Not only do you not, you can't. That very concept is antithetical to the game's design.Do I need to be in a guild and raid for hours without pause to enjoy the content?
Not only do you not, you can't. That very concept is antithetical to the game's design.Do I need to be in a guild and raid for hours without pause to enjoy the content?
There's a lvl 52 in the guild already.
Which bag recipe?
Well, they sent me an e-mail telling me I can play now even when I was supposed to have a three day headstart.
Turns out I can't. Same error. Worst game launch I've ever experienced. Even worse than D3. At least I'll have time today to set up my new rig.
The launch is just fine, and your issue doesn't seem widespread at all.'s nothing like D3.
Yeah, I don't like not knowing what's going on in any sense, and I have trouble clicking on the enemy when there are 1000 allies crowding around it. I prefer fights with moderate amounts of allies. I don't like it when it's 30 allies to 2 enemies. It's also one of the issues I have with WvW. It's just too messy. Battles are just massive spam fests that are completely indecipherable. It bores me. And it's a shame because the combat in the game is very nice when it's not
That's why I state it's the worst lauch I've ever experienced.
Fair enough!
What's your error anyway? Did you try contacting support?
It was some leather bag recipe that you can purchase with karma points.
I think that's happening to me, too. But I've been doing a ton of dynamic events to make up for it.
What race?
Today it happened somewhere around 4:30 PST.Does anyone know when the daily resets?
How often do events reset?
How solo-friendly is this game? I read there are area quests, kinda like Warhammer. Do I need to be in a guild and raid for hours without pause to enjoy the content?
It was some leather bag recipe that you can purchase with karma points. Im trying to figure out where the bloody hell it was.
Its in the Charr zone somewhere. Am still searching wasting a ton of copper warping around lol
Spookie said:If it's a recipe I think I'm right in saying you can discover it if you put the right collection of mats together. It's how I discovered Runes of health and crafting bags.
A question for people playing thief: How do you handle multiple enemies (PVE)?. I did a story mission yesterday where tons of enemies spawned and trying to melee them was impossible because I died too fast. I usually go dual dagger or sword/dagger with dual pistols, but I had to swap in a shortbow to AOE the mobs down from a distance.
Is there any way to handle multiple mobs with melee weapons?
Is this a special bag or bigger than the normal 8 slot bags you'll get with some professions?
Could you please eleborate what these bags are and how to make them?
A question for people playing thief: How do you handle multiple enemies (PVE)?
Thats what Im trying to figure out currently. Actually will see if I can switch my profession and check. I forgot if I purchased the recipe or not though. Will write back.
I still cant find the bloody NPC though. Its driving me up the wall.
Playing Sylvari Thief too.
I use dual daggers and a short bow. What I normally do vs. multiple foes:
1. Start with laying down some of your traps (skills, I picked calltrops and other slows/stunning traps and I use the plant skill sentry.
2. I use the bow first, shoot that explosive arrow to aggro them.
Then lay down the posion field in the area where my traps are.
3. They run through the traps, getting slowed/stunned and poisoned while I keep shooting arrows.
4. They recover and start running towards me.
Just before they reach me, I use the 5th bow skill to teleport behind them (maybe laying down another trap/poison field if it's off of cool down.
5. I switch to dual daggers. First use the 4th skill to throw the bouncing dagger and hit multiple enemies.
Then when they get close I summersault using the 3rd dagger skill and attack them .
If needed I can use my healing skill or use the 5th dagger skill to go into stealth and walk up behind for a nice backstab doing lots of damage.
Basically this way I never die and get in a lot of damage before even having the need to go into melee combat.
Melee combat does a lot of damage and I usually spam that 3rd skill when in melee.
Hope this helps![]()
I shoot them with my bow.
Sounds like I'll have to swap my dual pistols for the bow. I think I'll go back to dual daggers as well. The sword is nice but the second sword skill with the teleport doesn't seem all that useful in pve. What other skills are you using? I'm currently running around with Spider Venom and the precision sigil and using the default healing skill. I'll try out the other healing skills today, I really like the stealth the default heal provides though.
What's your backstab build? I'm running around with as much precision gear as I could find/craft and have so far dumped all trait points into the precision line (can't remember the name).
I imagine the teleport sword skill can be quite useful in pvp. The range of the back teleport seems quite large so it could be really good way to get away quickly.
Thanks again for pointing me to it, Anno (Hasemo here).Yeah that PoI was a bitch.
The PoI is actually under the rock. Look for the stairs down.
Thanks again for pointing me to it, Anno (Hasemo here).
Yeah, it was such a pain. And a tip for everyone looking for it - be prepared to face/run past 3 or 5 ghost bosses while in there.Haha, glad you found it. That thing drove me bananas.
Sword + Torch Mesmer is so fun!
I have a question in the Charr starting area:
How do you get this point of interest? I've looked everywhere! I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the way point next to it being contested.
Also a bunch of people, including myself, had no idea that the people with the heart quests sold weapons and equipment for karma when complete. They always have good stuff!
What other skills are you using? I'm currently running around with Spider Venom and the precision sigil and using the default healing skill. I'll try out the other healing skills today, I really like the stealth the default heal provides though.
Halfway to 10. Do I just grind it out with world events?
Man, this game. I just managed to 100% Rata Sum, and now I know that most of my time in this game will be spent exploring maps.
Holy crap, I had no idea.