden events, but instead there are hidden places. Nooks and crannies. Unfortunately, they wanted to add more, more, more to everything, so every hidden place you find either is related to an achievement or rewards you win gathering nodes. This means that if you're the type to play with dulfy by your side there isn't much leftover. Oh well.

The timers make the maps feel artificial? You know what made everything artificial in the core game already? Taxis. World Boss Timers. Any meta event like Harathi Hinterlands that usually ended up resetting after the win instead of having a constant back and forth (although my memory may be off about that specific map). The fact that even if you won the meta the area would still be full of centaurs because how else are people going to complete Hearts?

After the GAF dungeon events (and bless all of you that hosted that), it made me realize that I'm never going to like instanced MMO instanced PvE content in anything outside of very short bursts. And its less to do with the content (although I have to admit that that's part of it... it's just not as appealing to me on average) and more to do with the community. Guild Wars 2 is probably the best MMO community out there which means that I'd probably uninstall any other MMO at this point.

But I still get excited for this game. Mostly, I'm looking forward to the WvW overhaul and trying to figure out what I'm going to do in the meantime. The biggest annoyance in WvW is gear, and although that's definitely skippable with gold to some degree I can make myself happier by gathering more gear recipes. I'm going back to PvPing at least once a day and slowly gathering wealth through that and a bit of gathering here and there.

Actually, balance patch in a month, Pro League starts again tomorrow, Season 2 of Leagues should happen in March... Things will probably get to a more consistent level of excitement in the coming months. The only thing to remember is that ANet works slowly. So don't burn yourself out with frustration.
I taxi all the time and i love it...

VB: you can reach 120%-200% participation if you Taxi in as night turns..
AB: if taxi in for the meta you will never get to 80% and your rewards are limited..
TD: you can reach over 100% during the meta as long as you hit the Chak Rush events on your lane..
DS: one map that will always need to taxi folks in, fucking megaserver is broken and people rarely are sent to a half empty map..
In a little less than 4 hours! 30 min after reset.

★ Magus Falls Event Series ★

Event #4 - Tangled Depths
Required Character Level: 80
Required Zone: Tangled Depths

Finally the last of the Magus Falls metas will be done as a GAF event.
Commanders will be Levyne, Techwolf, Spiritfox, and one TBD. We will enter the map during a (likely failed) Gerent phase, split into 4 squads to run the four camp event series, and likely have enough time to run at least a partial HP train before we organize for the meta at the end. We may even have time to hit some of the random achievements (such as The Longest Glide) or some strongboxes. Similar to our DS event, we will open general taxis at the end once we have all of GAF in to make sure that we have the numbers we need on the map to finish successfully.

EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE NUHOCH WALLOWS MASTERY (Nuhoch Lore 2) for a slightly easier time.

The event should last roughly two hours with missions following immediately afterwards.


I taxi all the time and i love it...

VB: you can reach 120%-200% participation if you Taxi in as night turns..
AB: if taxi in for the meta you will never get to 80% and your rewards are limited..
TD: you can reach over 100% during the meta as long as you hit the Chak Rush events on your lane..
DS: one map that will always need to taxi folks in, fucking megaserver is broken and people rarely are sent to a half empty map..

For three out of four, that's not from taxiing but from the map design. Again, it's designed for you to be able to jump in and out as you want. People focus too much on the timers.

For Dragon Stand, it still feels like the map closing issue is made or made worse by taxing. But I don't play there often enough to test it.
DS is the only map that frustrates me. I remember one time we were at the boss and he was around 10% hp, out of nowhere the game just booted me and others players to another instance. That's not even counting all the times I dc from the map and couldn't get back in because it was full. I'm just glad I have my 250 Crystalline Ore, so I never have to go back.
I'm on Astralaria III: The Mechanism and this stuff just keeps getting worse. Had to farm grawl for 40 minutes just so I could get a low rng drop for it.

Can't wait to see collection 4.... wooooooo


Did a minor guild culling tonight since we were up at 498, everyone who was cleared out had over 3 months of inactivity so we're talking folks who haven't played since HoT released.

As always, if you were culled, it's nothing personal, it's just housekeeping. Post here if you'd like an invite back and we'll get you in straight away.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Hope you didn't cull too much, Retro. Would hate to lose our 420+ members bullet point in our recruitment spam.
I'm on Astralaria III: The Mechanism and this stuff just keeps getting worse. Had to farm grawl for 40 minutes just so I could get a low rng drop for it.

Can't wait to see collection 4.... wooooooo

I hope you have at least 9 characters, collection 4, need to create Celestial Cartographer Gear, first off shit is annoying to create, the item can only be used at night, some areas are easy to reach, others are end of Jumping puzzles, and annoying areas that burn up time, you only have 40mins of night to complete this task, gotta get to 12 locations around the world, suggestion place as many characters you have around the world in the right locations, then use PvP bank transfer the Celestial Gear..

I used this video to place my characters

You can skip to each location,,,
I hope you have at least 9 characters, collection 4, need to create Celestial Cartographer Gear, first off shit is annoying to create, the item can only be used at night, some areas are easy to reach, others are end of Jumping puzzles, and annoying areas that burn up time, you only have 40mins of night to complete this task, gotta get to 12 locations around the world, suggestion place as many characters you have around the world in the right locations, then use PvP bank transfer the Celestial Gear..

I used this video to place my characters

You can skip to each location,,,

Sounds fun, can't wait!
I also like how they put both of the most frustrating and annoying jump puzzles in this collection too. Good stuff Anet.

Good thing I had some Mesmer friends help me with the Silverwaste jp, that was ridiculous.
How is it even possible to lose 2 pips on a game where you are 4v5 and have an end score of 487-500? This game sucks.

What's with not being able to hide backpieces? Even the lowest character model settings leaves it showing. With all these legendary backpieces coming out I really hope they put that feature in, they're gaudy as hell.

Whine whine whine


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Alright finally just got HoT and a whole bunch of gems. Time to see what Dragon Hunter is all about.
Alright finally just got HoT and a whole bunch of gems. Time to see what Dragon Hunter is all about.

Enjoy the OP class while it's still awesome, the bitching done on the forums and reddit probably got the class nerf in the next balance patch, it's amazing how far the Guardian has come, too bad it's gonna be returned to normalcy...

Not Spaceghost

So I will probably hit 80 tomorrow. I bought HoT to lift the f2p restrictions but I was disappointed to learn that apparently the four day new account verified timer doesn't start until after you upgrade so I still cant buy / sell all the stuff on the TP.

Oh well at least i have 5 18 slot bags now.

I asked around and people seem to say the best thing to do as as you hit 80 is to drop like 32g into a full set of exotic berserker gear. Which will hold you over as you slowly get sigils and jewelry.

I hsve 67g so that seems like a good plan. Anyone else have a better suggestion for insta power boost?


Go to the Grenth temple and get zerker armor for karma there. Just keep in mind you can't salvage them. Or you can try to run dungeons for tokens to exchange for armor, but noone runs dungeons nowadays.


Wait, do people just want an easy and cheap legendary and not want to get through some type of "legendary challenge?"

Okay, to be fair, I'm reducing the arguments. Still, on one side I see complaints about gold/grind, and on the other I see complaints about difficulty.

Well, at least there are patch notes and balance previews to look forward to tomorrow.
Wait, do people just want an easy and cheap legendary and not want to get through some type of "legendary challenge?"

Okay, to be fair, I'm reducing the arguments. Still, on one side I see complaints about gold/grind, and on the other I see complaints about difficulty.

Well, at least there are patch notes and balance previews to look forward to tomorrow.

The problem with the old legendary, pre prices have fallen on many of them and will continue to fall, Lets look at the The Lover, 9/21/15 it was 651g, today it's 416g, order price 360g, I rather save the gold and put an order it and hope someone who's hungry for money will sell it to me. I just don't feel like going through the same Journey as i did with Astralaria, I spent 2 days gathering just for collection 2, and then another 2 days for collection 3, I don't want to repeat that shit again, ever...
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