The passive effect from Healing Signet is usually your best option in PvE. Almost 400 HP per second is nothing to sneeze at. You do have to wait for it after taking a hit though, so constant pressure leads to you losing any war of attrition. The active heal is so small you really only use it as a last ditch effort or to get the Resistance boon and save yourself from conditions spiking you down.
Defiant Stance is good for times when you know you need to absorb a high burst of damage, or times when you just want to stand in an AoE and not give a fuck.
"To The Limit!" I'd only really use with other shouts and the Vigorous Shouts grandmaster trait from the Tactics specialization. Even with zero healing power, the trait adds a 1000 HP heal to every shout skill.
The Berserker's Blood Reckoning sometimes seems to be more of a DPS option than an actual heal. When you are in Berserk Mode it instantly caps your Adrenaline and takes your Primal Bursts off cooldown, so its main attraction is letting you use multiple powerful attacks in very short periods of time. That does benefit you for healing, since it heals 10% of the damage you do (in addition to a small base heal), but sometimes you end up in a bad position after using it, and the five seconds it lasts gets wasted before you have a chance to hit much of anything.
There is also the Defense specialization minor trait Adrenal Health that heals you every three seconds depending on how much Adrenaline you have. Combined with Healing Signet and the Regeneration boon (which you can trait to be granted from banners with a major trait in the Discipline specialization), you can heal up surprisingly quickly. In the open world, I also like to use food such as Omnomberry Pies/Scoop of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream for additional health while fighting.
Defiant Stance is good for times when you know you need to absorb a high burst of damage, or times when you just want to stand in an AoE and not give a fuck.
"To The Limit!" I'd only really use with other shouts and the Vigorous Shouts grandmaster trait from the Tactics specialization. Even with zero healing power, the trait adds a 1000 HP heal to every shout skill.
The Berserker's Blood Reckoning sometimes seems to be more of a DPS option than an actual heal. When you are in Berserk Mode it instantly caps your Adrenaline and takes your Primal Bursts off cooldown, so its main attraction is letting you use multiple powerful attacks in very short periods of time. That does benefit you for healing, since it heals 10% of the damage you do (in addition to a small base heal), but sometimes you end up in a bad position after using it, and the five seconds it lasts gets wasted before you have a chance to hit much of anything.
There is also the Defense specialization minor trait Adrenal Health that heals you every three seconds depending on how much Adrenaline you have. Combined with Healing Signet and the Regeneration boon (which you can trait to be granted from banners with a major trait in the Discipline specialization), you can heal up surprisingly quickly. In the open world, I also like to use food such as Omnomberry Pies/Scoop of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream for additional health while fighting.