Apparently guild inviting works in WvW, from what others have said.
Yes. Accepted an invite into another guild in WvWvW tonight
Apparently guild inviting works in WvW, from what others have said.
Really wishing the trading post was up, so I could get the crafting stuff I need.
The main thing I want is to be able to use materials directly from the bank. You can literally access the bank from the crafting UI to move stuff in/out; why doesn't it just automatically show you what's in the bank and use it if it needs to?
Have they given an estimate on when it'll be up? kinda ridiculous
So can we join guilds across different servers?
This really needs to happen. It kind of defeats the point when I have to stuff my bags full of crap I *might* need for discovery, only to dump it all back in at the end.The main thing I want is to be able to use materials directly from the bank. You can literally access the bank from the crafting UI to move stuff in/out; why doesn't it just automatically show you what's in the bank and use it if it needs to?
I've been hording my karma (4k+ atm). Will it be used in any way for legendary weapons?
There's another way through, that skips the traps.
Wow, I just got to the part of my personal quest where you, and I don't even want to play the game anymore. My green gloves broke, and the fight is just utter bullshit. I'm already downleveled just to do it, and I have my level 20 skills unlocked, so it's not like it'll be getting any easierfight the ringmaster
It's the ROLE CHOICE that matters, what class is used to do a given role with is up to the player. This is a big point that Anet hammered on. Certain class do better at certain roles, but not to the extent that any class is truly necessary.Is there any strategy concerning team comp or given the nature of classes, in this game, does that not matter?
Max guild limit is 500 members AFAIK. Guild currently has just over 250 last time I checked.What is the limit on guild members, and what is the Gaf one at? Curious if I need to be watching this place closely to be sure I get a spot or not.
What is the limit on guild members, and what is the Gaf one at? Curious if I need to be watching this place closely to be sure I get a spot or not.
Even after all the stress tests and headstart I'm still stuck on what to main. Warrior, Ele and Guardian are my faves so far.I can't decide what to main! I'm stumped on both class and race.
What do you guys think is the best warrior trait to get first?
Anyone else gotten banned? I got a 3-day suspension for saying "fuck you guys" in /say next to people doing that XP exploit.
Anyone else gotten banned? I got a 3-day suspension for saying "fuck you guys" in /say next to people doing that XP exploit.
Haha, same thing happened to me. At least it's consistent."Your game will restart in 30 seconds" Oh, better finish this up. *Goes to pick up item*
"Your game will restart in 15 seco- *Restarts*"
What XP exploit?
Haha, same thing happened to me. At least it's consistent.
Stats. I don't know about other classes, but as a Necro my trait unlocks blow. I just look at what stats I like and put points there.I have 12 trait points to work with as an Engineer. I'm so confused on what I want to do because elixrs are proving to be totally bad ass. I also can't decide between the elite skills for the engineer. I have the rocket turret but I'm wishing I would have taken one of the elixirs. So, any advice?
Also, I have a question about corruption. When killing enemies, I get a kill count thing that says your conditions do more damage. Is this something that is curable or what is going on there? I can screenshot it if you need further clarification.
I love my little guy (thief).
So after the update I went to log in and decided to build a new character. When I went to character creation, it went to a black screen and nothing after that. Can someone try this and see if it does the same for you?
Why don't they do patch notes?Wow, that is an amazing amount of work that went into that opening post. I doff my hat to you good sir.
I love Norn. I just really wish their opening area wasn't so boring.
Wow. All this time I thought this game didn't have day and night cycle... turns out it always seemed to be day on the overflow server.