Ugh, I want the shared inventory slots but it's just too expensive. Anet pls.
Sorry to hear about all of the stuff, Retro. Bowie on top doesn't help.
Hell, I would want those slots to be alongside the inventory, just so they would stand out. You've got all this space underneath the 8 bagslots, use that. Or something.
I agree with you Retro that gliding in Central Tyria means jack unless they add support for it in some small way. Give us things to glide to, tweak some of the stuff in the game. Add hidden JPs (Gliding Puzzles?) that exist in the old world.
Stuff that makes you feel like if you don't own Heart of Thorns, you want to own it to gain access to this cool stuff.
I think the best the game ever was, was when Living Story 2 (or hell, even ONE) was going on. At least there was new interesting things to log into nearly every 2 weeks, and even if it was kind of similar in nature, at least it got bundled with other fixes and changes. It felt like the game was evolving at a rapid rate.
It makes me wonder what the game would look like if it had continued the update cadence where they added new and random things to the game for players to find, and piece together ARG-style, instead of this focused, directed approach they've been doing.
The fact that they mentioned a 2nd expansion meant that they didn't learn anything at all from the lead up to HoT.
Sounds like very few GAFers were invited to that NDA survey.
You guys wouldn't be as pissed based on some of the questions they were asking there.
If you're under an NDA I know you can't say anything, but I'm guessing the tone was more direct (and maybe even conciliatory?) and self-critical? Because for me, we've gone from a hopeful "I can't wait to see what's next!" to a dread-filled "I can't see what's coming next" and that's a direct result of poor communication and lack of clarity. What used to feel like a brave attempt at trying something new has quickly taken on the aura of alarm, trying desperately to get anything, even things that are the complete antithesis of the game, to stick.
So, yeah, you can't say anything, but if the tone was apologetic or seemed to genuinely ask respondents to question their decisions, that'd be nice to know.
I'm annoyed at myself for being hopeful about today's info. For me that's basically nothing, nothing and more nothing. I feel like I'm done with what used to be my fav game ever and it's a feeling that makes me very sad.
I played (finished) over 80 games last year so there's no lack of other experiences. ;P I've just always had GW2 there in the background. The one game I could always play a bit even if I felt like shit. It pains me to feel like I do now. I guess I could probably just go back to the usual leveling and pretend that HoT doesn't exist. That might actually help.It's fine to take a break. The game will still be here, and the world and characters too. Maybe playing other games and seeing different things could help things ease up until the content you enjoy is around the corner.
I myself have been enjoying Undertale, it's a nice break from GW2 and such a unique experience*.
*RIP Retro un-hypeness
Did they mention anything about the rest of the new legendaries at all?'ve said it before - but i'll reinforce we're working on more legendary weapons: YES.
And this is why I always skip datamines.I've been so busy with work and also where are my golden wings have they showed up yet?
they actually put them in the game for meHawkian will buy this
Now, my fear is that there's NOT another expansion coming at the end of this year, meaning we might have to wait another 2 years (2018?) for one. Which would be ridiculous IMHO, considering the game will have some hot-and-upcoming contenders to face off against shortly (Black Desert Online, et al).
My Norn Trio is finally complete
Can Rubi confirm this?they actually put them in the game for me
We’ve made some small changes here and there, but for the most part, you’ll find Central Tyria just as you left it
It would have been very time consuming to redesign all the Central Tyria maps to add verticality, updrafts, and ley lines, and we wouldn’t want to. Each Central Tyrian map has a great story and design of its own, and we have no desire to turn the entire game into the Heart of Maguuma. We love the freedom that comes with gliding and wanted to bring that feeling to maps we already love. We’ve made some small changes here and there, but for the most part, you’ll find Central Tyria just as you left it—but you’ll have a much greater ability to explore and move through these familiar zones. These new freedoms might allow you to get to places in these maps we did not originally intend you to see. As long as your explorations remain harmless, it’s all part of the fun!
Seems like there a good chance we'll see it in the future maps too, especially if/when HoT becomes core/free.
So gliding with no now i get to jump off high areas in Tyria and wait for the last moment to test my latency, opens on time low ping, good ping, opens late shit ping, splat dead...