Here's my girl. I'm liking the engineer but somehow it doesn't feel very powerful or useful. Not sure really, can't put my finger on it.
What lvl do you have to be to start pvping? And does it give you xp?
maybe I am playing this game wrong but I haven't got any new weapons except from the story quests... are there instances to do or anything cuz I am so lost...
Here's my girl. I'm liking the engineer but somehow it doesn't feel very powerful or useful. Not sure really, can't put my finger on it.
Hot: Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist.So what classes are hot right now, and what are not so hot?
As in popularity.
Turrets seem underpowered, to me. They should either do more damage/healing or be way more sturdy/usable.
Also a bunch of people, including myself, had no idea that the people with the heart quests sold weapons and equipment for karma when complete. They always have good stuff!
I think the flame turret is decently sturdy. Rifle turret sucks balls and blows up way too quick. Havent tried out the rocket turret yet. But yea, Flame turret is the only constant on my bar
My flame turret was blowing up a lot for me, last night, I dunno, I dont understand why they pull so much threat, its annoying.
Any advice as to which class to choose?
sPVP gives no xp - it's its own ranking system.
WvW gives XP - actually quite a bit of XP and karma. It's a great way to level.
Or you can craft them. Which gives you XP.They drop from monsters sometimes. You can also buy them from vendors.
You can probably force it with your video card's software suite.Is there an AA solution other than the game's FXAA?
Turrets seem underpowered, to me. They should either do more damage/healing or be way more sturdy/usable.
I would like to know this as well.Is there an AA solution other than the game's FXAA?
Random mobs don't seem to scale, so you'll steamroll random mobs. Events and world bosses do scale, though, so they provide some measure of challenge. There is a limit, however, so if your mob of players is big enough (40+ players) you will steamroll everything.Is it challenging to group? Or does it scale in a way where once you group you just steamroll everything in your way?
You'd probably like engineer.
Where is that?
Being guildless sucks =(
My man. My sylvari is going to be a rotten log of a creature.I see all these characters with perfect facial features. Where are the ugly mugs who don't want to be daisies and snowflakes?
Not that hard. It just takes knowing all your skills well. Granted, there are twenty per weapon set. I've managed to keep changing attunements while on the move and firing off spell after spell thanks to cycling the recharge times.Elementalist seems crazy hard, with having to change attunements on the fly.
Work with the facial feature sliders, you should get something good out of it. At the very least, my Female Norn has several facial scars that are not terribly pretty.I see all these characters with perfect facial features. Where are the ugly mugs who don't want to be daisies and snowflakes?
Not that hard. It just takes knowing all your skills well. Granted, there are twenty per weapon set. I've managed to keep changing attunements while on the move and firing off spell after spell thanks to cycling the recharge times.
I changed a lot of the keyboard bindings, although I do have pretty big hands, so that helps. (If I stretch, I can touch the backspace with my thumb while touching the 1 key with my pinky)I dont have enough buttons to be able to spam spells and strafe. Or my hands aren't big enough.
You mean the flamethrower? It's a utility skill.Also I want one of those engineer weapons that sprays fire. Which one is that?
Mostly it's just temporary buffs but you can also make dyes with it. You also need cooking to make some of the legendary weapons.Cooking is actually pretty fun. I just wish it was cheaper. The payoff doesn't seem particularly great. Though I've only crafted low level foodstuffs.
Arksy here. Clocking off to get some much needed sleep. See you in hell gaffers.
I see all these characters with perfect facial features. Where are the ugly mugs who don't want to be daisies and snowflakes?
Elementalist seems crazy hard, with having to change attunements on the fly.
Is this thing on sale for under $60 anywhere?
You mean the flamethrower? It's a utility skill.Mostly it's just temporary buffs but you can also make dyes with it. You also need cooking to make some of the legendary weapons.
The skill gives you a flamethrower that replaces your current weapon. Which means, yes, you can auto attack with jets of fire.Nah, this was shooting out jets of flame every second, like an auto attack.
I see all these characters with perfect facial features. Where are the ugly mugs who don't want to be daisies and snowflakes?