Tried sending out a few pm's last night. Invite to NA?
Any general advice regarding story quests? Those, and their difficulty tuning, are the only thing I truly dislike about this game. I am a Norn Warrior, if that matters. Ranged enemiese their shots seem to auto-aim on you and thus force you to use your dodge which is then unusable for the attack of their melee friends. If I save the dodges for the melee enemies I get chipped down by the ranged enemies, faster than my heal refreshes...
I'm 16 right now and if soloing, with pets of course, I go with axe and focus. The axe has the better direct target damage, but also has that great aoe attack that gives a window of retaliation. The focus gives the nice regen that bounces around. Out of all the off-hands, none have seemed as good as the focus, unless I'm missing something.
But when dealing in a group, I go staff and just drop marks everywhere. For traits, I'm using death magic to up my toughness. Still feel a bit squishy in combat, and I'm not fond of my bone fiend.
I'm really not enjoying the inventory management and crafting in this game
I'm really not enjoying the inventory management and crafting in this game
If you buy one of those set styles on the store, how do you apply it to your armour?
ArenaNet has an incredible post right now on reddit where they're allowing players who've been banned to ask why their account is now suspended. ArenaNet is then pulling the chat logs and publicly commenting on what it was they said that got them a 72 hour suspension. Some of it is a comedic goldmine.
My biggest gripe with the game is that it can be very melee unfriendly at times. I understand that no class is a melee class and all that, but my Guardian is toeing that fine line since I'm not a huge fan of their Scepter/Staff skills. Getting up close, in my experience thus far, creates issues where you can't see the boss aoe to roll out of like you can at range, and also opens you up to direct attacks that aren't an issue at range. For some bosses, like the Fire elemental, you're also much more likely to have six adds randomly aggro and zerg you since most other people seem to just shoot from range and are too far away to aggro the adds. My solution would be to somehow provide melee players a 25-50% damage reduction in PVE encounters with creatures like that.
Yeah you're probably right. I just always kept any movement stock and used mouse keys, modifier keys and the other keys around the movement keys to bind my hotkeys. Q and E as pure strafing is second nature to me after years of MMOs.
My biggest gripe with the game is that it can be very melee unfriendly at times. I understand that no class is a melee class and all that, but my Guardian is toeing that fine line since I'm not a huge fan of their Scepter/Staff skills. Getting up close, in my experience thus far, creates issues where you can't see the boss aoe to roll out of like you can at range, and also opens you up to direct attacks that aren't an issue at range. For some bosses, like the Fire elemental, you're also much more likely to have six adds randomly aggro and zerg you since most other people seem to just shoot from range and are too far away to aggro the adds. My solution would be to somehow provide melee players a 25-50% damage reduction in PVE encounters with creatures like that.
Another problem ive run into is random XP gaps where youll get halfway to the next level, but run out of hearts/vistas/etc and cant stumble across an event. I mean, i can run around aimlessly looking to run into one, but that becomes a coin flip. My last 'issue' is that it seems like a pain to acquire enough components to naturally level leatherworking (and tailoring from what map chat seemed to indicate), as well as the random drop fine materials needed for crafting weapons. Overall the game is excellent, but like any game it can use further refinement IMO.
The starting Norn area looks pretty poor. Someone tell me gets way better please.
Yeah, that's why we're using the ones nearest to WSAD, so we don't have to reach far.![]()
I found the Norn area pretty dull too. Charr area is very cool if your looking for big scale warzones.
If your more into nature and love the Sylvari have a nice startingzone.
If you like humour the Asura is quiet hillarious.
I asked this before but now that more people are playing I will ask again.
Is anyone playing this on a TV? How does the UI scale and do you think it's a completely playable experience on a large HDTV?
Go in another zone. I'm level 32 and have VASTLY out leveled most of the content due to me and Wes wishing to have a look at the charr zone. After doing that and a bit of WvW things went out of control.
Finished up Wayfarer Foothills last night (and got some baller boots and pants), and then decided to advance my personal story line. Which I did... until 'Rumors of Trouble.' That mission is so fucked. NPC allies wipe immediately, and then I died over and over, making very little progress on what I understand to be only the first wave of 3. Die to aoe, respawn (naked, because my armor broke half an hour ago), immediately die again, if not to the aoe, then to the basic attacks which take like a fifth of my health off at a time. Rinse and repeat.
I would have asked for help, but I haven't been able to get into the guild yet TT.
Anyone have any advice for this quest?
How to get to other race starting zones when they're far away?
What? Crafting in this game is amazing!
Go to LA and portal there.
Hit B to go to World vs World and you'll find a portal straight to Lion's Arch.Lion's Arch seems far away as well. Is there a portal? I'm an Asura Engineer
Thanks then I need to find a new axe, since I salvaged the one I have by misstake
So far Ive upped my power and cond dmg by traits but I think I will follow your example and put some points in toughness since I also feel a bit squishy when I dont have my Death Shroud up.
Which pet do you use? I recently started using the Shadow fiend but like bone fiend it dies soo fast![]()
dumb question sorry, but are you at the appropriate level for the quest?
I bought the digital version that ANet put up yesterday so I could flip through it on my iPad while I was out, and the contents were pretty awful. It's even missing the crafting recipe list that it claims to have.Anyone getting the BradyGames official strategy guide?
How are they doing all this awesome without a monthly fee?
How are they doing all this awesome without a monthly fee?
How are they doing all this awesome without a monthly fee?
I never really touched it in the BWE's and stress tests so I probably expected more based off of all the gushing reviews
It's not a deal changer for me or anything but some of my gripes are just:
- Better tutorials needed for crafting/inventory management
- Better sorting options (i.e item types grouped together)
- I would like when you click on a salvaging kit for all the items that can me salvagable to be highlighted so I am not wasting time
- While it is nice that the bank tab is in the crafter screen, it is still a pain to make room for crafting gear in your bags while you need to craft only to put the mats right back when you are done
Maybe there are tricks I don't know yet, I had zero time to play this weekend and when I had a chance last night I found the game to be very grindy, probably because I was so far behind people in my guild and there were a lot of public quest I needed to solo (some are very time consuming).
Love my engineer, game is still fun but it is not the earth shattering fun I had in the BWE's
I use both. And my blood fiend. I'm running around with three pets.
How are they doing all this awesome without a monthly fee?