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Guild Wars 2 - Heart of Thorns |OT| Welcome to the Jungle...

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It'll just be a miniature wood chipper in Lion's Arch that gives you bloodstone dust in return for your excess minis.

"In you go, Skritta Claws!"


The new shatterer fight sounds cool enough. Doesn't seem like they giving him a complete makeover via Teq, but just improve what it is there, which is fine.


Scratch what I said before. I use Crusader, not Cavalier. High Power/Toughness and Low Ferocity/Healing Power. If I wasn't so attached to Blood Magic, the build would have come out as Crusader with Death Magic. But the whole reason I grew to like Neco back in 2012 was the possibilities of a Vampire spec. Oh well. I'll find something else to gear Crusader for, probably Revenant.


I'd like to point out that story-wise, both dragons Tequatl and Shatterer have "improved" in ability since an Elder Dragon's death.


To reiterate; I think it's cool that we're getting this "treat" from ArenaNet and it's something I didn't expect them to ever get around to doing (mostly because doing it right seemed like it would take a lot of work). My gripe is that the way they've been communicating this improvement makes it sound like they're just throwing it in and anything that breaks isn't a big deal because LOL, it's old content who cares.

I'm not even really that annoyed that they're just shoving it in without changing the zones much beyond generic "no fly zones." The ArenaNet at launch, where people made Jumping Puzzles in their spare time and hid stuff everywhere just because it was fun seems to have been replaced. Obviously we'll have to wait until the next update to know if anything at all ways added, but from the sound of things it won't be much.

I'm not going to call it a pro or a con, this gets sorted under "missed opportunities."

Its probably not a 'treat', glider skins are probably very popular on the gem store since its the most reliable way to get them, and this means they can appeal to the whole userbase and not just the ones with HoT.


You can't glide unless you have HoT.

I knew that :p

It is a great way to advertise HoT as well, some F2P players will be pretty jealous when they see people gliding around. Will they allow gliding in La/Dr etc?

To be honest, since the game wasnt designed with it in mind, there probably wont be much use for it. I can definitely think of some JPs in orr though.
Wooo, precursor, now just have to finish the rest of the collection and I'm finally done.



So in less than 4 hours we'll have our balance preview. Anyone have any expectations?

There's a post on Reddit worrying about PvP nerfs affecting PvE, but then the best response noted that most of the issue in PvP is nerfing defensive abilities (bunker meta) that are rarely used in PvE anyway.


Eh, DH isn't really that OP in the meta right now, especially since most people have learned how to avoid their traps. Bunker Chronos, Tempests, and to a lesser extent Druids are the more troublesome ones.
They said they were changing alacrity to make it easier to balance - I'm sort of expecting them to change it to a boon but reduce its effectiveness (maybe from +66% skill recharge to 50% or lower?). You could keep it longer with concentration (and boon duration foods in PvE) but it could also be stripped off or stolen.

That would make it kind of stupidly strong in PvE but more manageable in PvP. I dunno what else they would do to make it easier to balance.

Not Spaceghost

Ran out of transmute tokens so now I need to grind em back up to redo my characters look.

I look like a stripper nazghul but I love it actually. I really like the vigil lower robe half skirt thing but I wish there was something like that but that looked more tattered so it would match with the primitive chest.

Ideally I think i'd take the drybones upper robe and whisper secret lower robe but I still need to get the whisper thing unlocked from another character.


Diamond skin. Good grief. Why.

Don't think bunker tempest is going anywhere.

Or druid.

Better get use to these pve dailies.
My main was nerfed into the ground, bye forever

We couldn't clear Gorseval until we had 100% alacrity/quickness uptime on both subgroups, we're totally boned guys


Thieves getting free evasion at low health then triggers a bunch of evasion traits...

Warrior heals are now approaching usability again. I'm going to jump back to my Healing Surge (To the Limit!) as soon as I suds out the numbers. Nah, even if I do suss out the numbers, as long they're successful enough at decreasing reliance on Fast Hands...

Boon hate is once again pooling around Necros only, unfortunately. Nos already had an amazing match last Monday showing how boon hate can be used to counter Bunker Mesmer, but I guess for the future signets are going to be the primary Power method of corruption for the time being.

Well, those are my three most played classes. After that there's Guardian but nothing terrible really. I might even use Smite Condition even though I avoid Valor.

Edit: Amulets changing bug me. I like having parity between PvE and PvP stat options and avoid any options that aren't available to both.

Edit: Guild Chat scoop? Runes and Sigils getting removed/changed. I'll have to link it...


Josh Davis said:
Hi all,
We’re planning on making some changes to amulets/sigils/runes available in PvP for the Winter 2016 Update (January 26). Some of these changes will greatly affect the way that PvP is played, so I wanted to take this opportunity to get the changes in front of everyone, discuss the implications as a group, and see where we net out. Most of these changes are easily reversible, so don’t view this as a “forever change”, but rather something we’ll tweak until we get PvP’s gameplay closer to our vision for it. These changes will go out prior to our next season PvP League season, so if we identify a change that isn’t accomplishing our goals we’ll have time to address it before the season begins.

You’ll note that a lot of the changes below are directed at more defensive stat combos/items. Our intent is not to eradicate this type of gameplay, but simply to improve the pace of gameplay overall.

We’ll be removing the following runes from PvP:

Rune of Durability
Rune of Mercy

Sigil Changes:
Sigil of Demon Summoning: this sigil will no longer be usable in PvP.
We already removed a majority of AI summoning sigils/runes in a previous release – we’re just finishing the job.
Sigil of Energy: the functionality of this Sigil is changing slightly. Instead of granting 50 endurance on weapon swap, Sigil of Energy will instead grant 5 seconds of vigor to the player with the usual 9 second ICD. This change only applies to PvP.

Amulet Changes:
We’ll be adding the following amulets:

Mercenary’s Amulet
1050 Power
1050 Condition
560 Toughness
560 Vitality

Sage’s Amulet
1050 Power
1050 Condition
560 Healing Power
560 Vitality

Paladin’s Amulet
1050 Power
1050 Precision
560 Toughness
560 Vitality

Mender’s Amulet
1050 Power
1050 Healing Power
560 Precision
560 Vitality

We’re also removing the following amulets:


aka Grouch


"Coalescence of Ruin has too low of a cooldown" *just raises it by 2s* Lol 4 is kind still nothing :p, but well the skill already got some nerfs.


My condition amulet choices are going to be worse now...

I mean, woo! More Power everywhere!

Edit: Okay, real talk. I can make these amulets work. My Guardian or Thief would probably do better with Mercenary's or Sage. I still haven't tested Wanderer's for my Thief either. Mender's is exactly what I've been wishing for my Ranger. It just feels like as an overall condition build lover that I'm being pushed in a certain direction quite strongly. Incorporate Power or fall behind. But hey, if it makes the game more fun for more people...

Settler's at the very least feels mean. Like, they could have switched it to Apothecary if anything. But for the time being Toughness, Vitality, and Healing Power can neither be on the same amulet together, nor be more than 560. I can understand the first two, but Healing Power still isn't that strong and most classes...

Edit2: There's also the fact that these need to get into PvE else I'm only going to play with 2-3 classes outside of Heart of the Mists, which also means I can't use most of my characters' builds in WvW.

leng jai

As expected the scepter buff is worthless. How many times have Mesmers been made obviously OP and then nerfed to the ground a few months later? It's hilarious how predictable Anet are.

By those stat removals it looks like a lazy way to remove bunker builds.


Bah, I'm forgetting that Cavalier and Crusader are staying in. So some high toughness amulets are still there in small doses.


Motherfuckers better not nerf condition damage, after 3 years i finally made a good prediction on the TP and bought loads of generosity sigils for 20s. If they nerf that shit i will be PISSED


Junior Member
Guys, when can I expect 2nd Gen Legendaries?
Oh, and from what I can gather from you all, it seems my beloved Mesmer got fucked over. Again. *sigh*


Emitan's back!

Is Alacrity with a 33% reduction really that terrible? I feel like it needs a wait and see approach, or at least have it coupled with a few longer durations. I was finally going to get around to Chrono for PvP Ascension achievements.


I've sorta been here. Or at least I've been logging into the game every now and then, pecking away at the story.

My goal before HoT was to reach full ascended on my thief, which I did. I might try for a legendary now, just to give myself something to do. I want to get into raiding as well.

leng jai

Emitan's back!

Is Alacrity with a 33% reduction really that terrible? I feel like it needs a wait and see approach, or at least have it coupled with a few longer durations. I was finally going to get around to Chrono for PvP Ascension achievements.

That's a 50% reduction, so yeah it's pretty bad. Chaos Armour was gimped, Well of Precognition changed to Aegis, and also Sigil of Energy turned into Vigor. That's only a preview, I'm sure there's even more nerfs coming.
I'm really afraid I won't want to play much after Lump's alacrity gets nerfed to oblivion on January 26th.

I know HoT has been sour for most people here, but it's been wonderful for me personally - I've really loved it, though I suppose that might be expected of a Mesmer main where our elite spec has been an all-out buff instead of a sidegrade like for most classes.

I have loved getting all 163 mastery points, loved PvP rank climbing despite the meta being tanky, and I've loved raid bosses (though getting into groups is becoming a struggle, despite having 2/3 eternal kills).

I'm really concerned that my well of interest is going to suddenly run dry after I kill New Shatterer after the patch hits, since I've already got all the masteries and ranked PvP will be on hiatus. My only two goals right now are to get an Eternal kill on Sabetha and, if time permitted (which it won't, so I suppose I'll shelf the goal for now) get Legendary PvP rank instead of settling for Diamond.

If my Chrono is nerfed to oblivion and I have to go back to what is essentially a vanilla Mesmer with just some alacrity flavoring, I might just take a hiatus myself if that situation coincides with suddenly being out of goals.


SAYING THAAAT, I definitely want to try the new Mercenary's Amulet in PvP with a certain kind of shatter build. It might be rather beast.

Mercenary’s Amulet
1050 Power
1050 Condition
560 Toughness
560 Vitality


That's a 50% reduction, so yeah it's pretty bad. Chaos Armour was gimped, Well of Precognition changed to Aegis, and also Sigil of Energy turned into Vigor. That's only a preview, I'm sure there's even more nerfs coming.

I don't see why Well of Precog needed to be changed again. It was fine after the first nerf.

Also RIP Sigil of Energy.

I guess I don't see why 33%, even if it's a large reduction from 66%, is inherently bad. I guess until I play with it I don't fully believe it's that bad. But I'll likely be proven wrong.

Well of Precog, from the sounds of it, caused small problems here and there. Stuff like being able to kill Vale Guardian with much fewer people, or WvW fights.

Sigil of Energy was the #1 PvP sigil for three years. Full stop. They've been saying they've been wanting to reduce the amounts of dodges in the game. The amount of vigor it gives now will stack with vigor sources from traits to provide perma vigor if weapons are swapped often enough.

I can actually understand the Chaos Armor change. For every other aura, you want to be hit in order to get its benefits (Might plus Burn, Chill, Stun, Retaliation plus Vulnerability, etc.). Chaos Armor providing blind also meant that you got less boons since you got hit less. It was arguably the worst aura because of this (next to Light Aura), even though it was my favorite one to look at. This is exacerbated because the best thing that could come from Chaos Armor was getting hit and getting Protection. Mesmer's already have tons of evades, blocks, and blinds in other places.

Also, I've calmed down from my previous stance. While Condition-only amulets still suck a bit, these new amulets provide a bunch of hybrid damage options, which I had also wanted at the beginning of the season but gave up on. For every amulet being removed except for Celestial, there's another amulet you can swap to instead. Soldier and Sentinel swap to Mercenary or Paladin. Settler is nerfed down to Sage. In the case of Celestial, you're being forced to choose three or four out of seven stats. And there's the fact that current amulets like Crusader and Cavalier encourage more interesting builds as well.

Or maybe I had a good night with my girlfriend and I'm willing to forgive ANet for all their ills.

Edit: I'm essentially torn because Sage's Amulet is probably the closest I'll ever get to my dream amulet for my Thief without the game getting broken.


What the..

We monitor all incoming and outgoing sources of wealth. The gold that was used to purchase your arcane slivers (4 of them) for a total of 499.99 Gold originated from a RMT source and while your item listings may have been setup 8 months ago, that doesn't change where the wealth originated (which was banned).
While the transactions completed, and do not appear to be any fault of yours, we still needed to reclaim the gains from it to remove the wealth from the economy that you should not have gained in the first place. Since we only removed 300g, it looks like you are netting about a positive 166 gold from this. We'll let you keep that, and I'll take the strike off your account for buying gold.

I can't believe they thought originally that it was alright to just confiscate all 300g and never actually give them back his items, because the gold originated from RMT. It took that much back and forth with support and Cleary for that person to actually get the items back, and it sounds like he should be grateful. Geez. :/


What the..

I can't believe they thought originally that it was alright to just confiscate all 300g and never actually give them back his items, because the gold originated from RMT. It took that much back and forth with support and Cleary for that person to actually get the items back, and it sounds like he should be grateful. Geez. :/

That entire response... lol. What the hell, ANet.

The thread, in case anyone wants to read it.


Yeah, if people weren't upset over a dozen other things I think it'd be a total torches-and-pitchforks moment over there. Not that they're wrong to be upset, getting accidentally suspended and then losing a bunch of money because someone else is a shitlord and just happened to buy your item is total bullshit.

They totally fumbled that one.


I don't get it? It's wrong he had a strike in his account, but the rest was ANet protecting the game. You got gold from a RMT, so you got ill gained gold. The items are being used regularly by RMT's, so they want them out of the economy to be safe. Sounds exactly like what the police would do. And he was never suspended.
Using the TP is supposed to be insurance protecting you from fraud like this. He shouldn't have been penalized at all for the actions of other players. I would be livid in his situation.


I can understand the context of the action. It's illegal money, and it was clearly being dumped. In the end, the poster got more money than he had, although I would simply give back the items he sold, refund for the listing cost and remove all the money they got from the operation.
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