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Guild Wars 2 |OT| Buy Once, Sub Never, Fun Forever

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Finally started moving away form Divinity's Reach to see various events start up like crazy. As a guardian is a bit annoying to constantly come across range creatures. Granted I do have a leap attack that I can use to catch up but allowing when things start to run away. I've started using a range weapon just for those cases however. Didn't like the animation for the scepter though so now that I have a good staff I'll se how that looks and works out.

Can't tell if crafting is going to be worth it though. I usually dislike it because it's nothing but a big time sink that is more boring work then something that ends up being interesting or fun. Been messing around with it but I think I might just drop it and focus on fighting, exploring, and maybe just resource gathering and try selling those items. Trying to do it while leveling usually results in feeling like is accomplished. I never seem to be able to keep it high enough to outfit myself (in any game) as I progress.
Downloading the game now, does picking a world really matter that much? Is GAF on one particular world or does it not work like that? I intend to spend most of my day at work reading up on GW2!

Any recommend all in one spot reading links?

The OP has the GAF servers right under the banner.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Downloading the game now, does picking a world really matter that much? Is GAF on one particular world or does it not work like that? I intend to spend most of my day at work reading up on GW2!

Any recommend all in one spot reading links?

Picking a home server matters in WvW (you can guest to other servers to play with people on those servers in PvE content).

So, if you want to play WvW with most of GAF then choose Stormuff Isle (NA) or Gandara (Europe).
Oh my god... the custom soundtrack function plus remixes of "Star Stealing Girl" from OC Remix in the Night playlist is pure tranquility in the Sylvari area! :D


Neo Member
How exactly is it possible to enjoy WvWvW when your server sucks at it? Most of the time there is no progress done at all, enemies are constantly outnumbering you and it just gives you the feeling that you're wasting your time.

Stay out of the Zerg, it will not end well for you :)

I have found that we have a lot of fun when 5 or so of us run off to grab the smaller objectives. That seems to be around the critical mass which will attract others to join your blob, and then you get to hit some larger points.

Of course if your blob grows large enough it will reach the critical mass where the mob thinks it can "totally take that keep", at which point it will smash against the gates until the defenders turn up and destroy them.

At that stage I recommend the five or so intial guys wander quietly off and start at another supply depot. There are only so many people I can watch being killed whilst feverishly meleeing a massive wooden gate.
How exactly is it possible to enjoy WvWvW when your server sucks at it? Most of the time there is no progress done at all, enemies are constantly outnumbering you and it just gives you the feeling that you're wasting your time.

Does your server suck in every area of WvWvW? For example last night Jade Quarry was dominating their borderlands, most of the other serves were just abandoning the battleground since it was going nowhere, but zooming out you see the battles were different or more even on the other battlegrounds. If your current wvwvw battleground is being dominated, try to queue to another one where things are more even for better battles. Most of the server abandoned where we were and went to Eternal BG and it was more fun as it was actually something we could fight back on.


How exactly is it possible to enjoy WvWvW when your server sucks at it? Most of the time there is no progress done at all, enemies are constantly outnumbering you and it just gives you the feeling that you're wasting your time.
Servers are rematched after two weeks to make it more even. It's the first real campaign, so some servers are dominating.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Oh my god... the custom soundtrack function plus remixes of "Star Stealing Girl" from OC Remix in the Night playlist is pure tranquility in the Sylvari area! :D
Chrono Trigger/Cross music is a great idea.

All I've done so far is replace the title screen with Epic Struggle (turned Autoplay on and mute in background off. Gives me goosebumps).

That reddit thread, omg
ArenaNet has an incredible post right now on reddit where they're allowing players who've been banned to ask why their account is now suspended. ArenaNet is then pulling the chat logs and publicly commenting on what it was they said that got them a 72 hour suspension. Some of it is a comedic goldmine.

Name: OK
Chat: Not ok -- Neurologic: "the worm IS fucking hard if you're a fucking mentalpatient no we fucking dont you can take a keep with 5 people if you're not a fucking dickhead"
Didn't get to play much last night to due installing a new SSD (my first) but I did get an hour in. Load times felt so good.

Now at work and back to thinking about GW2. Oh man. ;_;
my two chars.


I got a key from a drop or something so it's possible to open them without paying real cash.

I got a key from a drop (edit: or quest reward, not sure which), and the chest I opened dropped another key :). Got two 50% MF boosts, a Black Lion salvage kit, some dyes. I was pretty happy.


I'm totally new to Guild wars and MMOs in general, so bear with me GAF.
How similar is GW2 to WoW? I have a friend who loves WoW and he's always telling me to get into it but I don't have the time to play everyday or at the same time everyday. Which leads me to my next question. Is this game enjoyable as a single player experience? Any other gafers planning to fly solo?
Made an elementslist last night and got to lvl 11, it is much more fun then my 27 hunter. It has many more abilities with its ability to switch between elements on the fly, also it does a lot more damage and aoe so it's good for dynamic events. I will probably make it my main. I wish I didn't spend 15 hours on my hunter :( at least achievements are account wide!

I'm totally new to Guild wars and MMOs in general, so bear with me GAF.
How similar is GW2 to WoW? I have a friend who loves WoW and he's always telling me to get into it but I don't have the time to play everyday or at the same time everyday. Which leads me to my next question. Is this game enjoyable as a single player experience? Any other gafers planning to fly solo?

Don't get into wow, it was a great game and had a fabulous run but its time has passed.
Lion's Arch seems far away as well. Is there a portal? I'm an Asura Engineer. Sorry for the dumb Qs

There is an Asuran Gate to Lion's Arch inside each main-race's city. Its a bit hard to give directions for Rata Sum off the top of my head, but I believe its on the same level as the exit to Metrica Province, except on the opposite side of the cube.

What's inside those Black Lion chests or whatever they're called? I've got like 5 in my bank but keys cost gems. :(

I have gotten transmutation stones, and some random consumable buff items that you can buy in the store. I think it was an xp enhancer.



Anyone want to know how Titan Alliance has been going? Nope? Didn't think so. WvW is the single best PvP experience in any MMO that I've ever had.


The Cryptarch's Bane
It (WvWvW) is an absolute blast.

For those who are totally new to the experience, I'll be giving some more guided tours of the general basics to make it less intimidating to jump in. Maybe I'll do one tonight if there's interest.



Anyone want to know how Titan Alliance has been going? Nope? Didn't think so. WvW is the single best PvP experience in any MMO that I've ever had.
Lol, maybe because you are winning every single fight because you heavily outnumber every enemy encounter? My server is like Sorrow's furnace (ratio 225, 25, 21) on your WvW list and it's NO FUN.
How do you get legendary weapons? Has anyone gotten one yet?

It takes a lot of grinding to get the mats. Not sure if the recipes which were found during the last BWE were the final ones but you need like 250 skill points for one ingredient, for example.

Once you have all the ingredients you either craft it, or use the mystic forge to create it. I am not too sure, tbh. I think you use the forge, but maybe either method works.


My characters so far. Erin Zana (Necromancer), Kaaya (Guardian), Oya (Elementalist), and Zinta (Engineer)

Currently playing with Erin. Going to start with the others once I get her to reach level 30. Its been really slow though. I can't understand how people level so quickly.
Here is a controller configuration that I created for my Logitech F710 if anyone is interested in it.


Left Stick X-Axis		Turn Left/Right			A,D
Left Stick Y-Axis		Forwards/Backwards		W,S
Right Stick X-Axis		---				Mouse X-Axis
Right Stick Y-Axis		---				Mouse Y-Axis
Left Stick Button		---				Mouse Right Button
Right Stick Button		---				Mouse Left Button

A				Jump				SPACE
B				Weapon Skill 3			3
X				Weapon Skill 1			1
Y				Weapon Skill 2			2
RB				---				CTRL
RT				---				SHIFT
LB				Weapon Skill 4			4
LT				Weapon Skill 5			5

Direction Pad UP		Interact			F
Direction Pad DOWN		Swap Weapons			`
Direction Pad LEFT		Previous Enemy			[
Direction Pad RIGHT		Next Enemy			]
SELECT				Map Screen			M
START				Hero Screen			H

RB + X				Utility Skill 1			CTRL + 1
RB + Y				Utility Skill 2			CTRL + 2
RB + B				Utility Skill 3			CTRL + 3
RB + A				Healing Skill			CTRL + SPACEBAR
RB + LB				Elite Skill			CTRL + 4
RB + LT				(NOT SET)			CTRL + 5

RT + X				Profession Skill 1		SHIFT + 1
RT + Y				Profession Skill 2		SHIFT + 2
RT + B				Profession Skill 3		SHIFT + 3
RT + A				Profession Skill 4		SHIFT + SPACEBAR
RT + LB				Autorun				SHIFT + 4
RT + LT				Dodge				SHIFT + 5

RB + Direction Pad UP		Black Lion Trading Screen	CTRL + F
RB + Direction Pad DOWN		Pet Screen			CTRL + `
RB + Direction Pad LEFT		Guild Screen			CTRL + [
RB + Direction Pad RIGHT	Party Screen			CTRL + ]
RB + START			Options Screen			CTRL + H
RB + SELECT			Contacts Screen			CTRL + M

RT + Direction Pad UP		Zoom In (Map - Floor Up)	SHIFT + F
RT + Direction Pad DOWN		Zoom Out (Map - Floor Down)	SHIFT + `
RT + Direction Pad LEFT		Previous Ally			SHIFT + [
RT + Direction Pad RIGHT	Next Ally			SHIFT + ]
RT + START			Inventory			SHIFT + H

RT + RB + START			Show/Hide HUD			SHIFT + CTRL + H
RT + RB + SELECT		Screenshot			SHIFT + CTRL + M


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, that's what everyone tells me. Great avatar btw.

Is GW2 a good solo experience? It says so in the blurb but I wanna hear GAF's opinions.
Well... it depends what you mean.

You can't play literally by yourself except in your personal story, but you don't need to "group up" in the traditional sense a single time either.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I'm such a dummy, at level 29 I noticed I had about 10 skill points so I decide to buy a random skill just to try it out. Leveled to 30 and couldn't afford any of the elites. Time to go skill point hunting!


Lol, maybe because you are winning every single fight because you heavily outnumber every enemy encounter? My server is like Sorrow's furnace (ratio 225, 25, 21) on your WvW list and it's NO FUN.

Heavily outnumber? There's a population limit in WvW :(


Finished up Wayfarer Foothills last night (and got some baller boots and pants), and then decided to advance my personal story line. Which I did... until 'Rumors of Trouble.' That mission is so fucked. NPC allies wipe immediately, and then I died over and over, making very little progress on what I understand to be only the first wave of 3. Die to aoe, respawn (naked, because my armor broke half an hour ago), immediately die again, if not to the aoe, then to the basic attacks which take like a fifth of my health off at a time. Rinse and repeat.

I would have asked for help, but I haven't been able to get into the guild yet TT.

Anyone have any advice for this quest?

There's thre waves. I managed to get to the third but failed at the last enemy who keeps spawning new ones... In the end I inquired in /m chat and there was another person having difficulties. We teamed up and scraped through.


WvW will be more fun once they gather enough data and pair the servers better. For now, I'm not touching it. No joy in outnumbering the other team.


Yeah, that's what everyone tells me. Great avatar btw.

Is GW2 a good solo experience? It says so in the blurb but I wanna hear GAF's opinions.
I would say it doesn't really have a solo experience, outside of the personal story (and personal story quests can be a few levels apart). You'll just naturally be working with other players to do the dynamic events, but you never have to wait around spamming LFG since it's kind of like you are in a party with everyone in the game already.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Here is a controller configuration that I created for my Logitech F710 if anyone is interested in it.


How has that been going for you? I feel like dragging items/the map with left mouse click assigned to right stick-down feels off. And having interact assigned to the dpad means you have to stop moving if you want to interact with anything, which slows you down from running over mass corpses and looting.
Yeah, that's what everyone tells me. Great avatar btw.

Is GW2 a good solo experience? It says so in the blurb but I wanna hear GAF's opinions.

For basic PvE you don't need to group, but you will end up passively working together with other players based around how the quests/mechanics are designed. Pretty much everything you do out in the open world can be done without hindering others/being hindered by others without having to actively group.

This part of the game encourages passive grouping, and working together, but it is seemless in nature without having to go out of your way to form groups. Its different from any other MMO/multiplayer game that I have personally played...so while you'll end up working with others, you can do so completely at your own leisure without ever saying a word to anyone. I think you'd be missing out if you did this, but it is possible to play and pretend all those other players are nothing more than random npcs.

For dungeons/harder PvE you'll need to form up in a group of 5 people in order to complete it. I am not sure if dungeons are required to comlpete the personal storyline...i don't think they are.

If you want to go into WvW you'll probably want to either group with someone or at least follow your ally dots around. There is "material" for solo'ing in WvW, but I don't really know how viable it is.

For sPvP you could just do random matches and do alright for yourself without ever talking to your teammates. As long as your opponent is equally uncoordinated you could prolly have some fun with that.

anyone know how long a character transfer to a new server takes?

A friend did it over the weekend and it was instantaneous, aside from some error/can't process codes. But once the request went through, she was fully transferred to our server immediately.
Heavily outnumber? There's a population limit in WvW :(

So you're saying you haven't outnumbered the enemies when you attacked? I want to see you try to attack a troop of 100 people when there's 30 of you, because thats exactly how it is on the other "worser" servers
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