When setting up future newbie raids, we probably need people to choose beforehand which specific role they want to fill. At Vale Guardian, we need a Tank, a Healer, three Condition DPS, and five Power DPS. This isn't really negotiable, but fortunately it shouldn't be that difficult to put together.
Once we have volunteers to fill all of the roles, I
strongly urge everyone to look
here and use one of the recommended builds, or get as close to it as you can within reason. There are plenty to choose from, so find whatever suits you best. It's extremely difficult, especially when you are first starting out, to use a build that is only passable or "good enough." The closer you get to the best builds and the best team compositions, the easier things will be for everyone; raids don't leave beginners with a lot of wiggle room. I would never be super-picky about what people bring, but being exclusive about how things are done is how PUGs are frequently able to put together groups of random people and complete the entire wing. Particular builds work well and are the best many reasons.
Before attempts, watch videos on the raid bosses, read guides, and practice your class. If the recommended builds are different from what you normally use, read as much as you can about
why the builds use what they do. Blindly following someone else's build template and not knowing why you have a specific skill or trait chosen doesn't do you any good either. Know what will be expected from you and your role.
I don't mean to say any of this in an overly serious tone, and I don't know how much more I can say on it before I sound entirely like an elitist jerk, but I want to see everyone succeed at raids. I'm willing to keep trying as many times as it takes, but please take the necessary steps to help yourself first so everyone else on your team can then ensure you succeed when it counts. I want us to be able to practice and get better, but we can't do that if we keep setting ourselves up for guaranteed failure from the very beginning.
I also don't say any of this to intimidate or scare anyone away from raids. I'll welcome anyone and everyone who wants to come, but you've got to give us something to work with.