To add to the list of issues, the crafting menus need a LOT more polish. When people say SWTOR did it better, you know that's an area that needs attention!
The crafting itself, however, is absolutely wonderful. A good third of my time in the game has been spent messing around, mostly with cooking.
I'm sort of relieved that you pointed out your issues sourcing materials for leatherworking. I finished my session a few minutes ago wondering what the hell I'm missing. My best leather grab was getting a stack of 40 as part of my achievement reward for fully completing Wayfarer Foothills.
How do you turn off the hud when taking screenshots? Also Anet needs to bring back high res shots.
How do you turn off the hud when taking screenshots? Also Anet needs to bring back high res shots.
Here's my 5. I tried to make my charr the derpiest possible charr there could be.
Server instability is terrrrrriblePlease tell me it gets better the further out I get from the starting zones.
Leatherworking has 8 slot starter bags as well. I'm not sure if it outpaces jewelcrafting later or something, but at least the first bag (first item really) that you make is the same.
Cooking is THE BEST, although from an MMO perspective it could be seen as an expensive waste. I've made some really cool buffs (Sage Stuffed Mushrooms!), but mainly I'm doing it because it's the most fun I've ever had crafting in any game ever. I'm a bit of a food nerd, so shuffling around real ingredients resulting in real recipes in a videogame is endless fun for me. And I get a strange sense of satisfaction out of sending pastries and stews and so on to my friends, so we can get our grind going efficiently.
So far, I've sent a bunch of food to Butzopower, and he's given me two rifles, both better than what I had and with stats I needed. It's these little moments that really add up with this game, even though a lot of the individual parts need some polish pretty urgently. It's all similar to what's been done before, but in practice, the spin Anet put on everything seems to have finally put that magic feeling back into playing an MMO.
Any officers on that can invite me? Some random dude tried to invite me to their guild and I got the pop up. Not sure if it's still working for GAF though. In-game name is Moaradin.
What is the problem with Overflow that people are talking about? Or is it just the fact that it puts you there most of the times?
You're having trouble with poultry? I ran out with my friend and farmed meat for 15 minutes and ended up with around 5 or so, and another 3 or 4 red meat pieces. I just harassed moas for a bit, and (the name escapes me) those giant bison things.
Do you happen to remember where that karma recipe was? Until I can figure out how to get leather faster, I think I'm going to put it all into the best bags I can throw together without having to be too high level.
I'd love to know how much my higher capacity bags would go for on the Trading Post so I could make some more coin BUT I CAN'T
Trading post at launch? I dunno, I'm worried about what prices will look Iike with all the hoarding going on right now out of necessity...
By the way, were you one of the people playing DQX? I thought I saw you in that thread giving impressions. Are you playing both side by side? That game sounds so different from any other new MMOs, I could see being able to enjoy both without feeling like you're doing the same thing over and over.
Anyone else not getting karma for completing hearts? Finished two and got nothing.
Ya am the same guy with a lv 45 fighter in DQX. Both are good games but right now this is solving my needs for the want to explore and pwn random monsters![]()
So what are the highest lvls here already ?
A friend made it to 36 last night, really wondering if he slept at all during the weekend.
Anyone else not getting karma for completing hearts? Finished two and got nothing.
There's a lvl 52 in the guild already. Pretty sure he'll make 80 before the game launches. Watch it be news somewhere too that ppl accomplished this, nvm that it shouldn't matter that much.
As for me, I'm taking my time, making sure I visit every building and try to talk to every NPC in a new area.
Also what's wrong with being in the overflow? I thought it's just the same content and no difference?
Seems like you can't pick up Crafting in the starter areas? Are you guys just running to wherever you have to go, learning Crafting, and then heading back to the starter zone? I'm not really into the idea of just running straight through an area just to get to the Crafting trainer (I'd rather progress naturally) but my bags are getting clogged up with mats :/
Seems like you can't pick up Crafting in the starter areas? Are you guys just running to wherever you have to go, learning Crafting, and then heading back to the starter zone? I'm not really into the idea of just running straight through an area just to get to the Crafting trainer (I'd rather progress naturally) but my bags are getting clogged up with mats :/
Seems like you can't pick up Crafting in the starter areas? Are you guys just running to wherever you have to go, learning Crafting, and then heading back to the starter zone? I'm not really into the idea of just running straight through an area just to get to the Crafting trainer (I'd rather progress naturally) but my bags are getting clogged up with mats :/
Am still searching for who had the bag recipe D:
I know I need to sleep...but I'm contemplating getting up early and putting another hour in. Gah. I think the addiction is taking hold.
I have yet to try sPVP and I prob want to rethink my key bindings and some specs for a mesmer before i hop right into that hole. That said, the few WvWvW runs I did today was damn fun (a shame I never got to experience the RvR from DAoC) and addicting... not to mention very lucrative.
You can pick up crafting in any capital city or Lion's Arch. You have access to all of them from level one.
Just get your gathering tools and gather. When you head to a city or come across crafters out in the world, then you can train what you want and use what you've gathered and deposited.
You can send mats straight from your bags to your collection, which is basically a mat bank. You can do this at any time from anywhere in the world, just click the little gear in the top right or right click on the mat itself
Is there an emote system? I've tried messing around with a few commands - just looking for something like a "smile" or a "thanks" that I can give people who help me out.
Are the capital cities those areas you start in after completing the tutorial? Are they marked with a specific symbol or appear as merchants?
Whoa! Thanks for this!![]()
When you get out of your tutorial TURN AROUND. Your capital city is behind you. Why you don't actually start the game inside of it I have no idea.Is there an emote system? I've tried messing around with a few commands - just looking for something like a "smile" or a "thanks" that I can give people who help me out.
Are the capital cities those areas you start in after completing the tutorial? Are they marked with a specific symbol or appear as merchants?
Whoa! Thanks for this!![]()
How solo-friendly is this game? I read there are area quests, kinda like Warhammer. Do I need to be in a guild and raid for hours without pause to enjoy the content?