Just seems to me that the headstart is just the final beta / tweaking for the official launch of the game. I hate being a tester after the actual beta is over.
Every online game has these issues. If you buy any MMO or online-only game at launch or the first month really you are still technically a 'beta' tester.
I had a blast, chatting with people in mumble before the start the final "OH SHIT IT'S UP" moment and then getting immersed in about 3 hours of gameplay before I finally had to sleep (being up for 21 hours can do that to a person).
I'm extremely pleased with the game. One of the few times where there is a shit-ton of hype and I feel it lived up to everything.
Am I pissed I can't login now? Sure. But I'm also not going to be paying a sub fee for a game I'll get at the very least; months of playtime.
They really pulled off an amazing game, how the level 30+ stuff plays out is to be seen but I'm thoroughly impressed with what they've done.
And now for some quick and dirty screens, I really don't have a great system right now so bare with the lower settings lol:
Someone in GAF took Charles Barkley after I mentioned in this thread, should probably have kept that one to myself! Nevermind, would have only sat on the name as I don't really like Sylvari.
Could have went Charrles Barkley and made a Charr!
I'm still surprised I got Charcoal. Couldn't get it in any of the BWE's.