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Guild Wars 2 |OT| Buy Once, Sub Never, Fun Forever

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Happy/Laughing Dead Bear!

Whenever Lump is around the bears are happy! (he killed this bear)

Also this centaur is too tiered of fighting humans, it decided to take a nap.


gonna jump into this game in about 3 weeks when i'm back from my vacation...

So are you guys enjoying it so far? living up to the hype (at least partly?)

Well I am enjoying it alot. An MMO has not given me these kinds of withdrawals while away from it, since Vanilla wow.
It feels new and fresh. Especially the freedom in roles and in how you decide to play your game is quiet wonderfull.

The game was hyped up alot, and maybe to much. It is still a MMO and there are still some boundries within the game, but I firmly believe that it is going to be the next big thing.
It is varied enough from wow to not be just another Rift/SWTOR.


Damn, marathon gaming session. Teamed up with Artistdude to check out the Charr lands (Queensdale is on perma overflow). Along the way another GAFfer wanted to join up (I forgot your name, Mortrock Ramgar... something, I wanted to send you a friend request but you left the party before I could). We explored some more, and met ANOTHER GAFfer (Firen) and just started to explore and quest. This game is an absolute blast, there is so much to see and explore.

But where do I turn in my badges of honor I got in WVW? Also, what do I do with these mystic coins?


Can someone explain how precision affects critical hit?

I'm looking at sword training for my mesmer and it says it gives 50 precision.
How much % does it give me to critically hit if I have +50 precision?


I caved in and bought the game, even though I probably won't be able to play until Friday. At least I will be patched and ready to go by then.
So far the only area that my PC is having trouble with is the Black Citadel, did some of the beginning story missions for my Charr character and I had to get inside of the Citadel up to the commanding officer.

Game slowed down to a crawl and the weird thing is it was even doing that after I entered the instanced area...
Same issue here, but it seemed better last night.
Are there certain things that happen outside of overflow ? I mean. I enjoy that a lot of people are in there. Really have no point to leave if I spend like 80% of my time there and the fact I go into it everytime I leave an instance


Are there certain things that happen outside of overflow ? I mean. I enjoy that a lot of people are in there. Really have no point to leave if I spend like 80% of my time there and the fact I go into it everytime I leave an instance

No. No reason to leave unless the majority of guild is in main and you want to party/group up, but it's mechanically the same.

Also, no screenshots for this game? D:


Whoo, I was able to get the game early and I rolled on the gaf American server! Haven't started playing yet, really looking forward to it though!
This game is amazing. So glad I took the plunge on Friday going in pretty blind. My roomate is now hooked on it as well and there will be plenty of good times ahead. Although now I sit at work wishing I could play

I made it to 15 on my Charr Warrior, I really enjoy exploring the map and getting those Vista points. I got them all for the Charr starting area and got some pretty nice loot from it all.


Think I'll reroll my human warrior as charr, just not feeling it as much on human. I might have human-burnout, usually always play humans in MMO's. Might be time to branch out a little :p

Norn suit the warrior roll, but I think I'll prefer playing a Charr.
Yeah, it blows. I visited the Charr started area and some event that involved some NPCs shooting mortar fire at Harpies started... those shots sent my FPS into the teens for some reason. This in on a 690GTX. Crazy. Nvidia needs to get some good drivers for this game fast.

Yea the Charr area especially the city runs like shit on my gtx. 50-60fps one moment, and then walking into a specific area of the city will have it go down to 10fps or worse even.


Saint Nic
I'm definitely enjoying the game, but the controls are taking some getting used to. It feels only slightly less clunky than GW1 did. That aside, I LOVE the way events just roll together like they do. I also love how I have so many options based off of whatever weapon I've got equipped - definitely adds a LOT of strategy and synergy to the mix.


Um... finally got to log in and it asks me to validate my email address. I click the validation link and get this:


The link you clicked is expired or invalid."

I've tried twice now and got the same message. Anything I can do?


Saint Nic
Um... finally got to log in and it asks me to validate my email address. I click the validation link and get this:


The link you clicked is expired or invalid."

I've tried twice now and got the same message. Anything I can do?

Don't worry - it's broken for the time being. I was worried as well, but it turns out you don't need to activate your email.


Um... finally got to log in and it asks me to validate my email address. I click the validation link and get this:


The link you clicked is expired or invalid."

I've tried twice now and got the same message. Anything I can do?

Yep, just press 'play' and ignore the whole email-validation. :)
Which Necromancer Elite skill is considered the best? Am about to reach lvl 30, not sure if I want to spend all of my skills points on Lich Form


Only got to play about 2 hours this whole weekend ; (

One thing I did notice is if you are on overflow server at a farm and then go to your main server it reset. After finishing a quest I happened to walk by again (back in overflow) and the farm was reset again.

Is this the case for all farms? I was in the human zone, some lettuce farm
Audίoboxer;41450101 said:
The Charr are more bulkier as opposed to being as stupidly tall as the Norns correct?

Kinda, but they are also all hunched over as well which kinda makes them not as tall looking.

Only got to play about 2 hours this whole weekend ; (

One thing I did notice is if you are on overflow server at a farm and then go to your main server it reset. After finishing a quest I happened to walk by again (back in overflow) and the farm was reset again.

Is this the case for all farms? I was in the human zone, some lettuce farm

It doesn't reset, the other server is just on a different part of the quest.


Kinda, but they are also all hunched over as well which kinda makes them not as tall looking.

Cool that'll do, the Norn are just a little too bulky for my tastest.

Think I'll make a Charr warrior called Sir Iron Chef, and specialize in armor making and cooking! Have a little bit of fun with an MMO for once and not be going a mundane human with an ace perfect fantasy fitting name (although I simply don't like going incredibly cheesy on names - The Chargrilled Chef crossed my mind haha.... too long anyway).


Any idea what mobs Bone Chips drop off of? Google told me it only comes from the bags, but that cant be right, can it? Seems like it would be imposible to get a decent amount of them then

starting to wish i chose Leatherworking and cooking/jewelery. Doing leatherworking and huntsman costs a ton of the same mats, guh


so what do people think of the starting areas so far? here's the ones I've been to:

Human - very generic fantasy forest except for the swamp area. the events/hearts weren't interesting either
Norn - kind of generic too (forest/snowy mountain), but a little better. the events seemed more interesting than Humans to me
Sylvani - best looking zone I've seen so far, the jungle is awesome and so is the wildlife. Only did a few events/hearts here so I don't know what it's like
Asura - only visited it a little bit, but it looks nice, no idea on events

still need to go to Charr, anyone know what that one's like?


So far I've played ranger to almost 20, necro and engineer to 7-10. Already I've felt epic with all three of them. Best was hitting a whole line of bandits with a static shield as they were chasing me and gunning them down with my rifle turret and static shot as they were dazed.

still need to go to Charr, anyone know what that one's like?

My favorite, by far. The desert areas aren't the best, but all of the Ascalonian ruins where the ghosts hide out are amazing. Great atmosphere.


Neo Member
So im wondering, since its never been answered or defined cleary.

Once we hit 80.. what PVE is there besides the 5 man dungeons?


gonna jump into this game in about 3 weeks when i'm back from my vacation...

So are you guys enjoying it so far? living up to the hype (at least partly?)

Looking back I think the hype was to high. That's the case with all hype though. It's not the second coming that some were trying to make it out to be. The game is very enjoyable though. Not without it's flaws.

I do like how the game sort of just puts you in the world and says go explore. I think the human city is perhaps to big. Haven't seen the others but a lot of it could easily go unused. Perhaps there should have been multiple home instances with various factors determining which one you had to go to so people were spread out more.


Can anyone tell me how this WvWvW stuff works? Because honestly, if it is Aion-like dumb mass zerging of objectives vs zerged defenders, I am not interested. But if it is something to sign up for and gather resources without actually doing mass pvp, and something along those lines, then I might try it out.


Can anyone tell me how this WvWvW stuff works? Because honestly, if it is Aion-like dumb mass zerging of objectives vs zerged defenders, I am not interested. But if it is something to sign up for and gather resources without actually doing mass pvp, and something along those lines, then I might try it out.

It's a bit of both tbh. You can do mass zerging or you can work in smaller groups defending/attacking resource points etc.


WTF Gamestop.

You start charging me for the CE Thurs of last week and, as of this morning, its not even showing on my statement?

You better be sending it soon.
Every time I've tried to do WvW the que ends up longer than 20 minutes. Kind of bullshit considering the game hasn't even officially launched yet and the numbers are only going to grow.

I hope this isn't an indicator of things to come.
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