It worked pretty good during the beta, so I wouldn't be too worried.Every time I've tried to do WvW the que ends up longer than 20 minutes. Kind of bullshit considering the game hasn't even officially launched yet and the numbers are only going to grow.
I hope this isn't an indicator of things to come.
Can anyone tell me how this WvWvW stuff works? Because honestly, if it is Aion-like dumb mass zerging of objectives vs zerged defenders, I am not interested. But if it is something to sign up for and gather resources without actually doing mass pvp, and something along those lines, then I might try it out.
It worked pretty good during the beta, so I wouldn't be too worried.
Level 25...anyone know if you gotta join up manually for the Lvl 30 dungeon or can you "queue up" and let the game group you up randomly with strangers?
It worked pretty good during the beta, so I wouldn't be too worried.
Just found a way to get like 1200 XP every 3-4 minute ( Level 21 ), without doing anything pretty much besides using auto walkWell this is going to be a fast track levelling day.
Man, this game. I just managed to 100% Rata Sum, and now I know that most of my time in this game will be spent exploring maps.
Lol, "LFG Lvl 30 dungeon(or insert name), pst!!"manually form a party.
Just found a way to get like 1200 XP every 3-4 minute ( Level 21 ), without doing anything pretty much besides using auto walkWell this is going to be a fast track levelling day.
Yeah, so much more fun doing those shitty events and getting pitiful XP from discovering and killing.
Does a quest line introduce you to your first dungeon or do you just have to remember to go to it at lvl 30?
Wow, some people actually have problems with the event system...
Yeah, so much more fun doing those shitty events and getting pitiful XP from discovering and killing.
How is doing the SAME THING every 3-4 minutes for 80 levels more exciting than "shitty events and getting pitiful XP from discovering and killing"?
I guess we play this game entirely different as level 80 isn't my "goal" really, just playing the game and exploring and doing shit like a regular RPG is. If I just grinded the same shit over and over in the same area that would drive me insane. Reminds me too much of having to level in all the other MMO's I have tried.
Wow, people have different opinions?
Is there a preferred weapon type for each class? I didn't realize till last night that each weapon type you can equip grants you different abilities to use both on land and in water.
Not sure what Necromancer is best at weapon wise.
Use a salvaging kit on them to turn them into materials.Question about "stuff" in my bags.
Collectables are easy enough - I just use "store all" or whatever. Gear is also pretty easy - I either salvage or sell it depending on what use I may have for it. But what about items listed as salvage that don't store with "store all"? Are they used for crafting? They aren't considered junk either.
Slightly overwhelmed by this, but I don't seem to care, ha.
Use a salvaging kit on them to turn them into materials.
Because I can sit back and relax, I don't have to look at the map every other fucking second, I don't have to worry about the next shitty dynamic event starting when I'm around, picking up chickens while getting frustrated because 30 other people are taking them making the event last 20 minutes to get some pitiful XP, like 10% of your XP bar. Levelling in this game is atrocious, there's nothing relaxing about it. I'm the guy that likes questing - I levelled 10 x 85s up in WoW and ditched them at 85 because I liked just relaxing, alone, no one around and just levelling up doing the occasional instance with a friend.
Dagger IMO for 1 target dmg. The 1 key does shit loads of dmg.Is there a preferred weapon type for each class? I didn't realize till last night that each weapon type you can equip grants you different abilities to use both on land and in water.
Not sure what Necromancer is best at weapon wise.
Most of the game is what you have described as hating.
Yeah, so much more fun doing those shitty events and getting pitiful XP from discovering and killing.
Hey there! I'm going to go out on a bit of a limb and suggest that maybe this game is simply not for you. Just about everything you said is totally antithetical to the way the game was designed. I wonder what level/age you are...Because I can sit back and relax, I don't have to look at the map every other fucking second, I don't have to worry about the next shitty dynamic event starting when I'm around, picking up chickens while getting frustrated because 30 other people are taking them making the event last 20 minutes to get some pitiful XP, like 10% of your XP bar. Levelling in this game is atrocious, there's nothing relaxing about it. I'm the guy that likes questing - I levelled 10 x 85s up in WoW and ditched them at 85 because I liked just relaxing, alone, no one around and just levelling up doing the occasional instance with a friend.
I'm going to PvP in this game, nothing else.
I have a feeling you won't like the game then. What you're describing as shitty, terrible and other hyperbolic statements is what makes up 99% of the PVE game.
Honestly, I would probably just play a different game, this probably isn't for you as that whole setup you hate is exactly what the game does and is trying to do the entirety of the game. Not trying to be a dick but it seems you just like the way the game works.
I personally couldn't imagine just grinding out levels, the exploration and DE's and random world stuff like exploring is what's awesome, I guess I don't pay much attention to the numbers at the end of the quest. Leveling is the least thing I'm worried about.
How about you just mind your own character and I'll play the game however the fuck I like, eh? I'm enjoying what I'm doing.
While I think it's great too, it won't be the next big thing. It doesn't hold your hand enough. I know a loooot of people that will get turned off by how you're just thrown into the world and basically left to figure it out. I like that, but most don't, especially not the casual playerbase.Well I am enjoying it alot. An MMO has not given me these kinds of withdrawals while away from it, since Vanilla wow.
It feels new and fresh. Especially the freedom in roles and in how you decide to play your game is quiet wonderfull.
The game was hyped up alot, and maybe to much. It is still a MMO and there are still some boundries within the game, but I firmly believe that it is going to be the next big thing.
It is varied enough from wow to not be just another Rift/SWTOR.
How about you just mind your own character and I'll play the game however the fuck I like, eh? I'm enjoying what I'm doing.
Wow, some people actually have problems with the event system...
Jesus dude. How about you have a conversation without being such a fucking twat? You said you hated 99% of the PVE game and I was letting you know it doesn't fucking change. Trying to be helpful.
Plus, just go PVP. You don't have to "grind the shit". You can go straight to PVP and never touch PVE.
Question about "stuff" in my bags.
Collectables are easy enough - I just use "store all" or whatever. Gear is also pretty easy - I either salvage or sell it depending on what use I may have for it. But what about items listed as salvage that don't store with "store all"? Are they used for crafting? They aren't considered junk either.
Slightly overwhelmed by this, but I don't seem to care, ha.
I've been using all the different Necro weapons to see which skill set suits my playstyle and other skills best. I think that's what it's going to come down to. I don't imagine there will be a "best setup" because there are a lot of options for skill builds that are all equally viable.
Is anybody else having to wait 20+ minutes to get into WvW? I have had a hell of a time getting in (haven't yet).
I'm wondering if I'm missing some pop-up or que or something might be turned off.
WvWvW has a player cap
Dagger IMO for 1 target dmg. The 1 key does shit loads of dmg.
To be honest with you, there were a few things I was initially confused about that I wished I knew about earlier. I was surprised that there was nearly no form of tutorial at all, because I remember the first Guild Wars having that. (Strangely, the PvP section has a tutorial-esque sequence.) I'm definitely not a fan of excessive, mandatory hand-holding sections, but I wished there was more to it than the often unhelpful hint pop-ups. But I'm over that now.While I think it's great too, it won't be the next big thing. It doesn't hold your hand enough. I know a loooot of people that will get turned off by how you're just thrown into the world and basically left to figure it out. I like that, but most don't, especially not the casual playerbase.
I'm done speaking with you dude, so far the users in this thread and in the game have been nice an helpful. You seem like a douchebag I'll more than happily ignore in game so I don't really give a fuck what you do or how you do it, I was just pointing out some things for you and was trying to be helpful.
Is there a preferred weapon type for each class? I didn't realize till last night that each weapon type you can equip grants you different abilities to use both on land and in water.
Not sure what Necromancer is best at weapon wise.
I'm done speaking with you dude, so far the users in this thread and in the game have been nice an helpful. You seem like a douchebag I'll more than happily ignore in game so I don't really give a fuck what you do or how you do it, I was just pointing out some things for you and was trying to be helpful.
I prefer dual pistols to the rifle with my Engineer. We can only use Dual Pistols, Pistol & Shield, and a Rifle though.
We do get tons of other weapon kits though. My favorite being Grenade and Bomb so far.